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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Doubt Obongo leads deliberate satanist conspiracy, designed to cow, demoralize Americans?--ck this, morons

Obongo Satanists Showing True Colors During Gov. "Shut-Down," Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 2 Oct 13)

Ck, and  On the later story, u'll find this:

"- The White House rejected a request to allow WWII veterans, our greatest generation, to visit their memorial in Washington D.C. during the government shutdown. With over 800 WWII veterans dying every day, some of these vets may never have another opportunity to visit the memorial to honor their fellow Americans who never made it back home.

"- National Park Service workers are erecting a barricade around the World War II memorial to keep veterans out of the memorial, which was predominantly funded by private donations.

"- At the beginning on the current government shutdown, Obama closed the White House to the public, denying tours to school children and families.

"- The White House is however still open for elitists to attend state dinners and special events."

Observe Obongo (actually, it's the powers behind scenes, for whom Obongo is mere script-reading front) is going out of his way to harass the people, in this case, specifically, WWII vets--evidently, as way of pushing ObongoCare in people's faces.  See

Is this sort of behavior sadistic or what?  These are SADISTS, purest satanistic puke, u poor, dumb bastards--get a clue, morons.  They want u dead dead dead, u brainless scum.

These aren't merely corrupt politicians or just "criminals," dumb-asses, as I've noted.  These are Jew-led psychopaths and SATANISTS, morons.  Try to grow some brain-cells, scum.

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