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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Christianity is adored by Christians most and esp. for it's ETHICS, but the poor fools don't realize how Christianity has been MYSTIFIED, subverted by satanists/Jews....

Why/How satanists (Led By Jews) Win, Continue Dominance--Christianity Is Made Mystic
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 18)

With so many Christians and those who pretend to Christianity, one might think Christians enjoy a certain advantage, even in present times, in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--and this is surely true to an extent. But note the dis-advantages.

For in present circumstances of "victory" and "prosperity," the "people" have become over-populated, so many of these infected w. the disease of HUBRIS, by which they imagine they're possessed of Godly powers, capable of creating what didn't already exist, etc. Especially, these over-populated scum imagine they've achieved "good" and "moral virtue." Thus satanism rules and dominates, built upon HUBRIS, "prosperity," and "victory"--the natural, CYCLIC, determinist, "Decline of the West."

So what is, was, and always has been the great attraction for dear Christianity?--it was ETHICS, the understanding and practical application--what people so urgently seek to know most, ethics. Such practical demonstration and simple commentary upon ethics was, and still is, the great glory of Christian New Test. literature, and it's hero, Christ--St. Paul and others thereupon commenting further.

Thus Christianity and it's ethics is RATIONALISTIC, understandable, and most easily applied as practically possible to the human condition--Christian ethics is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT about (a) non-existent "good," or (b) guilt--in fact, it was for purpose of removing such guilt. And it (Christian ethics) was NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT about (c) self-sacrifice or (d) pacifism.

Christian ethics thus was not only rationalist, hence understandable, but it was effective and practical--the great thing about Christ was he so well demonstrated--such was (and still is) the great service and achievement of New Test. literature.

But what happened, throughout hist.?--Christianity was turned into mysticism and mystified, effected by satanists, Jews and their lies, and esp. then by their satanic instrument of central-banking and fiat-currency by which ALL present establishment Churches have been bought, captured, and controlled by Jews, satanists, and the fiat-currency systems. See,, and for expo on Talmudic subjectivism by which "Torah" only means what rabbis say it means--subjectivism, their greatest ideal and instrument--their (satanic) God.

Thus the people must now merely be informed of the real "good news" that Christianity is SUPPOSED and DESIGNED to be rational, rationalistic, and founded in reason and hence within the objective reality. For it has been forgotten by tooooo many of these fools, morons, scum, and presently over-populated goons that CHRIST = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and the Holy Spirit is mostly reason, reason integrated throughout the spirit, conscious and sub-conscious, along w. HONESTY--necessary means by which to apprehend such truth (= Christ).

Thus the significance of Christ = truth is that such "truth" cannot exist without the OBJECTIVE, God-given, reality which is opposed to satanic subjectivism in which extreme subjectivism one makes oneself God, the creator of reality, further bolstered by the COLLECTIVE subjectivism of organized, strategically-led satanism--which satanic (extreme) subjectivism is nearly always led by and dominated by most sublime subjectivists and satanists, the Jews. Gentile subjectivists are typically not nearly as organized or collectivistic as Jews.

So the practical, political problem is the broad people and citizenry are mis-led, traduced, and subverted by the satanist-affected churches and related organizations, un-aware Christianity is supposed and designed to be RATIONALIST, not mystic, and that such rationalist ethics is not supposed or designed for "good," guilt, self-sacrifice, or pacifism

And thus as Christianity is about TRUTH (= Christ), above all, it is anti-satanist and hence, anti-semitic, Jews being foremost satanists/subjectivists (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

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