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Friday, November 8, 2013

Tower-Of-Babel confusion in the great empire of lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies....

Lies--How It All Works In The Empire (Of Lies, Suckas)
(Apollonian, 8 Nov 13)

USA is now Jew-S-A; USA is gone, suckas.  Jews have won--though they're still trying to consolidate--and this is where/how the only hope lies.

For note there's "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES," and among the kikes remember there's factions--there are (a) the topmost bankers, "leftist"-type, who want to exterminate most of mankind, according to AGENDA-21--that's simplest plan for psychopaths, after all, like Stalin's inexorable consolidation of power in the 30s--and note further, these absolute, satanic psychopaths have a substantial number of willing scum, goons, and thugs to do their bidding.

These leftist psychopathic satanists probably still have a solid 10% of the population--esp. the "metro-sexuals"--who will back them, like the lower-level bolsheviks backed Stalin.

(b) Then, of course, there are the lower-level kikes who are still quite rich, comparatively, and these are the ones led by such spokes-persons as Alex Jones (, Jesse Ventura, and of course, the "libertarian"-types like the Pauls, Ron and Rand, and Ted Cruz.

But always remember there's a HUGE group of passive-minded MORONS--TV-addicts who watch the idiot foot-ball games, etc.--who merely follow the trends and the various "leader" -types--these stupid scum don't want to do too much thinking--it scares them, u see.

Pt. is these weak-minded scum in the middle live according to lies--that's the purpose of Obongo, professional liar, ho ho ho ho--and Obongo reads fm scripts written by absolute masters of sociology and psychology who know exactly what sort of lies to be selling the masses, Obongo their expertly-trained mouth-piece and actor--greater, more proficient at this sort of lying and acting than old Ronald Reagan himself.

So the task of patriots is to UNITE AND ORGANIZE THE OPPOSITION, and this can ONLY be done by means of the real Christianity--ANTI-SEMITISM.

Ultimately, don't doubt Christian soldiers won't be able to unite EVERYONE against the satanic puke at the top, BUT they do have to at least gain their passive aquiescence.  The puke and scum in the middle have to finally figure-out Obongo's pay-masters want them DEAD DEAD DEAD (according to Agenda-21 "depopulation").

Problem now for patriots is the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) element who leverage the rest of potential Christians, these JCs making-up even (slightly) larger portion of population (about 40 million, total, it is said) than the metro-sexual "leftists," perhaps up to 12%.  And even within the "patriot"-types behind Jones and the Pauls, never forget there are quite a few metro-sexual -types--like u see at

Jew-S-A: filled w. mammon-worshipping liars and worshippers of these lies, fascinated by lies, despite the significant number of genuinely good and talented patriots--and this sort of stalemate and apathetic tower-of-babel -type quagmire will continue as the lies persist for attraction and fascination for the mass of still OVER-populated brainless, lazy scum and morons--only after they've begun to DIE-OUT and definitively stand-aside will patriots be able to get things going for serious opposition--against ALL THE JEWS.

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