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Thursday, May 30, 2019

"IQ"--just another moronic Jewwy myth kikes like to babble about....

Here, below, is an essay I submitted at , early on 29 May, but of course the kike, Unz CENSORED it, ho ho ho ho ho

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"IQ"--Just Another Moronic Jewwy Lie, Folks
(Apollonian, 30 May 19)

What a moronic farce, an elaborate manifold of lies--all this about idiot "IQ" for morons, ho ho ho ho ho. So what is "IQ"? "Intelligence" rather merely indicates data, details, blather, crap, items, garbage, etc. So then Jews memorize and recite more b.s. and lies?--humanity has always known that. So thus someone wants to elevate this mythical "IQ" to something that's "desirable" or "virtuous"?--ho ho oho ho ho.

What actual "good" or "use" is there for this moronic, non-existent, mythical crap, "IQ"? For after all, reality is either (a) objective (Aristotle, Christ [Gosp. JOHN 14:6]), or (b) it's subjective (Plato and Talmud, Jews holding reality is merely what kikes say it is).

And if reality is objective, it must be DETERMINED, according to absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" will, suckers)--HOW then does idiot "IQ" affect anything?--how could it?--it can't, and it can't be proven it does. For we Christians understand we're all sinners--always and ever, needing God's mercy and grace for salvation. "IQ" would merely make it, sinful nature, worse--as kikes imagine their psychopathic behavior thus proves their "intelligence," ho ho oho ho ho ho.

The whole idea is "IQ" is something desirable, kikes have it, and we all are supposed to be soooooooo "jealous" and "envious," the reason why we "persecute" the scummy puke, right?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.

But Jews are hated rightly and justifiably because Judaism IS SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be God, the creator), just a particular form of general Satanism. Just ck their filthy Talmud (see,, and

And Jews HATE truth (= Christ), why they conspired to kill Christ, but Christ having the last laugh as truth CANNOT BE KILLED, based as it is on objective reality (which can't be killed, sports-fans).

So actually Jews are stupidest people imaginable, in all truth--as New Test. demonstrates--why Jews are held to be so putrescent, odious, disgusting, stinking, filthy, repulsive, despicable, etc.

Just ask thyself--is it better to be HONEST and truthful?--as Christianity holds--or is it better to be the putrid, stinking liars, criminals, psychopaths, and murderers Jews are?--is that really "intelligent" way to be?--it hasn't worked for kikes all throughout history, why they complain w. such pathetic self-pity--idiot "IQ" just another of their moronic, psychopathic lies.