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Truth And Freedom Destroyed By Conspiracy Of Noble Lies And “Good”
(Apollonian, 28 Feb 14)
Note “conspiracy theory” is integral to Western civilization fm New Test. and the conspiracy to murder TRUTH (Christ). Consp. theory was integral and detailed part of Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.
Thus people are subjected to psy-ops, and then specifically the BIG-LIE technique which requires such as Chomsky and others posing as experts, sages, and guru-like sooths-sayers to ridicule any dissidents.
Don’t forget Pres. Andrew Jackson’s great campaign to destroy that nest of conspirators behind the second Bank of the US, and how the Bank worked so sedulously to destroy Jackson.
And before Jackson there was Jefferson vs. Hamilton and Supreme ct. Chief Justice John Marshall who tortured the Constitution to justify the Bank in McCulloch vs. Maryland decision of 1819.
Thus conspiracy and it’s mental empire-of-lies grows and comes to dominate like a God, conspiracy only maturing when it takes control of the money-supply, literally printing-up, and now digitalizing, practically all it needs to finance ANY project, war, deed, assassination, etc., the empire progressing till it falls in a heap of its own weight, impossible to going any further, even the top masterminds now betraying one another–but the people much decimated and reduced.
So conspiracy, lies, and psychopathology are necessarily things to be understood as basic conditions of human existence–it begins w. the “noble lie” of Plato and nowadays, Leo Strauss, guru of the neo-cons, and was part of the original problem for Adam and Eve who were told to beware the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil–ck Wikipedia.org.
If u notice, all the conspiracies and wars are for the purpose of “good”–that was why US was attacked on 9/11, jealous moooozlims. And it’s “good” to insure our “security” now by means of torture, the police-state, preventive wars, and drone-killings.
Thus Christian TRUTH, the greatest virtue, only way to God (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), is destroyed by conspiracy and noble-lies of “good” and Pharisaic virtue. Chomsky–isn’t he related to the Pharisees?
I observe that in his interviews Prof. Tracy seems rather low-key and matter-of-fact for his responses, coy, even.
Musings, u overlook, I think, the observation that a citizen OUGHT to be able to then “speculate” upon solid observations–which now Tracy realizes he may not be able to do (“speculating”) due to the threatening circumstances he’s already suffered.
For a good citizen ought to be able to speculate, abstract, and thus to give warnings to fellow citizens, Tracy being well-qualified as observer and knowledgeable of journalism and the present professional practice which anyone knows is quite nefarious, Tracy not the least.
For Prof. Tracy is just the sort, given his position, that he could well and quite respectably generalize upon the events, Bost. Marathon bombing and Sandy Hook, to name just two–there are others–as a species of psy-ops, specifically entailing the BIG-LIE technique as I’ve noted.
But Tracy cannot be blamed for omitting to so “speculate” (actually, to simply observe and classify)–and this is precisely the TRAGEDY and outrage that such as Tracy, so well qualified, cannot easily so comment and thus to inform his fellow citizens.