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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's High time for an American THERMIDOR--remove these scum, immediately

We Need An American THERMIDOR
(Apollonian, 27 Aug 13)

Well, Sec. of State Kerry got up yest. and said it doesn't matter WHO used the chem. weapons in Syria, there's no doubt they were used.  Ho ho ho

And yes indeed, Kerry and Jew S A ORDERED the "rebels" (really just death squads, terrorists, mercenaries, and hired assassins) to use the chem. weapons--which were supplied by Jew S A.

And NOW we only need our own version of the French Rev. THERMIDOR when Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety was . . . removed, pre-empted, and squelched--the "party" was brought to a screeching halt.

And all it takes is someone to get-up and tell these scum what they are--nothing but criminals--thoroughly insane psychopaths, satanic murderers.  Then give them summary trials and public executions.

Who are the scummy puke who need to be dealt with?--just observe Kerry, Skull & Bones fm Yale, like his buddy, Bush--arrest them all.

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