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Monday, December 30, 2013

People gotta get a clue about the REAL SITUATION--it's not about "left vs. right"--it's all humanity against SATANIST criminals--leave off w. useless abstractions

see for ref. to below essay by me--a response to far-below by "magus."

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World Still Lost In Un-Real Abstractionism--We're Up Against Satanism, Nothing Less
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 13)

Actually, the best term is SATANISM, the culture of DEATH, built upon the culture of lies.
It's not not not not not "left" vs. "right," both of these controlled by the topmost Satanist powers (behind the US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam), both sides of this false paradigm pushing "good-evil" moralism/Pharisaism.
Note then destruction of TRUTH is effected by the fallacious/delusionary "good-evil" of Kant an Plato, lately by Leo Strauss (the "noble lie").
Thus "good-evil" delusion ushers in SUBJECTIVISM which destroys Aristotelian objectivity, necessary foundation for TRUTH.
"[F]ails to ... punish criminals"?--ho hooo ho, Magus, it REWARDS and encourages them--have u observed MSNBC pushing anti-white, anti-Christian "knock-out game" by the blacks?  Did u hear about the cop who gave rectal exams slap on wrist 2 yrs?--see  Have u noted the recent assault against "Duck Dynasty" Christianity?--see

See, what absolutely RULES for this society, including now for all the world?--LIES, the primary weapon being US Fed COUNTERFEITING scam (literally--it's just legalized by vote of paid-off politicians).  See and for definitive expo on Fed.
Thus when u control the money-supply, U RULE, period--and these criminals are determined to maintain their grip.  Hence Fed powers fund all the terrorism, keeping the suckers and morons afraid and willing to give-up their rights, the stupid fools.  And now we have AGENDA-21 "de-population" GENOCIDE as official program for world gov.
People gotta get a clue--TO SAVING THEIR VERY LIVES--it's Satanism, nothing else or less, on the march, and the purpose is genocide by all the various means.

"Anarcho-tyranny"?--this is far toooooooooooooo abstracted--get real, get practical--it's Satanism, literally, just as I analyze, above.

------------------above by ap in response to below----------------------

magus71 said, on December 30, 2013 at 4:20 pm
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Interesting. Can’t remember the exact nature of the other time this happened, but we discussed that every so often one notices a phenomenon and talks or writes about it, only to find later that there is an actual term for it. In this case, I have written in the past on my observation that our government has turned into a strange monster which violates all the rules a good government should follow, that is it fails to adequately punish criminals and exterior enemies and targets law abiding citizens because they are easy targets.
The term for this is Anarcho-Tyranny.

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