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Friday, December 6, 2013

Satanists, utterly insane, spitting-in-ur-face, forfeiting their worthless lives, ho ho ho ho

Satanists Spitting In Ur Face, Suckas, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 6 Dec 13)

Comrades, u doubt Jew-S-A is creature of full-out, raging satanism?--just ck, wherein an Army officer spits in our face, telling us he and they are gonna take people's guns.  Ck his (the army-guy) own words at

Forget the obvious fact that people have the ONLY rights--gov. only has delegated powers.  Hence the servant of the people, the gov., cannot possibly prevent people fm being armed and capable of self-defense.  And forget the fact that folks must be armed precisely against just such a tyrannical gov. and moronic such agents of gov. like the army guy in question.

Simply observe satan spitting in ur face--SOOOOOOOOO insane they've become.

SOOOOOOOOOO insane they are that, as we see, the puke COME RIGHT OUT and flaunt their treason, EXPLICITLY, right before ur very eyes.

So u see, thus they FORFEIT their lives--by means of blatant, satanic treason, pure and simple.

So u see comrades: if they're willing to forfeit their own lives, then note they must necessarily be already intent and determined upon killing us--there's no other way they'd so contemptuously spit in our faces, telling us we got no rights, etc.

So we gotta plan, based upon REALITY which is absolutely CERTAIN.

So (a) note there's serious problem w. these absolutely RAVING psychopaths, like this army-guy in question--this piece-of-shit is serious.

Telling us citizens, who have ALL the rights, that we're to be dis-armed is TERRORISM, never doubt--total treason by which these utterly insane psychopaths have forfeited their lives.

But (b) note they will have substantial success--AS LONG as their funny money system based upon legalized COUNTERFEITING and US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) continues.  Again, see for expo on the Fed.

Hence then, our opportunity for success arises when (not if) the currency collapses--for then, not even the enforcers will be able to use the "money" to buy anything, esp. food.

Thus comrades: CONTINUE to preach the real Christianity which is anti-Semitism, literally, and work to take control of local gov.--just as anti-Semitic Christianity must take-over the local churches.

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