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Friday, September 6, 2013

Psychopaths & satanists doubling down (on Syria)--against Constitution--the only thing they know how to doing, death worshippers

More Lies And Spit In Ur Face, Suckers
(Apollonian, 6 Sep 13)

Well folks, Obongo had his latest press-conference in Russia and the dancing, prancing baboon told us there's "no doubt" Syrian Pres. Assad and his people poison-gassed their own people--all lies, obviously.  See

Pt. is, of course, Obongo neither knows nor cares whether there really is "no doubt" about the pretended gassing.  Obongo is NOTHING BUT a mouth-piece/flack, the real gov. being run by CFR and Trilateralist agents, only telling Obongo as they consider it expedient, Obongo merely reading fm a script--just like a role-playing actor and nothing else.

Incidentally, notice we haven't hrd too much about Benghazi, or the Snowden/NSA, or IRS scandals, eh?  Ho ho ho

When Obongo was asked at the press conference if he would still go through w. an attack EVEN if Congress voted against the proposed strike, the baboon wouldn't say, as he played his usual slick & coy "political" self.  So u see how these purest filth and psychopathic mass-murderers--who staged the poison-gas attack in the first place, if there really was one--behind Obongo are DETERMINED to over-throwing US Constitution--such is their flagrant attitude.

So u see it's a "two-fer" for Obongo & co.--they get to divert the morons fm above-noted scandals, and further, they continue to intimidate the people on the Constitutional issue, playing coy as to whether they will adhere to the Constitution, keeping it up-in-the-air for their planned OVER-THROW, intending upon letting the moron masses only know after-the-fact, the morons not capable then to doing anything about it.

So it goes to show what cold-blooded, utterly crazed psychopaths these people are, CFR, Trilateralists, Skull & Bones, and Bilderbergers--they just slaughter poor people w. poison-gas, blame the victims, and spit in people's face.  No wonder their assassins, the Syrian "rebels," are such cold-blooded murderers, cutting off heads, eating the organs of their victims, etc., filmed on numerous videos.

So folks remember: u gotta keep preaching that REAL Christianity--IT'S ANTI-SEMITIC, necessarily, against lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).  Take control of local CHURCHES, then the local gov.s and work fm there.

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