Plan of Attack for Prosecution of Truth: The Lanzas–Who are they, anyway?–What's their HISTORY?
Folks: any military commander will tell u–STRIKE AT THE WEAKLING (or weak-spot). Same goes for sports too. So what’s WEAK-PT. for Sandy Hook farce?–sticking-out like a sore thumb, w. a sign hanging, saying “kick me”–it’s the Lanzas, including but not limited to dear, little Adam, who died, u’ll remember, on the 13th (Dec, 12), ho hoo ho.
(1) For observe we KNOW the Sandy Hook “shootings” are gross farce–all the inductive evidence SCREAMS it–just look at the vids, all of them–ANY of them, not limited just to Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker, or our good Dr. Carver–ANY of them.
(2) Look at all the photo-shopping and green-screening–it’s all a farce.
They won’t show us the real vids fm the “newly installed” security system, but they have the gall to show all these dumb vids, most of them packaged by the lame-stream morons of the mass-corp. “news”-media, like Anderson Cooper, who’s guilty of treason and conspiracy to overthrow US Constitution, penalty for which is serious business.
(3) And the VERY FEW little kiddoes who were interviewed didn’t hear anything like 150 or so shots fm an AR-15 which is EXTREMELY loud, only reporting they hrd someone knocking stuff down in the janitorial closet or “kicking” the door.
But what will REALLY do greatest damage to this putrid hoax and fraud is showing-up the farcical nature of the Lanzas for whom there’s NO HISTORY–do u notice?
For as a historian (or at least old history major, ho ho) I and u’ll quickly note there’s an ODD (but now typical, for this farce) lack of historical sense or feel, esp. for the Lanzas–who are they, anyway?–where do they come fm?
For we ought to know not only about Adam and his parents, but ALSO about the grand-parents, don’t u think?–why not? Observe Nancy was into guns, eh?–also she was “prepper” and home-schooled. So how did Nancy come to be this way? Did her parents take her out and teach her about guns?–did they have “strong” Christian values?–WHY DON’T WE KNOW ABOUT THIS SORT OF STUFF? Did Nancy and Peter have brothers and sisters?–what about people who knew their parents?
Why did Peter and Nancy get divorced?–was Peter too “liberal” for Nancy? What were Peter’s parents like?–so do u see how LITTLE we know? And do u doubt it’s precisely the object of the mass-corp. “news”-media (just think of that punk, Anderson Cooper) that we know so little about SIMPLE HISTORY of the Lanzas, who no doubt never existed? Why aren’t there any (credible) accounts of people who knew the Lanzas, INCLUDING knowing the grand-parents too?
It’s about time serious people–NOT the lame-stream, lying “news”-media–started DEMANDING ANSWERS. And it’s about time the police and investigative agencies started doing their proper jobs PROVIDING INFO to the people they’re supposed to be serving, and fm whose tax-money they’re paid.
MB 11:53 am on March 30, 2013Permalink | Edit
apollonian 12:20 pm on March 30, 2013Permalink | Edit
cossa6812:35 pm on March 30, 2013Permalink | Edit
apollonian 12:41 pm on March 30, 2013Permalink | Edit
LO PHATT 1:11 pm on March 30, 2013Permalink | Edit
apollonian 1:27 pm on March 30, 2013Permalink | Edit