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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Our hero and saint, unc' Adolf (Hitler), within context of large hist. and sociologic trends, CYCLIC "Decline of West," by Spengler....

Context Of Hitler Within Large Scheme Of History, Sociology
(Apollonian, 10 Jun 17)

Thus to see the great heroism of our saint, Adolf Hitler, we need merely place him most accurately within proper historic and sociologic context. Consistent then w. objective reality and determinist cause-effect, we observe the CYCLIC nature of things in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West." And observe Spengler wrote his great work during the first world war (WWI), a hundred yrs ago.

So first we note the CYCLIC waves of "Enlightenment" and following late modern period fm French Rev., and we see at least two or three large trends: (a) the rise of the Rothschild central banking empire (the criminal enterprise of legalized counterfeiting; see for expo on central-banking), with serious, even monumental effects and implications for USA throughout its history, and (b) the continuing rise of the middle-class, but now additionally the new moralistic culture and psychology of Immanuel Kant, featuring the hubristic and subjectivist ethics of "good-evil" and altruist self-sacrifice, leading ineluctably to Marxian socialism/communism (bolshevism) as political expression.

(c) Thus, especially in USA and England (UK), the great economic machine, guided by middle-class culture and remnant Christianity, continued to generate an incredible force and productivity which grew even despite in USA the outbreak of horrendous war btwn the states of the 1860s, north and south, the northern section enabled to decisively and ruthlessly conquering the south, and doing this while the economy barely suffered, the north simply continuing along, pacifying the western parts of the continent and expanding even further fm there in 19th cent. to 20th, to world empire, beginning in Hawaii and Philippines, for examples.

Meantime we see (historically) dear unc. Adolf (Hitler) growing-up in the middle-class German culture, but having to work on his own then, among the working-class, after his parents died when he was still quite young, thereupon after the outbreak of WWI becoming a hardened veteran soldier and later political leader by his thirtieth yr., after his country found itself the loser of the first world war.

The second world war (WWII) must be seen as mere continuation of the first as it was designed to be, the satanic objects being (a) world-"government" dictatorship by means of the League of Nations (1919), later the United Nations (UN), during and after WWII; (b) the taking of Palestine fm Ottomans and Arabs, and (c) the establishment of Bolshevik Russia, the specific template/model for eventual world dictatorship begun officially by League of Nations (see "Shadows of Power," by Perloff).

Thus Hitler and the Germans faced-off against the satanist-bolshevik power, the Germans to be attacked once again, the people of the West rather blind-sided by infernal perfidy of the satanist Anglo-American leadership led by Jew bankers, the pure criminal and satanic nature of central-banking not yet understood by the people, yet the tremendous economic power unleashed fm the former enlightenment, rationalist, middle-class culture continuing for impetus, all of these factors feeding the horrific HUBRIS of that very same middle class and Western culture, now in Spenglerian "decline."

But again, note though the Western middle-class culture was surely in "decline," yet the economy, just as after 1860s war btwn states in USA, continued in strongest health and vitality, even though it would be doomed to increasing and eventual bureaucratic encumberment soon enough, as we see today.

Here in USA of the second decade of 21st cent., we are watching the twilight of American post-WWII boom-times and economic "prosperity," such as it was. US Dollar as world reserve currency is about to decisively vanish, perhaps never to return, and the poor fools of the population, distracted by the Jew-tube (TV), among sundry other diversions, hardly realize the disaster as it arises all about them.

Such then were and are the horrendous and tragic circumstances of Spenglerian "decline" which afforded the satanic treachery which suddenly confronted Hitler and the Christian people of the West. The Germans never really had much of a fighting chance during the wars, the satanists having worked so sublimely to rig things in favor of bolshevism, criminal monopolism, and world government dictatorship, as we see presently, the people doomed to "population-reduction" and genocide, according to Agenda-21 and -30 addendum.

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