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Monday, August 5, 2013

Anti-Semites and Christians must be sure NOT to adopt fallacious arguments of kikes, based on Pharisaism (moralism)

[I posted below essay over at]

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 /  August 5, 2013

Huge, Miserably Over-Blown Argumentation Founded Upon Putrid Moralism (Pharisaism)
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 13)

Look here comrades: I’m extreme Christian (worship of TRUTH above all, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) soldier, hence anti-Semite, Jews being foremost liars (JOHN 8:44) and criminals, who does my best to inform people about satanic Jews who follow the murderous, anti-human Talmud, okay? But I quite fail to see the real THESIS of this article, and I CERTAINLY fail to see any serious demonstration for any substantial thesis.

Evidently, u’re trying to say Jews monopolize pornography, pornography being bad–well, u don’t really PROVE why or how porno is sooooooo bad. But u DO pretty well establish Jews maintain a monopoly, which monopoly is surely bad, no doubt–so I think u’re just confused for ur arguments, part of it fairly well demonstrated (about the monopoly), but which we already knew, didn’t we?

Indeed, u really seem to MISS the real pt., which is the way these Jew criminals and psychopaths have established and enforced their criminal monopolies and, actually, overall monopoly–by primary, principle means of controlling the money & banking system which is actually just legalized COUNTERFEITING–the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)–see for expo.

So let me just clue u in, okay?–ur “arguments” about porno, such as they are, are no better than the arguments against prostitution–am I wrong? And libertarians well demonstrate prostitution is victimless–how then is porno essentially different? U seem to try suggesting porno is psychologically damaging, but FAIL to prove it, pure and simple. Yes porno COULD become obsession, but that’s not necessarily so horrifically bad in all cases (it seems to happen to most young males), and we ought to always strive for reason–against obsession–but didn’t we already know that?

For there’s lots of obsessions–eating (gluttony), drinking, etc.

So I think u simply need to face-up to the fact u CANNOT and certainly haven’t proven anything regarding the imagined, soooooooooo terrible nature of porno, though I agree Jews are scum and the monopolies they run are anti-human and should be abolished immediately. It’s almost as if u want to say (a) Jews are puke (which is true), and (b) since they run the porno monopoly (as well as other monopolies too), porno is somehow soooooooooooo terrible.

So, I submit ur argument fails due to the attempted guilt-by-association, ad-hominem fallacy. Porno is no diff. fm prostitution which should be perfectly legal, according to basic libertarian principles. But there is HUGE problem w. Jews, Talmudic psychopaths and criminal scum, indubitably–which we really already knew, right?

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