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Friday, September 27, 2013

Another anti-Christ site found, bans

Another (Anti-Christ) Site Bans Apster
(Apollonian, 27 Sep 13)

Just got banned, couple days ago, fm yet another satanic web-site, funded by kikes, no doubt, pretending to be for "whites."  It's, and I, as usual defended and preached our dear Christianity, most successful, effective form of anti-Semitism.

See, they've got these scum, "creators," on there--and note these may not indeed be working consciously for the kikes, but u can be sure kikes fund them as these morons do excellently (for kikes) as they're deliberate anti-Christs, no less than VNN (Vanguard News Network).

Like I say, they're called "creators," their organization called, formally, The World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), so when I started getting into it with one of them, a moderator, called "WitchesChild," w. by-line, "Pagan heart," told me not to call "members" Jews--to which I immediately told her what to do, me getting banned a few mins later, ho ho ho.  Scum then went and erased/deleted no less than 9 of the 24 postings I had up.  It's anti-Christ site, folks, indubitably.

1 comment:

  1. Below is one of my posts deleted by the scum at

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Dear Christianity, Worship Of Truth: Only Practical Way Of Unity Against Jews And Their Lies
    (Apollonian, 23 Sep 13)

    It's most important thing here and now to understand in most substantial, matter-of-fact manner possible what is Christianity. For it is my thesis and contention that ONLY Christianity, hence general rationalism, can unite whites and, indeed, all gentiles against the foremost enemies of humanity, kikes and their accomplices among gentiles.

    Thus necessary ref. is New Testament (NT), and note Christ, putative God-the-Son, is definitive, this reported in the Gospels, first four books of NT.

    Thus Christianity is understood, most definitively, as worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts/principles/tenets, including "love," "faith," peace, or "good," the only way to happiness ("Kingdom of God")--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6--this AGAINST Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

    For note Christian religion which defends and even founds human reason for sentiment and aesthetics was designed for all humanity which is so often illiterate and un-able to grasp any substantial intellectuality and especially the principles of strict logic and science.

    And observe the Jews, foremost liars and satanists want to under-mine, mis-represent, and traduce Christianity; thus they and their paid henchmen (like A. Linder of VNN and others, like "creators" of Church of Creativity) want to pretend Christianity is something else--like mere version/variation of Judaism itself, which Judaism comes fm the Talmud, by definition, which note, was written specifically to counter-act dear Christianity. See and for best Talmudic expo.

    And note Christ was NOT NOT NOT a "Jew," this defined as follower of Talmud and Pharisees at time of Christ, Jews and Judeans being DIFFERENT, only about 5-15% of Judeans at time of Christ being followers of the middle-class -oriented Pharisees.

    Thus the real ANTI-SEMITIC Christianity, championing TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all and any other precepts is the only thing having chance to unite and inspire humanity at present moment of horrific "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--reminiscent of the original Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. which revived (briefly) the Roman emp. of the time.

    For it's Jews' purpose to keeping the gentiles fighting one another, and Christianity is magnificent counter-agent for this Jew subversion. Thus Christianity, defender and foundation of human reason, honesty, and integrity at same time (a) unites and organizes humanity, (b) while preserving that natural virtue of racial exclusivity, pride, and loyalty. And this is why kikes so much HATE dear Christianity, Jews foremost satanists and anti-Christs, as we see in this age of corruption & perversion.

    Thus note Christianity upholds the OBJECTIVE reality of Aristotle as such objectivity is only possible standard/criterion for foremost value/virtue of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness.

    Jews, on the other hand, insist only what they say is "truth," such SUBJECTIVIST "truth" then always made to work in kikes' favor, on basis of what's "good for Jews." Thus Christian truth opposes Jew lies in a way which Islam, for example, totally overlooks, Islam merely built upon the commands of Allah/God. U KNOW Christianity must be good thing if kikes HATE it so obsessively & satanically, Jews actually understanding Christianity, in their perverse way, better than most "Christians."
