"Peter Principle" At Work In Ajax Jewns
(InfoWars) Embracing Owen Shroyer
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 17)
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 17)
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) just can't understand things: gee whiz, but his Jewwy hero, Trump won, for goodness sakes--so Jewns wonders, gee, but why and how are the jews of Fake-book and now Jew-tube censoring him (Jewns) sooooo scandalously, openly, brazenly?--don't they know that Jewns and Trump won?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. See the story by jewns at https://www.prisonplanet.com/google-...-of-night.html , and esp. his pathetic vid on the subject at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48nu4LVjkDA&t=2161s.
What a poor, stupid bastard--see, he's (Ajax) just a flack for the Jews, a gate-keeper, who lies and pretends he's not, and he refuses to see it's Israel-first for Trump and the Jews he has in his cabinet and everywhere else. And u can ck Judicial Watch which continues to be stone-walled by the Jew-controlled Trump Justice dept. Even the morons at FOX News, like Judge Jeanine are stunned, not to mention certain Republicans in Congress, even, who cannot figure-out why the Trump AG, Sessions, can't get started for prosecution or even serious investigation of Clinton crime corporation, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.
And we note how the false-flags and outright hoax "shootings" just continue along, including the Las Vegas fiasco, next the Texas church shooting--which rather distracted somewhat fm the previous Las Vegas hoax. And obvious purpose is to eventually declaring martial law, founded upon these continued fakes and frauds now being done under auspices of Trump. So does Ajax warn us about this up-coming catastrophe?--not at all; rather the opposite, shilling along, giving credence to it all.
And so now (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W95pQX4DLgk) we see Ajax employing his latest star protégé,' one Owen Shroyer, a TOTAL zero, in his early 20s, w. no experience, who knows NOTHING and has nothing of any substance to say. BUT, what's dear little Owen good at?--emotional expressions and utterances of moral outrage, all done in style of Ajax. And we see in dear little Owen the reduction-ad-absurdum for Ajax Jewns and the visible proof of the justly-famous "Peter Principle" in action (arriving at level of INCOMPETENCE).
So instead of the "globalist"-leftist Jew world order (JWO), we're just going to get the straight-out fascist martial-law fm Trump and his Israel-oriented cohorts, Ajax sucking-along and flacking for it all, including his little side-kick, Owen Shroyer, yet another reduction-ad-absurdum in the "Peter Principle" demonstration.
Thus the JWO continues to roll along, just w. a diff. style, featuring now the "golems" of Ajax and Trump, replacement for the Clinton crime corp. as face and front-men. For there are serious "events" up-coming: one is the absolutely certain economic implosion, the Chinese Yuan replacing the Dollar as world reserve currency, and another will be a more catastrophic false-flag, like perhaps an EMP attack to be blamed on N. Korea--which will be a perfect scam to distract fm the truly horrific economic catastrophe--all this while we watch Owen Shroyer exulting in all his empty-headed little "moralist" glory, though actually most perfect reduction-ad-absurdum for Ajax, who blazed the original moralistic trail.
Moralist HUBRIS, foundation of satanist triumph, never forget.
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