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Friday, January 12, 2018

Trump is disgusting Jewwy flunky, but bless his heart for his honest comments about the flood of scum fm "shit-hole" countries, ho o ho ho ho ho....

Hooray For Trump, Commenting About Invasion Of Western Countries By Scum, Filth, Puke From "****-Holes"
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 18)

Hooray for Trump, otherwise worthless lackey and flunky for Jews and esp. Israel, who nonetheless lately commented upon "****-hole" countries who are flooding USA, working to effectively IMPRISON the white people, the HUMANS, the niggers, spics, et al surrounding these humans, intimidating them, silencing them, and eventually to murdering them--so Trump simply commented about it, making it note-worthy. And it worked really well: see

So the excellent purpose served in Trump's observation is regarding the very real strategy of the satanists working against culture and humanity by means of this "migration" activity, used against whites and humanity which is evermore apparent to people--the deliberate, satanically-motivated destruction of culture and humanity. The solution is Christian culture, founded in (Aristotelian) OBJECTIVITY--and against the satanic criminals whose activities and motives are evermore plain and obvious for people--of all and any races.

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