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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Catastrophe reduction requires Christian TRUTH, primacy of local gov., above all

Primacy Of Local Gov., De-Activation Of ZOG, Christian Truth Necessary Patriot Goals, Ideals
(Apollonian, 2 Oct 13)

Hello dumbass puke.  Ho ho ho--I noticed I only had 8--that's EIGHT--viewers yest., quite a bit less than usual, ho ho ho.  So I guess u dumb bastards "got the msg" fm my previous blog, eh?  Ho ho hoo ho ho  

So now where are we inevitably headed?--disaster, for sure--only question is how bad will it be?

And what's ONLY goddam thing to save us?--well, some might be saved, but some of u stupid scum are gonna die, as u're essentially determined to doing so, eh?--stupid, brainless morons.  Reason being necessary for life, u puke are more into being "good" than in what's most rational.  Tragedy, of course, is soooooooooooo many will be dragged-down along w. the stupid puke.

And the reason u puke are gonna die is u don't give a shit about what it really takes to live, eh?  Ho ho ho

But seriously, if people for the most part could be saved, how would that be and take place?

Well, folks would have to all-of-a-sudden realize who are greatest enemies of humanity--Jews, naturally, and their suck-along accomplices, of course.

More specifically, people would have to wake-up and realize worst enemies and criminals are the satanists already in place within US gov. and other places close to gov.--like in establishment "Christian" organizations, edjumacation, public & private, etc.

So then ZOG would have to be DE-ACTIVATED--STOOD-DOWN.  And this would require primacy of LOCAL GOV.  All (or at least most of) the local gov.s would have to (a) declare independence of the criminals who occupy the central-gov. positions, and (b) CO-OPERATE w. their fellow local govs.

And note we're already potentially well on the way towards this "awakening" by means of this I-net where even u idiots out there can ck blogs.  And that's why ZOG knows it's gotta take-out the internet, one of its next steps, undoubtedly.

Regardless, whatever happens, u gotta move decisively for primacy of local gov.s, repudiation of the Jew-friendly scum, criminals, traitors, and psychopaths who control fm the fed. central gov. positions (and associated non-gov. places too, as I note).  Get rid of "electronic-voting" which is one big thing which keeps ZOG in place and in power.

What will keep u together and united is rationalist, real, true Christian worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any, AGAINST Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

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