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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Poor, moronic, "white-nationalist" fool so totally mis-understands Christianity, it's pathetic and even comical--how stupid can one get?....

Below-copied by ap in response to blog of "Kriminalgeschichte, 68" , of 2 Jun 18,

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Cesar Tort Emulates Jew satanists For Pretending To "Good," Defending Pelagian Heresy
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)

Cesar: u're very poor philosopher, very poor w. simplest logic, and this is easily demonstrated:

(a) The very basic dialectic in New Test. is Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44). Don't forget Christ is mere symbol for TRUTH. Jews hate Christ as they hate truth--and the joke is Jews imagine they can kill truth, like they killed Christ (the man).

Jews imagine they're God (or co-equal therewith), collectively, they being the creators of any truth they please. Truth is what rabbis say it is, according to "midrash" (interpretation). See also exposition on their Talmud, Talmud being their basic statement of their religion/philosophy,,, and

(b) Thus u see, Jews are SUBJECTIVISTS, such subjectivism basis of their constant, incessant lies and lying, making use of highly organized "group-think," by which they manipulate gentiles and their culture, esp. after gentiles have built and developed a sophisticated civilization. In the CYCLE of hist., then, gentiles become corrupt and HUBRISTIC (subjectivistic) as the culture becomes evermore corrupt and decadent, according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

(c) Thus Christian ethics, which is the great attraction for Christianity among all the world's peoples, not just whites, necessarily follows fm basic metaphysics of such TRUTH premise, necessarily based upon OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle).

(d) Thus Christian truth exists because of the OBJECTIVE (God-created) reality which gives truth substance, truth mere reflection of such objective reality, verified by sense-perception. Any abstracts then, like ethics, are built and dependent upon these basic truths founded and verified by sense-perception.

(e) Remember also that "faith" only properly means LOYALTY, not beleeeeeeving, this Judaic-style beleeeeeeving used by Jews to pretending to a contrived, made-up, false reality. Reality is NOT NOT NOT created by "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" or such understanding of "faith."

(f) "Good-evil" doesn't and couldn't exist (except by subjective definition) as humans are creatures of will, hence self-interested, of necessity and by definition. Humans always follow their interest, best they can, necessarily--even though they're not always most logical. Thus humans are held to be "sinners" (self-interested) in accord w. this inherent, necessary willful nature--and this "sinful" nature goes back to Old Test., Christ merely restating and clarifying the Old Test. theology given by Moses, defending against the heretical Pharisees, Talmud, and Jews who rejected Moses in favor of their midrash.

(g) Thus reality is necessarily "determined" and "deterministic" in accord w. absolute cause-effect, following fm the objective reality. Augustine is simply being strictly logical in accord w. basic premise(s) and the objective reality--strict determinism, no "good-evil" which is mere metaphor, mainly for children, most of the common people hardly literate, or even logical, esp. in Christ's time.

(h) So sinful humans can ONLY rely upon and pray for God's mercy and grace for salvation, the logical necessity being that humans, in proper gratitude and inspiration, emulating Christ and his ethics of compassion for fellow humans, treating them fairly, etc.--but it doesn't mean one has to sacrifice oneself and commit suicide, however, and esp. in case of race--which treason to race is forbidden by the 5th Commandment, "honor thy parentage (race)."

CONCLUSION: So note St. Augustine was pt-ing out the Jew-like SUBJECTIVISM, hence HERESY, of Pelagius who was aping the Jew subjectivism, pretending to non-existent "good," impossible in an absolutely deterministic world, in accord w. Christian objectivity, thus truth, and absolute determinism (cause-effect).

So just as the Christian vs. Jew dichotomy is TRUTH vs. lies, and objective vs. subjective (Aristotle vs. Plato and Talmud), so it is for determinism vs. the subjectivist, perfectly "free" God-like human will which such pretended perfect freedom of human will is hubristic, pretending to Godliness, hence SATANIC.

Ur hero, Immanuel Kant, is mere rehash of original Platonism, pretending to "good" and false morality of "duty" which such "dutiful" ethics EVERY philosopher has admitted in nonsense. Get a clue, sucker. Cesar, u really are most pathetic, moronic joke for ur idiot mis-understanding, mis-construal of Christianity--which Christianity is most successful anti-Semitism which ever existed, u poor fool, ho ho ho ho

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