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Friday, December 14, 2018

Marx certainly didn't defeat unc' Adolf; rather, it was capitalist production, even though harnessed by socialist-statism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Marx Was Horrific Failure, Dupe; Hitler Heroic, But Tragic Savior Ambushed By Fate
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 18)

I think Durocher rather fails for his analysis/assessment of Soral, and it certainly wasn't Marx who defeated dear unc' Adolf and those heroic Germans.

What actually defeated Hitler and Germans was Jew S A Lend-lease and the tremendous, decisive aid that Jew S A was able to give to Britain (UK) and USSR, esp. in way of FOOD which USSR desperately needed, along w. trucks and jeeps transportation--this transportation revolutionizing the Red Army for motorization and mobility which enabled Russkies' victory over an otherwise superior German military force, pure and simple.

IT WASN'T MARX THAT DEFEATED HITLER. Hitler and Germans simply did not realize the tremendous productive capacity of Jew S A and its effect in bolstering, even rejuvenating the Red military effort. For otherwise, Hitler and General staff rightly thought they'd delivered death-blows--they just under-estimated Jew S A supply and logistics. The great German envelopment tactics of '41 and '42 gave-out in attrition, the Russkies now too quick, agile, and mobile w. all the Jeeps and trucks they had fm Jew S A.

Otherwise, the large cultural force in play was globalist, socialist world-dictatorship of United Nations (UN) vs. the honest, patriotic nationalist ideal of Germany, Germans terribly out-numbered, but Marx was surely not responsible for that globalist victory either--rather, it was the tremendous capitalist productive output of Jew S A.--yes, even though that capitalist structured economic power was harnessed in socialist form and motivation, at least at top leadership levels further extended down through the bureaucracy, including public edjumacation.

In the larger view, Oswald Spengler provides best context and grasp of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," Western reason and individualism, founded upon Aristotelian objectivity, thus spiritual health declining in Judaic SUBJECTIVISM and Talmudic MIDRASH (interpretation), this upon the specific, putrid, mystic moralism, Pharisaism and altruist collectivism giving rise to guilt-complex and virtue-signaling which everyone so indulges in this moronic day and age.

For note racialism is founded in DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect, which necessarily follows fm objectivity. But fm time of Rousseau and the Scottish "moral sentimentalists" of Smith and Hume, then through German transcendentalism beginning w. Kant and Kantian Pharisaism, Western culture and reason were doomed. And note further, Christian culture had also been horrifically subverted by the Jew Rothschild take-over of Vatican finances in 1824--as such take-over had earlier triumphed over Western economics since the Bank of England criminal enterprise of 1694 featuring fiat-currency.

Don't forget Marx upheld the out-moded "labor" theory of value which was decisively replaced by "marginal utility," the pt. being that "value" is subjective. It doesn't matter the great labor I might put into making of mud-pies--they're worthless, regardless all the labor and work I did. What determines value is SUBJECTIVE in accord w. DEMAND of the market. And labor is most affected by the product of the mind and the tools which are placed in workers' hands by the entrepreneurs and capitalists--as the Austrian school teach (even though so many of them were Jews, yes, I know).

So what we see fm history is that Hitler did magnificently for leadership and revisionism of the utterly corrupt Versailles treaty, Germany traduced by the British-French-Russian conspiracy to start WWI--see Docherty and MacGregor's "Hidden History," the Entente conspiracy well known and exposed by the mid 1920s--EVERYONE knew how thoroughly CORRUPT was Versailles treaty--which conspiracy of lies is still carried on today by the Jew-centric, Jew-oriented history and edjumacation in the idiot factories called "public education" and popular culture.

Observe how Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, then Austria and Germany were attacked. Note how historical events and circumstances of WWI are so mysterious and unknown today, esp. in comparison w. the factoids and details of WWII and the glorious Bolshevik revolution, etc.

So much for Soral and Durocher who try their best, surely, but are merely instructive for their failures. Marx merely carried-on the putrid moralist tradition of Scottish sentimentalists, Rousseau, and then German transcendental nonsense and mysticism which gave us modern statism, fascism, and genocidal socialism of present-day Agenda-21, -2030, "population-reduction," and world dictatorship.

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