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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Decline of the West" within CYCLIC, determinist system is TRAGIC--get used to it

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Mechanics Of Determinist, CYCLIC System Within Tragic Existence
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 14)

Thanks: yes, the basic idea is inspired fm "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler; (a) we live in a determinist reality--absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will, God's will the only thing that happens.

(b)  Thus history is CYCLIC--a civilization arises fm more basic culture, the people becoming evermore corrupt and infused w. HUBRIS, the idea they have God-like, perfectly "free" will, thus the idea they are or can be "good."

(c) And in this now "successful" civilization of "prosperity," we see bred-up now a great number of goons who otherwise, in other circumstances than the present "prosperity," might well not have survived--and these goon-like people now much dominate.

(d) So the Pharisaists who preach this "good-evil" run the show, leading the goons much by the noses by means of persuading them this is what "good" people do.

(e) Observe the Pharisaists rule by means of their main instrument, that money-making (literally--legalized COUNTERFEITING) machine/weapon/instrument, the US Federal Reserve Bank, these oligarchs/Pharisaists now owning all the large and many of the smaller corp.s, owning and controlling all (w. only very few exceptions) politicians and judges, the public edjumacation, and perhaps most tragically, even the establishment "Christian" organizations, churches, and institutes.

(f) Thus within this "Decline of the West," as the Pharisaists/oligarchs prosecute their perpetual war for perpetual peace, it's gotten to the pt. of present AGENDA-21 by which oligarchs have decided to "reduce population" (genocide), such control they've achieved.

Our patriot position is thus difficult as the masses of goons continue to either support actively or at least tolerating the Pharisaist/oligarchs.

Thus we look to the example of St. Constantine the Great who revolutionized the otherwise moribund Roman empire of early 4th cent., preaching revolutionary Christianity--worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Christ) against lies, as Gosp. JOHN 14:6 and 8:44.

Irony and difficulty is, as we see, in persuading people that things are about to get lots worse, the goons not imagining their overlords would really betray them, not realizing they're being poisoned w. fluoride in the water supplies, GMO foods, poisonous "chem-trails," other poisonous food additives, nuclear radiation poisoning, etc.

But note, in the end, human existence is TRAGIC, and goons, morons, and weaklings often have to fall by proverbial "wayside" before the survivors and remnant can organized effectively against the oligarchs.

And as the oligarchs observe the people dying there's ever better chance they will begin to falling-out w. one another--perhaps our best chance for patriot success.

-------------------------------above by ap in response to below--------------------------

Greetings anonymous - thanks for stopping by and commenting - your words deserve some thought before a reply - please forgive me as I think it through a bit.
Determinism and Pharisaism. I've looked into determinism and will have to examine Pharisaism - thank you for the opportunities for enlightenment.
I'm almost over my rage - which I suppose accompanies realization of monstrosities committed by those in charge of one's country....
You are right about the weaklings - I believe that their true "terror" comes from them finally realizing that they are and will always be faced with the FACT that they must think for themselves in the end.
Perhaps these discussions will help those so inclined to find ways to improve their own critical thinking skills...
to be continued...

Cultural Hubris Part Of Cyclic History In Present Western Decline
(Apollonian, 2 Feb 14)

I quite agree w. ur sentiment about the stupor bowl--ur comments are quite well taken.  But note, once again, it's just another instance of "bread and circuses" pacifying the masses of goons who would otherwise be rioting.

Note for any society, u got the two poles of folks who are most active, these always small minorities, the great mass of over-populated goons in the middle--esp. once u've had a successful civilization, so to speak, which gave rise to all these goons, their livings provided much by the preceding generations which won the real victories.

It's all determinist part of CYCLIC history of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Thus the corrupt and over-populated civilization becomes filled and ruled by HUBRIS, these fools persuaded they are "good" (Pharisaism) w. perfectly "free" will.

So we're left now to pray for a cultural revival of TRUTH against this Pharisaist regime of lies working for AGENDA-21 genocide ("population reduction").

Unfortunately, it seems like some weaklings have to fall by proverbial "way-side" before the survivors realize they better start getting serious about things.  US Dollar is about to collapse, and when that happens there's going to be serious difficulties, like food-shortages.  Civil un-rest will ensue.  Keep up ur good work and observations.

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