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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Satanism and culture of death built upon culture of lies--especially MORALISM

Satanism: How Is It Achieved?--It Begins With SOCIALISM, Moralism
(Apollonian, 1 Sep 13)

Observe how the SATANIC culture of Death is built upon the culture of LIES, hence moralism (the "noble lie").  We now have, before our very eyes, a Satanist regime, Obongo the front-man, who/which now wants people and Congress to go along w. bombing Syria--after Jew S A PLAINLY staged a BLATANT false-flag, the poison gas-attack which killed hundreds--which false-flag they are using as excuse/pretext for going ahead w. bombing.

And these absolutely insane, psychopathic puke imagine people will go along, ho ho ho--some will, but most won't, as we see.  How did this all happen and develop over the years?

Well, note Satanism is just complexified, elaborated, refined hubris, someone--or a whole group, like Jews--pretending they're God, but now making use of their madness to kill on a massive scale, doing this by simple means of BETRAYING those suckers who've taken-part in and bought-into the lies, the Satanists now making use of these lies to get the suckers to go-along w. being betrayed and now killed.

Thus the Bolsheviks mass-murdered the Russians and Ukrainians, and thus the Zionists murder the Palestinians, helping Jew S A and ZOG nowadays to killing other Muzlims on mass-scale too, incidentally committing terrorist acts, like 9/11.

Perfect example of the moralist excuse/pretext is "global-warming," by which idiot lies people are persuaded humanity must be killed by means of population-reduction.  At first, of course, the sucker-morons don't realize it's THEY who are ultimate targets to be killed, ho ho hooho.

Pt. is that the basic excuse/pretext for the killing is MORALITY--the archetypal "noble lie" (as of Levi Strauss--or any Kantian/Platonist philosophy).

Only next step in the Satanist logic is achieved by means of selling the necessity of POWER to enforce that morality as official policy, political program.  And now we see how this morality plus all-powerful state apparatus has developed, esp. in present Jew S A (ZOG).  And note it all began for USA back in Civil War days--"morality" the excuse/pretext to mass-murder the South and the rebels.

Soon enough, after the American Civil War, Western civ. observed the rise of SOCIALISM during the latter half of 19th cent., leading then to the Soviet Bolsheviks, later the "New Deal" of Roosevelt (FDR), and now the satanic Jew world order (ZOG)--which, as noted, (a) murders some people w. poison-gas attack, this attack now used as excuse/pretext for (b) even more massive bombing campaign which will spread depleted uranium poisoning, etc., the Satanists behind it all expecting the suckers to go along sooooo enthusiastically, ho ho ho ho.

So we see then, this Satanism arises best and most fm the leftist moralism, not the right, the right being mostly mere reaction to previous leftists.  For it's the left which traditionally features the elaborated moralism and pretexts for the massive POWER, policy and programs of big-bro. and ZOG, as we presently see.

But the "right" isn't entirely immune to this idiot moralism, as we see the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists who suck-along w. Israel swallowed the Jew 9/11 lies so easily and went along w. the "neo-cons" to mass-murder Muzlims in Afgan and Iraq, aimed towards Iran as we see.

Thus Satanism must be countered and decisively confronted w. the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all and any other precept--against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), Jews the pre-eminent Satanist leaders, Jews most elaborate, organized, cohesive and connected liars and criminals.

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