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Thursday, October 10, 2013

ZOG is stepping it up for war against the people, folks--don't just stand there flat-footed

Obongo And ZOG In Ur Face, Suckas--They're Moving Vigorously Against The People
(Apollonian, 10 Oct 13)

Comrades, ck  Obongo administration is going to close-down public facilities, the high-way, for their own political purposes--this is USURPATION, deliberate mis-management, and treason.  Obongo, working for ZOG and the globalist conspirators (CFR, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, et al.) is ACTIVELY CONDUCTING WAR against the people.

See, we're up against MONOPOLISTS--that's what ObongoCare is all about, monopolization of medicine, drugs, and health-care, not to mention insurance.  And this monopolization follows fm the "money-trust" monopolization of the currency, money, and banking by the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEITING scam (see for expo on the Fed).

So u see what's happening: just a gross, blatant TAKE-OVER by this Jewwy puke who control the Jews-media, now being evermore actively enforced.

Comrades: u gotta get a clue--go out and inform ur neighbors, the object being primacy of local gov.--against these big monopolists led by Jews and their buddies.  Make use of Christianity, the real thing, which is ANTI-SEMITIC--TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH against Jew lies, objectivity vs. Jewwy subjectivism, subjectivism the basis of lies, Jews always making use of "good-evil" Pharisaism.

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