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Thursday, August 22, 2013

People didn't know what was going on in 14th cent. during the Black Plague either, don't forget

Things Are Bad, Getting Worse--According To Satanist Plan, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 13)

So what's happening to USA?--we're being destroyed, deliberately and methodically.  And nobody seems to know what to do--the horror just continues.

Consider back in mid 14th cent. Europe when the Black Plague broke-out--poor folks didn't know what to do either, but they had much more excuse than we do today.

Today, note we suffer fm the Tower-of-Babel syndrome, people babbling to no or little purpose, no one else understanding.  Ironic as it is, people suffer hubris, pretension to perfectly "free" will and ability to being "good."  And this hubris follows fm the peak of "prosperity" which creates weaklings who otherwise would have died-out, all in accord w. CYCLIC theory of history, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

But the satanic scum at the top KNOW perfectly what's happening, they directing things, setting-up dictatorship and world gov., this on excuse of "terrorism," which terrorism was done by THEM, the FBI, CIA, etc., not to mention Israel.

But there's just too many stupid people who go along and act to help enforce the dictatorship; the rest of the suckers can't get together to be able to resist.

USA used to be CHRISTIAN, but now no more--today we have too many poor, stupid scum who can't figure out Christianity is all about TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any other things.  And Christianity is and was always meant to being anti-Semitic (anti-lies, JOHN 8:44), but brainless morons are AFRAID to being anti-Semitic, terrified of Jews--terrified and intimidated to thinking kikes are their friends, ho ho ho ho.

Okay?--so what will happen?--THE ONLY THING THAT CAN HAPPEN, MORONS--people are gonna die.  In a strange way, we REALLY ARE "over-populated"--w. Jew-friendly morons, who think in Jewwy patterns--like "good-evil," magical "faith" making wishful-thinking coming true.

The active, establishment "left" and "right" all serve Jews, the "left" being atheist-styled (overtly anti-Christ, like queers), the "right" victimized and led by Judeo-Christians (JCs--see or for expo/ref. on JCs--or "Christian Zionists") who support Israel and say Christ was "Jew."

Note then the "metro-sexuals" of the "left" make up about 10% of the population, while the JCs on the "right" are probably a little more numerous at about 40 million--about half of the "evangelicals."  These left and right establishment are heavily funded and supported by the top Jew bankers, never doubt--who are also bringing in evermore illegal aliens too--so they've got a good many "foot-soldiers" willing to work for them, against everyone else, most of the "everyone else" being all too willing to remain passive and inert.

But the US Dollar must and will collapse, manifesting most probably in hyper-inflation, and when and as that happens it will be patriots' best opportunity to rally the terrified and panicked people.  Right now, interest rates are moving inexorably up up up.

So people MUST work first to taking-over their LOCAL churches, making them clearly and explicitly anti-Semitic, and taking over LOCAL governments too, thence and thereupon to gaining control of state and federal governments, restoring the Constitution, etc.  Meantime, prepare and be prepared as things continue to degenerate, people suffering evermore.

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