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Saturday, December 28, 2013

ZOG and satanists are actively, blatantly at war w. American & Christian volk, never doubt, their purpose is mindless TERROR

SATANIST American Gov., Controlled By ZOG, Actively At War Against The People
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 13)

Ck, wherein is described an amazing, huge "flash-mob" attack of a mall in Brooklyn NY.  So who's responsible?--u can bet ur bottom dollar it was "community-organizers" behind it all, directly or in-directly funded by ZOG w. money printed-up and digitalized out of nothing.  And the purpose is TERROR--that's right; this is ZOG behind US gov. committing acts of terror against the people of USA.

Don't forget ZOG did 9/11--hear about the Saudis now being outed as immediate "state-support" of the patsies and fall-guys of "al Qaeda"?--ck  And just remember Saudis are close allies of Israel and Jew-S-A, and don't do anything without knowledge and permission of their masters, ZOG.

And have u hrd about all the "knock-out" games being perpetrated by niggers against whites?--who's responsible, funding and agitating behind the scenes?--ZOG, u know it.

Hear about the Corp. fascist puke, sucking-up to queer Jews suspending the "Duck Dynasty" guy?--who's responsible?--ZOG, funding and printing-up the money behind the scenes.

Note then purpose of this war is TERROR--by which they extort the people to giving-up their rights--like 9/11 worked so well for accomplishing, eh?

And never forget this latest activity is on top of what we already know--the poisoning of the water supplies w. fluoridization, poisoning food by means of GMO (genetically modified) and other additives, poisonous "chem-trails," toxic vaccines, etc.--not to mention the radiation poisoning and contamination we continue to get fm Fukushima, Japan.

ObongoCare is designed to destroy our health and medical businesses & industries, concentration of Insurance monopoly, drug monopoly ("big Pharma").

And don't forget the last lead smelting plant is closing--price of ammo going up, along w. everything else, as the economy continues to collapse, US Dollar soon to collapse.

And it's all part of a steady, deliberate, methodical plan, comrades--while the suckers continue to be "entertained" by idiot football games on TV--by golly didja' hear, Notre Dame beat Rutgers--yayyy, ho ho ho ho.

It's soooooooooooooo bad, no one can speak the truth, not even good ol' Ron Paul--who will lie and say, "they're 'well-intended'."  Paul is lucky he's not assassinated by these Satanist puke.

And when the Dollar collapses (as it's doing already, only slowly, at the moment), ZOG will start a war w. another false-flag--do u doubt it?  Ho ho ho ho ho--they won't hesitate because they're out-and-out Satanists--u gotta get a clue, comrades.

It's NOT a matter of "left-right"--it's SATANISTS against all our poor people.  So keep spreading the word.  Preach the real Christianity which is anti-Semitic (anti-satan, anti-lies), Christ & Christianity being all about TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all and any other precept.  Keep it simple: advocate 10th amendment, states rights, primacy of local gov., and nullification of ZOG Satanist laws.

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