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Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Liberal"?--it's just a buzz-word (what else?) nowadays in Jew world order--it actually just means FASCIST, sucka

[Just now posted below essay at]

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Pssst: "Liberalism" Is Actually Just Fascism
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 13)

Hi Mike: I was phil. major too, but to get the major I found I had to go through hostile Kantians, myself being staunch Aristotelian--then I had to give it up (for the major), ended up Hist. major--at least that's "phil. teaching by example," eh?

Well, to address ur thesis pt., note our society, and indeed, entire culture, is dominated, blatantly now, by CRIMINALS--those running that legalized COUNTERFEITING scam (literally), the US Federal Reserve Bank ("Fed")--see for best expo, also

Thus the Fed prints-up and digitalizes nearly INFINITE funds by which to buy and/or control all large corp.s, many if not most small ones, including the mass-corp. "news"-media, all politicians and judges (w. very few exceptions), public edjumacation, and perhaps most tragically, all the establishment churches.  W. infinite money monopoly, u see, the Fed literally owns and controls the ENTIRE society.

So, u see, it really is the "empire of lies" that rules, confirming Oswald Spengler's CYCLIC thesis of "Decline of the West," whence a society/culture begins in Aristotelian objectivity, achieves "success" (ho ho ho) and victory, becomes prosperous and wealthy, then passes most grossly into HUBRIS and subjectivism, pretending to "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" God-like will--whence the people are corrupt and susceptible to frauds like the present Fed--see also Ron Paul's excellent expositions on the Fed subject.

Sooooooooo, when u say "liberal," what u mean really is weaklings and half-wit losers who GO ALONG w. the criminal regime--and they KNOW what will happen to them if they don't go along.

Thus TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH is destroyed (at least in the minds of many people) by means of "good"--as planned and plotted by Leo Strauss (the "noble lie").

Put in only slightly diff. terms, Objectivity (Aristotle) is eventually transformed (in the social mind, anyway) to SUBJECTIVISM, upon the Kantian excuse/pretext of "morality"/Pharisaism--this is where we are now, headed swiftly to the rock-bottom, as US Dollar steadily collapses--it's a CYCLIC historical process, u see.  "Good" is the excuse for terrorism and dictatorship, u see.  Thus Ignorance (secrecy) is strength (security), according to Orwell.

So now u see why EVERYONE (not just professors) has to be "liberal" (just a synonym nowadays for fascist)--which liberalism" (dictatorship) we see the gays now enforcing w. the "Duck Dynasty," for example.  U might not be fascist, just don't get in its way, get it?--if u know what's good for u, see?  Ho ho ho

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