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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hoffman, satanistic GOLEM, liar, heretic, traitor, enemy of humanity in all his psychotic self-righteousness....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...x-judaism.html

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Hoffman: Liar, Heretic, Traitor, Enemy Of Humanity
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 17)

Lord have mercy, but here, yet once AGAIN, we have Hoffman (see below-copied), the Jews' buddy and defender, bleating about gentile mis-treatment of the dear "chosen people" who are, as always, waging war against humanity. Hoffman, the Pelagian hereticalist and traitor to humanity, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," says he wants "...liberation of all human beings, including Judaic persons, from every tyranny," and that "[s]ome of those tyrannies include Nazism...."

But Hoffman, of course, AGAIN, lies, for Nazism wasn't tyranny at all, Hoffman just repeating Jewwy agit-prop., for German national socialism was rather the heroic effort of self-defense by the German people against Judaism, Jew criminals who ran and dominated the West, including USA, as they continue to doing today, and the Jew Bolsheviks in the pay and under direction of those Western Jew masterminds, who had mass-murdered literally millions of Armenians, white Russians, and Ukrainians, not to mention hundreds of thousands of others, up to that time--and which Jew-directed mass-murderers would go on to mass-murdering millions more, to this very day (in present guise of Israeli terror-state, "neo-cons," and "big-Pharma," etc.), as we speak here.

For Jews hate humanity no less than they hate God, truth (= Christ), reason, and well, all reality that doesn't comport to their comfort and self-glorification, hence reality considered as something existing in the objective sense. And as Jews are at war and conduct war, one way or another, and always in concert w. fellow Jews, to one degree or another, Hoffman can't stand gentiles who fight back to defending themselves.

For HOFFMAN IS A TRAITOR AND AN ENEMY, folks--it's what u need to realize about Hoffman and the many Pelagians and heretics like him, suckers and flunkies for the Jews, who so much identify w. Jew monsters and murderers against humanity.

Hoffman idiotically says: "[i]f you don’t grant them [Jews] their full and complete humanity you are doing what Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis do to the goyim." Yeah, right Hoffman, NOOO EXCREMENT, Sherlock--that's what u do when u're at war w. monsters who are at war w. u, stupid--and u do this as a collective effort, treating the enemy in collectivist manner, for the sake of defending ur very life and existence, fool. For one is at war, and one must do what one must in the effort of self-defense.

And what's this?--Hoffman says "we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us." Well, that's pretty stupid, eh?--after all, if u love ur enemy too much, then it might be bad for u, and it requires a little thinking about what the "Gospel" actually means--which thinking Hoffman hasn't done, and doesn't expect anyone else will do, either, evidently--yet we're all supposed to do and think as Hoffman says and thinks.

For Hoffman is NOT our friend or the friend of humanity, folks--he rather wants to pretend he's the "friend" of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews who are busy murdering and mass-murdering--this is what Hoffman wants to defend and justify.

Hoffman can't figure-out that New Test. is mere LITERATURE, and everything written and expressed is done for artistic and psychologic purposes. Hoffman mentions the "holy name of Jesus Christ," but after all, Christ is simply and basically a characterization for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity is mere religious, stylistic vehicle for philosophy of TRUTH, truth the greatest, foremost, and supreme value

Thus Hoffman the hereticalist and mystic, works to hide the truth (= Christ), not demonstrate it or up-hold it for the great value, the highest value it really and truly is. Hoffman rather wants to pretend he's "good" and "virtuous," Hoffman just another stinking virtue-signaler. Who and what is Hoffman?--he's precisely what he characterizes of others: a faker, "...exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred." For in this case Hoffman hates truth (= Christ) upholding rather his own pretended virtue and (non-existent) "good"--a cheap, filthy Pelagian heretic, and traitor to humanity in favor of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews.

-----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Hoffman-----------------------------

Michael Hoffman said...

Dear Mr Pickle

Do you think that dehumanizing Judaic people by referring to them in the lower case (“j’ews”) will help your cause?

If you don’t grant them their full and complete humanity you are doing what Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis do to the goyim. Serving as a mirror image of the dehumanization perpetrated by rabbis is not of Jesus Christ.

Where do you credit at your website righteous Judaic persons such as Norman Finkelstein, Henry Herskovitz, Noam Chomsky and many others? I don’t see such credit being extended as it should be.

It is tiresome to read repetitive diatribes about “masonic ‘Jews” and Judeo-Masons put forth in a stereotypical and rote recital. If there is recent news or scholarship along those lines then report it. Otherwise leave out the incessant invective — what good do you think it will do and what sort of person do you think you will attract by parroting the tropes of 1930s anti-Semitism?

I want no part of it. I work for the liberation of all human beings, including Judaic persons, from every tyranny over the mind of men and women. Some of those tyrannies include Nazism and occult Jee hate masquerading as conservative Christianity.

The Gospel explicitly states that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us. Otherwise we are fakers exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred.
6:53 PM

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