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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Advice for Ken for his thoughts, philosophy upon subject of "free" will and "good-evil," these being notorious pretexts for satanism (extreme subjectivism)....

Perfectly "Free Will" Mere Pretext For Subjectivism, Satanism, Don't Forget
(Apollonian 4 Mar 18)

Ken: I watched ur latest show, titled, "You Create Our Own Reality so Create Freedom & Truth," so I thought I'd go over some of the reasons, including the most basic ones, why reality MUST be determined, why we don't and can't create our own reality. I also comment a bit on some of the pt.s made in the vid, including the "Book of Revelations."

(a) Note then cause-effect is one of the most basic laws we understand fm induction, and it has to apply to humanity no less than anything else. So the default is necessarily that of determinism. "Free will" is simply mere wishful-thinking and question-begging, which cannot be proven. All u've ever done is to simply assert there's free will and u additionally cite Buddha whom u say says so--but this doesn't make it true. If Buddha really said that, it's no wonder Buddhism is so much subject to being "owned" by Jews, foremost subjectivists (satanists).

Note also in the entire hist. of philosophy and ethics, there's NEVER been any satisfactory criterion for such childish "good-evil" that works in all cases. Ethics and morality is simply LOGIC btwn ends and means, the means chosen so as to best serve and accomplish ends, the ends which could conceivably be anything, depending only upon the person.

The serious question remains WHY it is u insist upon this hubristic, perfect, God-like freedom of will?--this is the basic premise of the Jews, don't forget, by which they found all their pretensions (and lies and lying)--it seems u fall for it all, playing their game for them. Note a perfectly "free" will is mere back-door means to accepting their extreme subjectivism and satanism.

(b) And reality can only be one way--it can't be both objective and subjective at same time, a violation of law-of-identity and non-contradiction.

(c) Note also, in accord w. truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as understood in Christian theology, we're creatures of will, hence self-interest, the basis of "sin," such as it is, and we can't not be "sinners," as verified by St. Paul.

So the problem is really reducible to the either-or btwn objective and subjective--it's only one way.

Note Jews want to have it both ways w. idea (a) that they're so virtuous and "intelligent" as they're so virtuous for their "choices," etc., but it's ALWAYS this pretext for (non-existent) "good-evil" and the prior perfectly "free" will by which they want to induce the false premise of subjectivism and (eventually) satanism. (b) Note at same time along w. this subjectivism and "free" will, they ALSO insist deterministically they're "chosen" by God, etc.--they work it both ways ("double-think," in classic Orwellian style).

Note also that even if Jews can't get folks to accept outright satanism (EXTREME subjectivism), they at least want to plant the seed of doubt regarding subjectivism, which may not seem so "extreme," and the subjectivist nature which makes people subject to more subtle manipulation by this satanism as it is practiced and imposed by others, including the Jews and associated satanic masterminds.

Thus Jews work to manipulate and intimidate the people, including even their own people (soooo ruthless they are) upon INFERIORITY-complex and GUILT-complex which are induced upon people sooo successfully, esp. at an early age, fm which only few are ever able to dis-entangle themselves. For if one seriously believes in free will then one is always necessarily worried one made a mistake for choices, thus guilt and inferiority -complexes which always follow fm (perfectly) "free" will delusion and fallacy.

U also mentioned the "Book of Revelations," but again, u should remember New Test. is LITERATURE which carries a philosophic lesson. In case of "Revelations," it describes "end-times" which is a part of the CYCLIC theory and nature of history, and as there have been numerous cyclic turnings throughout history, there are always disastrous "end-times" phases and stages of such CYCLIC hist. which is how the determinist nature manifests in history--in CYCLES, including the end-phase(s).

I suspect ur Buddhism may be causing serious conflict for u philosophically and psychologically--reality is necessarily objective, given the reduction-ad-absurdum of subjectivism in which anything goes, anything and everything being both "truth" and lies, even at the same time, humans being their own Gods unto themselves, Jews the collectivistic, ultra-organized, most cohesive masters of it all for this subjectivist psychosis. And if reality is objective, as I've always noted for u, it must be determined according to absolute cause-effect.

Finally, note we exercise will as we're not sure how reality will actually take place at particular given times, 5 seconds fm now, or 5 mins fm now, or 5 hrs fm now--even though we know in overall wisdom that if all the factors were known for sure, it might otherwise be predicted successfully. THUS, for practical purposes, we exercise will--as when we guide the steering of the car we might be driving, for example.

Anyway, it's still good to see u discuss and entertain these basic ideas and principles and get others to discussing them in serious way as u do. Keep up ur good work. A.

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