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Friday, March 23, 2018

Jews: are they really that "smart"?--ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Anti-Christ Liars Expose Themselves As Jew Morons
(Apollonian, 23 Mar 18)

Don't u moronic fools (see above link) realize people can see through ur idiotic ad hominem lies and mis-representations of the real Christianity?--which anyone can easily see, research, and verify? How stupid can u get?--u're obviously just a bunch of Jew lying scum--I thought u kikes were supposed to be "smart"?

After ur idiot ad hominem lies about St. Paul in first para., u say in second para., "The Gospel narratives are Jewish legends based on Jewish ideas...." But note "Jew" is not same as JUDEAN; "Jew" refers exclusively to descendents of Pharisees and their (largely middle-class) followers, Pharisees leading only about 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ.

Christ OPPOSED Pharisees, hence Jews--entire New Test. LITERATURE is the dramatization of the dialectic btwn Christ and Christian truth vs. Jew lies, lying, liars, morons--it's why Jews decided to murder Christ, like they work to murder truth and the idea of an objective reality serving as criterion for TRUTH (= Christ--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

So what Christianity actually represents is the HELLENIZATION of the descendents of the Israelites, and only Christians are the true "Israel," of the Bible, and as St. Paul expounds for us, as in his Epistle to Romans. Thus Christianity is "anti-semitic," as the Jews define "anti-semitism, Christ = truth, explicitly opposing Jew/satanic lies, lying, liars, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 8:44. For further ref., see and

1 comment:

  1. See especially,
