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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A vision of the very near future is mere matter of simplest logic--spread the word, comrades

ZOG Now Has Knives Sharpened & Out To Murder Us
(Apollonian, 13 Nov 13)

How do u know, w. absolute certainty ZOG is trying to murder u and me and everyone else?--ck this by Greg Mannarino,

See, there's not the slightest hope an absolute economic, esp. currency (US Dollar) collapse can be avoided--IT'S THE PLAN, stupid--get a clue.

Ok, so we could--I say "could" possibly, conceivably--recover and survive EXCEPT for the fact that ZOG intends to clamp-down and NOT ALLOW any recovery or survival; how do u KNOW this?--ck this: also has good stuff:

Get it?--USA could survive, quite possibly--BUT THAT'S NOT NOT NOT NOT THE PLAN.  USA could survive ONLY IF US gov. cut spending, cut taxes, and especially, cut the regulations which stifle business activity--but the very OPPOSITE is what ZOG is planning--is executing before our very eyes.

Now consider what's going to happen w. absolute certainty: (a) collapse of the currency, on-going even as we speak, HENCE then, (b) food shortages, (c) starvation, (d) civil un-rest, (e) martial law, (f) calling in UN troops, (g) GENOCIDE, suckers--as of Ukraine of early 30s, last cent.-- (h) prison-camps and re-education.

Above list is ABSOLUTELY certain to happen, and soon, soon--there are other things which may also take place by-the-by, like war, maybe a world-war and nuke exchange, but these are optional.

So comrades, this info and analysis is what u need to grasp and discuss w. ur friends and with others too, this best done, I submit, upon a CHRISTIAN basis.  End-times are here, right in front of our faces.  People gotta QUIT watching that infernal TV.

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