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ck; also,

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ho ho ho, Hoffman, the virtue-signaling liar, cries that critics won't read his worthless book, ho ho ho...

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-enemy-of.html

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Poor Hoffman, Passive-Aggressive Psycho, Liar, Can't Figure-Out Why His Book Won't Sell
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 19)

Ho ho ho ho ho, what?--u're "not surprised," Hoffman?--would that be because u've ALWAYS been a loser in ur pathetic life, playing the know-it-all moralistic, Pharisaic, virtue-signaler, always lecturing others how they should be "good," like u?--ho ho o ho hoho.

And what?--it "doesn't appear [ur] book has been read"?--and "facts" have not been "addressed"?--what "facts"?--about Bolsheviks of Russia not intending to invade Europe?--those are palpable, provable lies, when Stalin plainly invaded Finland, the Baltic states, and demanded and took parts of Rumania, thus threatening the vital oil sources of Ploesti, among the other facts, like the number of most powerful tank forces in the whole world, etc.

Then u throw in w. ur lies about Strasser, when the truth is it's unclear what exactly happened. And again, we KNOW already ur only real purpose is virtue-signaling, Hoffman, the passive-aggressive psycho obsessed upon non-existent "good-evil," Hoffman the Pelagian heretic pretending to a "free" will capable of impressing God, who already explained that all humans are sinners, un-worthy of any rewards after a life filled w. sin.

And why does anyone need ur worthless book, Hoffman, when u don't make any sense about much of anything else, always pretending as u do to moralism and moralizing in ur tiresome, moronic manner?

Don't u think we already KNOW what magnificent HERO was unc' Adolf?--speaking truth and defiance to satanic Jews and liars like urself who sympathize w. Jews and their lies and lying?

After all, we already KNOW about ur previous work on "usury" in which u pretend God forbids, as the Musselmen hold, the practice of lending at interest--which is just another lie by a lying, Jew-like liar like urself, sucker. For Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), the "only way to the Father," and God is thus ALWAYS rational, about which a hereticalist, lying virtue-signaler like urself is so utterly ignorant.

Hence lending at interest is obviously mere matter of personal contract and agreement among the citizenry and people. God only makes irrationalist commandments for the Musselmen, Hoffman. For true Christians, unlike Hoffman, God is TRUTH and always perfectly rational. Hence "usury" COULD NOT be mere lending at interest, and such honest lending at interest COULD NEVER be forbidden by rational God of truth and reason.

Hoffman, hereticalist virtue-signaler just cannot abide such truth and reason--that's ur problem, Hoffman, thou poor fool, passive-aggressive psycho. Take ur book of lies and lying about heroic unc' Adolf, and stick it, sucker. No one needs Hoffman and his idiot lying and moralizing--especially when we already have to contend w. these satanic Jews--Hoffman can't, won't figure that out.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hoffman is positively comical for his know-it-all insistance he knows all about military strategy, how Hitler went wrong, etc....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-enemy.html , but not published (gee, I wonder why?), ho ho ho.

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Hoffman: Pathetic Psycho, Mindlessly Envious, Obsessive Virtue-Signaler
(Apollonian, 24 Nov 19)
Ho ho hoh oho, Mike Hoffman, passive-aggressive, virtue-signaling little psycho, envious of Jews and Adolf Hitler at same time, has a "genius" idea, by golly: he'll make a sop to his Jew enemies, who hate him for his Talmudic exposition, which he expects will confute at least some of the Jews, at same time as he maligns and tries to defame a real hero, Adolf Hitler, as in his new book, "Adolf Hitler...." What's Hoffman's "thesis"?--that unc' Adolf was "enemy of the German people," again, according to his book and title thereof.

So Hoffman says Hitler betrayed Germans by attacking poor Russkies--who only had 170 divisions sitting on the border btwn the two, and adds Hoffman, Hitler failed to eradicate "usury," this usury being one of Hoffman's psychotic, obsessive little hobby-horses which he insists God has forbidden (see his book, "Usury in Christendom...").

But didn't unc' Adolf speak truth about Jews, and inspire his people thereby?--and doesn't that deserve credit?--well, of course, but Hoffman is jealous of such hero as Hitler, and is too much the moralistic Pharisee and virtue-signaler, who insists he's only one who's allowed to criticize Jews, u understand. Hoffman is the megalomaniac among moralists, u understand, probably thinks he should be pope as he pretends to Christianity and general know-it-all as about economics and money and banking, Hoffman now in this case, regarding Hitler and WWII, the supreme arm-chair military strategist, no less.

So let's observe Hoffman as he converses w. one of his correspondents who attempts reasoning w. Hoffman in comments section on his blog (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ook-enemy.html ). Thus it's presented to arm-chair general Hoffman, "At the time, 6 German divisions, on the border between Poland and the Soviet Union, faced 170 Russian divisions." Just before, "[I]n June 1941, the Soviets annexed Bessarabia and North Bukovina [in Rumania]. They were thus threatening near the Romanian oil wells,...."

Arm-chair general Hoffman responds: "...a wise German leader [Hoffman knows all about "wisdom," u understand] would have done to Stalin’s forces what Stalin did to Hitler’s...." Thus Hoffman would have Hitler to allow the Soviets to attack first, eschewing the pre-emptive attack of the Germans which we KNOW was successful--Germans only faltered later as Stalin was heavily supplied by USA "Lend-Lease" w. essential trucks, enhancing greatly mobility of soviet forces, and food which soviets lacked, as usual for them and all socialists.

Hoffman's responses are highly entertaining as the know-it-all Hoffman lectures his correspondent, "[t]his contention violates every principle of military strategy," he pompously announces. Hoffman the pretended scholar imagines that quoting sources and other opinions absolutely proves his contentions, as Hoffman pontificates, "[I]n my book I quote the sources that show that Hitler’s generals who were in charge of supplying the Ostheer, stated to him by the end of 1941, that the army could no longer be adequately supplied, the war was lost,...." Case closed, according to Hoffman--this is Hoffman's idea of scholarship and argumentation, folks, Hoffman the passive-aggressive, virtue-signaling psycho.

It's truly amusing to observe Hoffman in above-mentioned comments section going on w. his moronic, presumptuous lecturing and declamations, but regardless, he may indeed very well finally be able to accomplish some significant sales of his book, though I don't think Jews will allow too much of that as it would bring attn. to Hoffman's anti-Talmudic expositions. Who else will sell and feature Hoffman's work? But at least Hoffman might be able to inveigle some of the dumber Jews to giving him a word of defense or mitigation in face of otherwise overall, typical, and obligatory Jew hatred. Poor Hoffman, the fool, psycho, and pathetically inept virtue-signaler.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Time is now RIGHT--to informing volk about "legalized counterfeiting" power of central-bank which enables "deep-state"--which volk have now observed behind demon-rats "impeachment" farce....

Time Now To Inform The Goons About Enabling Power Of "Deep-State"--The Central Bank and Legalized Counterfeiting
(Apollonian, 16 Nov 19)

Folks: we have now reached the moment the Pres. of Jew S A should and must declare martial law against the now blatant coup attempt by the demon-rat party in their fraudulent "impeachment" attempts. Trump now should merely gather the Republican leadership to confer and determine upon definite action against the plain and blatant attempt of demon-rats for sedition of the lawful gov., such as it is--even though, in truth, this gov. is totally controlled by "deep-state" Jews, esp. Israel--these Jew idiots have simply allowed things for this charade to going too far--too many people now see the travesty (sedition) for what it really is.

Especially now in case of latest "Ukraine" episode, we see it's much a matter of diverting attn. fm the Biden corruption, as the former VP is on tape explicitly telling everyone what he did and how he did it, threatening Ukraine to withhold funding if they didn't remove the prosecutor investigating VP's son's corrupt Ukrainian company and cohorts. Earlier, in the "Russian collusion" farce, it was diversion fm hitlery's e-mails and other corruption, including the "Clinton Foundation," proceeding then to FBI and CIA defrauding the FISA court, attempting the framing of the Pres.

The only missing piece of the puzzle not fully acknowledged by the mass of goons, called "the people," is the nature and function of the central-bank in financing and enabling these moronic scams of the "deep-state," "deep-state" now controlled by Israel-first faction, mostly, which used to be the "little brother" to the leftist "globalists" of CFR and Trilateralists/Bilderbergers, another Jew-oriented and -controlled conspiracy--as Jews are most organized, collectivistic, and cohesive, obviously.

But now even many of these stupid, over-populated, TV-addicted goons can understand "LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING," which is what the central-bank does, w. the fraudulent fiat-currency (not real MONEY--see for expo; use their site search-engine), which enables the overwhelming power of the Jews and "deep-state"--which is what is behind all this idiotic "impeachment" balderdash and moronic nonsense.

I guess we just need someone like Ron or Rand Paul to come-out and make a speech, letting the morons and scum to know the "cat" is out of the proverbial "bag" for the enabling instrument of "deep-state," the central-bank, which does what even the goons can grasp as legalized counterfeiting, which gives "deep-state" its practical power, financing wars and terror events, buying all the politicians and judges, controlling the Jews-media, etc.

The time is right for this revelation regarding legalized counterfeiting of central-bank, as now even the stupid goons understand such thing as "deep-state." If Ron or Rand Paul won't do it, surely Paul Craig Roberts could do it for informing the people, if not Roberts, then maybe Ajax Jewns of, or old Rush Limbaugh. The people are finally ready for this informative truth about "deep-state" which is now MANIFEST.

Monday, November 4, 2019

episodes of hist. need be placed in context--within CYCLIC process, WWII following logically fm WWI, development of central-banking scam, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Hitler, Germany: Parts In CYCLIC History Of Central-Banking, Spenglerian "Decline Of West," United Nations Jew World Order
(Apollonian, 4 Nov 19)

Everything is so difficult and complicated for "Omouamoua" (and so many others): Germany and Hitler were attacked, pure and simple--and all in accord w. a sustained overall plan for world dictatorship/gov. Especially as Germany under Hitler/NSDAP had rebuilt so well and effectively (see David Hoggan's "The Forced War"), the Jew and central-banking powers decided it was time to strike and continue to remaking the world for Jew world order and one-world gov. under United Nations--they're still working at it, still in the saddle carrying the initiative, as we see, despite growing problems for the people getting wise to it all.

Thus Britain made an offensive alliance w. Poland, Poland making it clear it would be war if Germany didn't give-up Danzig to be taken-over by Poles, as Poles had done w. much other German-populated territory, murdering thousands of ethnic Germans as further provocation(s).

Thus Brits and French declared war on Germany which had done NOTHING against Brits and French--they just wanted a war, having nothing better to do for their Jew masters running the central-banks legalized counterfeiting (again, see for expo on central-banking, etc.) fiat-currency scam(s).

When one looks at things in view of one-world gov., one sees "NATIONAL"-type gov., as Germany's, must go and be eliminated in face of world socialism for working classes, etc., all run and managed by the criminals behind central-banking operations, US Federal Reserve, B. of England, BIS, etc.

So Britain and France tried to line-up w. Soviets, who were too suspicious at first, but failing such alignment w. outright Bolsheviks, decided to use poor, stupid Poland. Behind everyone else stood Jew S A, so willing, even eager, to bankroll everyone else beginning w. infamous "lend-lease," by which Russkies were enabled, w. trucks for mobility, and food, ultimately to defeating Germany which didn't get its fearsome rocket and jet-engine weaponry on-line in time.

Proper analysis of history of one-world socialist gov. isn't difficult, really--such dictatorship all fueled and energized by means of central-banking scam which so many people STILL can't figure-out (hint: it's just legalized counterfeiting, literally).

Thus WWII must be understood as mere following act to the first "world war," which war was deliberately begun by Triple Entente conspirators, including the great Boer war which preceded--see "Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War," by G. Docherty and J. Macgregor, also ck their website,

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Posted November 4, 2019 at 2:24 am | Permalink
Leading circles in the US and Britain wanted war but did not talk war. Stalin wanted war too but did not talk war either, at least not to the outside world. It was a different story with Soviet propaganda intended for domestic consumption. This propaganda talked war under the banner of world revolution.

Hitler and the Nazis were confused. They talked war, or at least it seemed so, under the banner of righting the wrongs of Versailles and obtaining Lebensraum. But they did not really know whether they wanted war or not. When war broke out, German forces where woefully unprepared. Successes were mostly a matter of luck. Full transition to a war economy occurred only several years into the war, not earlier.

The Nazis had no plan and did not fool anyone. American and British elites and Stalin all had the plan of pitting all the other ones against each other. Stalin fooled the Nazis by signing the pact that gave him Eastern Poland. The Nazis duly attacked Poland first. Eventually they found themselves in a two front war. How dumb is that? Polish atrocities against minority Germans prior to the attack were backed by the British and the Americans. They also got the war they wanted. They fooled both the Soviets and and the Germans. The Americans fooled the British into believing that they could win WWII just as they had won WWI. It hastened the demise of their empire. The empire’s days were numbered anyway. Its quick demise provided the Americans with the opening they needed to become the next hegemon. Influential circles in the US fooled the US public into believing that war was good for them. Here is the hierarchy of fools:

The US public
The British
The Soviets
The Germans

Hitler only ever made a single move that could be considered smart to some extent. By attacking the Soviet Union, he put Germany on the chopping block to prevent a communist takeover of all of Europe.

Hitler was a complex phenomenon. It is clear that he was a pawn in the grand scheme of things. He also had some leeway prior to the war. During this time, he had some successes with regard to how he ran the economy and drove out disloyal members of the German elite. This is why he is so difficult to gauge nowadays

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Unz, psycho Jew, Jewwy liar, flim-flam man, imagines he fools gentiles, chuckle chuckle....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz: Typical Jew Liar, Dis-Info Artist Whose Efforts Are Exposed Nonetheless
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 19)

Ho hoh oho, observe how Unz the Jew has allowed and encouraged "anon 396" to essentially troll and HIJACK the commentary here by "anon's" repeating over and over his EQUIVOCATION fallacy regarding meaning of "Jew," insisting Christ was Jew, hence mere variation/version of the Pharisees, later Talmudists.

Note "anon 396" says NOTHING about why/how Christ is so absolutely hated by Jews/Talmud--nothing about why Pharisees saw to killing of Christ (hence TRUTH) in New Test story-line--what do thou think it is/was all about, Unzie? Thou Jews so absolutely HATE and detest truth, eh?

"Anon 396" says absolutely nothing about the opposing philosophy of Christ and New Test. (objective reality, determinist universe) versus the Judaic/Pharisaic/Talmudic subjectivism/Satanism, as I detail at # 182, above. Instead, Unz CENSORED/deleted my entry exposing Unz's trolling and deliberate dis-info featuring and favoring "anon 396's" dis-info and deliberate diversion of the discussion by means of that simple, little equivocation fallacy, repeated now over and again.

Unz imagines his subversive editorship is effective, but he merely exposes his typical Judaic attempt to lying and dis-info, Unz TYPICAL Jew, demonstrating typical Jew tactics, pretending he's for "free-speech," ho ho ho ho. Thou fool no one, Unz, and my entries just get posted somewhere else so the world learns about thy infernal lying and censorship regardless thy puny Jewwy efforts against truth and honesty.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Unz's methods and motivations perfectly consistent w. kikes, Talmud, never doubt....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments,

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Unz's Methods, Motivations Perfectly Consistent
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 19)

Olivier: don't forget, Unz is Jew--by his own admission. So what kind of person do thou think identifies as Jew? Did thou know Jews, by definition follow the Talmud and/or relate and sympathize w. those who do? What's Talmud all about?--thou should find out, eh?--see,, and

And if there's any doubt within thou of Unz's fundamental and typical Jew contempt of humanity, just read his own article, written by himself, "An Open Letter to the "Alt-Right" and Others"; it's right here, posted and archived on this site.

It's interesting the selection of articles published at Unz Review, no?--but do thou see then and note the "readers" responses and comments? Observe Unz's EXTREME AND INTENSIVE censorship and selection of those responses and commentary--what's purpose and pt.?--is it really that hard to figure-out?

That highly censored and selected commentary is purely and strictly for purposes of Jews, never doubt--and HOW could it NOT be? Have thou ever hrd or seen any Jews seriously complaining about Unz? Do thou doubt Unz himself considers he's successful?--again, read his article cited above, "An Open Letter...." Unz Review is all about Jews--for Jews, of Jews, and by Jews, without any question.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------

#800, Olivier1973 says:
August 4, 2019 at 3:19 pm GMT • 200 Words
@Lev Ke

“The only explanation for Ron’s belief in the Apollo missions is the strength of childhood exposure to extreme propaganda.”

As mark Twain put it:

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

Cognitive dissonance. Ron’s problem is that he relies on an inverted ad populum fallacy: no one spoke. But Armstrong did. It is only necessary to listen. It was said it is cryptic. Criptic only for the believers.


One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.


One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.

As you know there is an atmosphere on the moon, the same as on the Earth, because it is the only way to explain that someone without a space suit could walk on it and leave this footprint:

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Hubris is precursor to outright satanism, and pretending to liberalism is hubris, liberalism simply fascism excused by Pharisaism, precursor to satanic "globalism"....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Olivier Suffers Hubris
(Apollonian, 4 July 19)

Nature of human nature is as I noted--we're sinners, necessarily self-interested, possessed of will, not a perfectly "free" will, which pretension (to perfect "free-ness" of will) is simply lies and hubris. And such human sinfulness is advice of noneother than our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, no less than God the Son--otherwise known as TRUTH--ever hrd of it?

What?--thou don't understand human nature?--it only requires (a) observation, and (b) inductive logic, (c) easily confirmed by further observation, confirming--the scientific method, in case thou forgot.

And EVERYONE is necessarily "racist," by the definition of the term, LOYALTY, to some race or other, mixed or non-mixed--it's either-or. Racism, within reason, IS VIRTUE--get a clue and quit pretending to stupid "liberalism" (which is really just moralistic fascism, fascism excused upon moralism) which is precursor for morons to satanic "globalism" ("liberal world order," according to ex-VP, Joe Biden).

And like I explained so patiently to thou, which thou don't appreciate: EVERYONE is descendent of conquerors of every land we know of, NOT only kikes and yanks. Equating yanks w. Satanists, like Jews, is simply ignorance and miserable understanding of facts of history.

Quit thy Pharisaist self-righteousness; thou impress no one--thou suffer the dread sin of HUBRIS--there's no perfectly "free" human will, and there's no "good-evil." Everyone is a sinner. And there's no such thing as "non-racism"--it would only be racism (loyalty) to the mixed race by default--treason to the natural race.

And no, I don't believe I ever really hrd of "Kogi civilization," and I doubt thou ever did either, certainly not very much--WHAT do u really know?--not nearly enough, evidently, for I can assure thou they're sinners no less than all other humans.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------

#788, Olivier1973 says:
July 4, 2019 at 12:43 pm GMT • 100 Words

"But note humans are sinners by nature"

You are a lucky guy if you know the human nature. I don’t. Yes, Jews and Yankees (or shall I say Anglo-Saxons?) have something in common: they are receivers of stolen land. By eradicating the native people. Highly racist people that is. But not all people are racists. Life sucks? It is your point of view. Life is beautiful. Some people sucks when they cannot stop. Father of Albert Camus said: “Un homme, ça s’empêche.” (A human being can restrain himself.) Never heard about Kogi civilisation?! For instance.

Lies suck. Like the A11 thing and the rest.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Goodness, but there's toooo goddamn many stupid people--and we're in serious trouble, suckers--people need to start facing some simple facts....

Stupid, Stinking, Brainless, Moronic Puke--Ripe And Begging For Death, Destruction
(Apollonian, 1 July 19)

What happens when a population of a corrupt culture (like Jew S A) becomes filled w. HUBRIS?--for note hubris is a kind of madness/insanity which the Greeks understood most brilliantly. Well, it means generally, these hubristic scum are gonna die if they don't watch out, and what's worse, these stupid scum are liable to so screwing things up that perhaps a lot of other people will die too. Observe present Jew S A, a putrid, now stinking empire, captured and controlled by Jews, foremost Satanists.

Just observe the Democratic Party and their professional morons now running for office of President--could they be more stupid?--more criminal, more traitorous?--free medical care for illegal alien invaders paid for by the suckers, the tax-payers. And if thou don't like it, well, they (the G. Soros -funded Democrats) will just send anti-fa against u brainless morons who just sit still for it all, as the country, nation, and state just crumbles all around us.

Of course, Republicans aren't much better than the Dems, sucking-up as they do to the Jews, especially Israel-first traitors and puppets like Trump. Observe it's thus simply a charade, "good" Jews (neo-cons and Israel-first) vs. the "bad" Jews of the left, atheists and "globalists." And the dumb****s can't (or won't) figure it out--that Jews are nothing less than satanic scum, at the top, controlling everything--first, controlling the "Jews-media," but also controlling the elections too, featuring all the "electronic" voting, etc.--dumbasses, morons, and scum just can't figure it out.

So the idiot-morons of Democrats have excellent chances of winning, u'll observe, as it's only matter of (a) rigging the elections which is (b) merely conditioned by the Jews-media lies, liars, and lying who so easily fool the masses of morons, as we see over and over again. U'll notice the gross, in-ur-face censorship of the "big-tech" social-media platforms too, no doubt. And if u don't go along w. all this Jewwy, satanic manipulation, fraud, treason, and criminality, then gee, but u're just racist and anti-Semitic, aren't u?

For the even half-way people of any sort of discernment must be amazed, asking themselves HOW Democrats could be soooo blatantly stupid, treasonous, contemptuous, and in-ur-face criminal--but remember Jew S A is over-populated w. stupid people, goons, suckers, scum, morons, weaklings, and inferiors who've grown-up now over the yrs of Jew S A hegemony, since the "victory" (for Jews anyway) of WWII.

For note now, the gross, putrid cultural HUBRIS is SOOO over-whelming, the culture has become blatantly SATANIC--oriented for death worship, as Ayn Rand noted in her prophetic novel, "Atlas Shrugged."

But then WHAT, specifically, is it that provides for this stinking Satanism, so in-ur-face?--that down-to-earth, practical thing? For note HUBRIS is psychologic and abstract--what is that practical, "existential" thing which literally FEEDS the hubris and Satanism? And the simple answer is the central-bank and fiat-currency system which amounts to literal LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING, simple as that. See for expo on central-banking; use site search-engine.

And the stupidity of the dumb****s consists in not facing that simple fact--the denial of reality--that central-banking and fiat-currency is literally legalized counterfeiting, obviously criminal, and obviously fraudulent, now leading us all to disaster, as we see w. our own eyes.

So we need a real, genuine CHRISTIAN awakening, suckers--don't laugh, dumbasses, as u're about to be harvested like cattle being led to the slaughter. All u need to remember and to note is that Christianity is worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which necessarily implies and requires an OBJECTIVE reality for basis of any truth.

Of course, Jews are foremost Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea mind/consciousness creates reality, thus making the subject to being God, the creator--HUBRIS, by definition--ask the Greeks. Jews are most sublime, successful, practical Satanists as they're COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, most organized, cohesive, and well-led against the over-populated morons and goons who are more isolated and individualist for their own hubris and Satanism--it's what's going-on right before ur very eyes, fools--get a clue.

And again, the way to END this moronic Satanism is to remove the central-bank and fiat-currency, going immediately to gold/silver, commodity-based money--REAL money rather than mere "currency." And along w. this waking-up to necessity of real money surely requires anti-Semitism, best form of which is dear old Christianity, the real thing, worship of truth, hence objective reality. They go together, real money and Christian respect for truth and objective reality, never forget--and there's no time to lose, fools.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

"IQ"--just another moronic Jewwy myth kikes like to babble about....

Here, below, is an essay I submitted at , early on 29 May, but of course the kike, Unz CENSORED it, ho ho ho ho ho

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"IQ"--Just Another Moronic Jewwy Lie, Folks
(Apollonian, 30 May 19)

What a moronic farce, an elaborate manifold of lies--all this about idiot "IQ" for morons, ho ho ho ho ho. So what is "IQ"? "Intelligence" rather merely indicates data, details, blather, crap, items, garbage, etc. So then Jews memorize and recite more b.s. and lies?--humanity has always known that. So thus someone wants to elevate this mythical "IQ" to something that's "desirable" or "virtuous"?--ho ho oho ho ho.

What actual "good" or "use" is there for this moronic, non-existent, mythical crap, "IQ"? For after all, reality is either (a) objective (Aristotle, Christ [Gosp. JOHN 14:6]), or (b) it's subjective (Plato and Talmud, Jews holding reality is merely what kikes say it is).

And if reality is objective, it must be DETERMINED, according to absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" will, suckers)--HOW then does idiot "IQ" affect anything?--how could it?--it can't, and it can't be proven it does. For we Christians understand we're all sinners--always and ever, needing God's mercy and grace for salvation. "IQ" would merely make it, sinful nature, worse--as kikes imagine their psychopathic behavior thus proves their "intelligence," ho ho oho ho ho ho.

The whole idea is "IQ" is something desirable, kikes have it, and we all are supposed to be soooooooo "jealous" and "envious," the reason why we "persecute" the scummy puke, right?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.

But Jews are hated rightly and justifiably because Judaism IS SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be God, the creator), just a particular form of general Satanism. Just ck their filthy Talmud (see,, and

And Jews HATE truth (= Christ), why they conspired to kill Christ, but Christ having the last laugh as truth CANNOT BE KILLED, based as it is on objective reality (which can't be killed, sports-fans).

So actually Jews are stupidest people imaginable, in all truth--as New Test. demonstrates--why Jews are held to be so putrescent, odious, disgusting, stinking, filthy, repulsive, despicable, etc.

Just ask thyself--is it better to be HONEST and truthful?--as Christianity holds--or is it better to be the putrid, stinking liars, criminals, psychopaths, and murderers Jews are?--is that really "intelligent" way to be?--it hasn't worked for kikes all throughout history, why they complain w. such pathetic self-pity--idiot "IQ" just another of their moronic, psychopathic lies.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Effrontery of kike, Unz, shown-up quite well as he runs Linh Dinh articles, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Typical Effrontery Of Jew, Unz, Running Linh Dinh Articles
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 19)

Linh Dinh nails things pretty brilliantly; he only leaves off w. explicit philosophic analysis: Jews are subjectivists/Satanists, pushing self-serving lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), built upon their SUBJECTIVIST ("midrash") reality, following their "Oral Law Tradition," which "tradition" was fully written-out officially w. Babylonian Talmud, 500 AD, but which "tradition" was known by Christ and mentioned at several places in New Test., like Gosp. MARK, ch. 7, verses 3, 5, and 9. See also,, and for best expo.

Christ, on other hand, defended Mosaic law, against Pharisees, Christ being TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), directly and necessarily implying the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, basis and premise for such "truth."

Thus Jews hold there's no "truth" but WHAT THEY SAY, and to demonstrate their hatred and denial of objective reality and truth, Jews and Pharisees killed truth (= Christ), but which truth RESURRECTED, as truth does, it being founded upon objective reality which cannot be killed.

So the great cultural dichotomy is, as it is presently dramatized, the Jew (extreme) subjectivism, basis of lies, vs. the objective reality: Jews vs. rest of world, the world grown stale and hubristic in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," rest of the world led necessarily by Christianity which WORSHIPS truth (= Christ) and the objective view--why Jews so absolutely HATE Christianity, Christ, and Christians--just ask the kike whore, Sarah Silverman.

Note then if one denies or is ignorant of objective reality, then "hypnosis" of some sort is the only alternative, and Jews, being foremost Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism (hence "midrash"--interpretation), holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition-- manipulate by means of FEAR and intimidation--"hypnosis" (for people don't want to admit they're such cowards, so ignorant).

Jews then dominate Satanism, subjectivists and Satanists among goyim, as Jews practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective, successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized, by which then they naturally dominate and rule gentile Satanists/subjectivists who are relatively isolated fm one another, typically more "individualist."

All Satanists/subjectivists together then, Jew and gentile, combine thus to intimidate and terrorize the more isolated, confused, dis-united (and now over-populated) gentiles, exactly as described in "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews squeal is "forgery," but still perfectly depicts the reality--just look, listen, and see.

Jew, Ron Unz, then is PERFECT EXAMPLE of this Jew practice and exercise, pretending he's not "religious" (like all the Jew liars and subjectivists) but perfectly practicing philosophy of subjectivism and loyalty to religious Jews who overtly hate Christ (= truth), Christians, and Christianity.

"Religion" then is demonstrated as just larger vehicle for such satanic philosophy, which Unz practices perfectly, esp. by means of his website, "Unz Review," which features ostensibly "anti-Semitic" articles, but which are now made subject to typical Jewwy "pilpul" casuistry, as we see so consistently, plainly, and regularly, w. all the myriad Jew trolls and liars Unz features and welcomes as he carefully and thoroughly CENSORS and deletes forthright Christians, "anti-semites," and any others defending the objective view.

Thus, there's NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism (anti-Satanism) or Christian view (Christians necessarily leaders of humanity against Jews/Satanists) tolerated on Unz Review, ALWAYS the gentiles and non-semites required to pretend there are "good" Jews (a), (b) that "Jews are like anyone else," and (c) "one can't judge all Jews by just one or a few." Thus Unz strives by means of this constant, consistent CENSORSHIP to induce that very "hypnosis" upon the poor, stupid gentiles who ARE allowed to comment and appear in the comments section, targets then for Unz's favored Jewwy trolls who are legion and eager to practice their "pilpul" casuistry and lying.

Clever and insidious, isn't it?--that Jew, Unz, runs this sort of "hypnotic" scam by means of his site, pretending he's for "free speech" and against censorship, etc., while practicing very intensive, consistent, even ferocious sort (MOST of my Christian entries being deleted and censored)--his real purpose being actually to running a "pilpul" (casuistic) training and exercise camp, as it were, for fellow Jews and subjectivists. Is it any wonder Jews are so hated and despised?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Unz (of "Unz Review") is just the typical kike liar, never doubt--merely has a novel "angle" gimmick....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz: No Diff. FM Typical Jew--Liar, Subversive, Hater Of Humanity, Etc.
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 19)

"Che" says,
"I agree, in principle, and most Jews, in my experience, both in Japan and abroad, are pretty horrible, they aren’t all so.

"I have never met Mr. Unz, but he is our host, but I think I would like him if I were to meet him. Although, from his phrasing in his good articles, he may express himself a little ponderously."
Che, buddy, thou desperately needs getting a major clue--to save thy life: a Jew is a Jew is a Jew--there's no "good" one, anymore than there's "good" psychopath or "good" Satanist, or "good" child-molester.

And in war, which is what Jews are conducting against us (humanity), thou must respond against the enemy in same collectivist manner. And this under-mining/subversion of necessary war disposition is what Unz is about for subversion--pretending there are "good" Jews, that one "can't/shouldn't judge them all by the few or just one," etc. Jew is a Jew--liar and anti-Christ, of necessity--which Unz practices and demonstrates PERFECTLY, always.

Unz himself is KNOWN and proven liar--he's NOT for "free speech" or free expression--he continues to delete/censor MOST of my entries; his agenda is SAME old Jew's--getting the stupid goyim (unfortunately, like thyself) to "judge by individual" instead of conducting necessary WAR against them collectively. No decent person calls himself "Jew." If thou doubt the ill-will of Unz, the typical Jewwy contempt towards humanity, just read his "Open Ltr to Alt-right."

Unz just does the same old "good-Jew" vs. "bad-Jew" gambit, the "Zionists" being "bad," etc. Unz adds in the holohoax, but he's still same Jewwy liar and subversive.

And don't give us the "non-religious" crap--Unz is LOYAL to the religious kikes, never doubt--that's why he calls himself "Jew." And remember: Satanism (extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness) begins as simple philosophy--the "religion" is just an elaboration and larger vehicle for that basic satanic philosophy.

Unz here is just running the usual, typical, Jewwy psy-ops, attempting "normalizing" Jews, pretending "they're like anyone else," etc.--why and how he constantly injects all his buddy, Jewwy trolls, liars, and prop.-artists as he does, favoring the dumbest of the goyim, like thyself, who pushes the subversive prop. to effect we must take kikes individually and not treat them collectivistically, as according to proper, necessary warfare. Q.E.D.

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# 61, Che Guava says:
March 25, 2019 at 2:37 pm GMT • 300 Words

I agree, in principle, and most Jews, in my experience, both in Japan and abroad, are pretty horrible, they aren’t all so.

I have never met Mr. Unz, but he is our host, but I think I would like him if I were to meet him. Although, from his phrasing in his good articles, he may express himself a little ponderously.

When learning of Jews overseas (I had no idea before that most so set themselves apart), the process was exposure to suspicion and whining.

However, I met exceptions, two pretty art-scene women, one film-buff man, all quite close friends. The film-fan spoke with a very exaggerated version of Woody Allen accent. He knew so much about films!

From what I read since, I suppose, what is called ‘Sephardi’, dark skin, very hairy.

Israelis, OTOH, I have only met in Japan, and from my sample (25 or so), they all had descipable points. Whether running illegal street stalls, selling illegal drugs, working as escorts (they all had a connection to the second point), then whining about the police enforcing the law, not at that time, being deported, but the govt. stopped all of their nonsense.

Once or twice, I met older Israelis, I was thinking ‘wow, these people will make more sense’, but I came away with the feeling (and saying to others at times since) ‘these people are far more arrogant than the worst of our fascists, or of National Socialists.’

I have a few of friends from our extreme right.

None match the Israelis for supercilious and baseless arrogance. For the former, if you can speak Japanese, or they can speak what language you speak, they do not adopt automatic distrust, automatic supremacy.

I am sure (but not very), if one is to visit Israel, one may find different types of people, but unlikely, and I have been mentally ‘boycott Israel’ for many years, I really wanted to visit Syria.

That they have largely wrecked Syrian antiquities does not make me wish to visit Israel.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hoffman: nothing now but full-fledged Pharisaic liar....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Hoffman's Lies, Lying About History And "Usury," Borne Of Sheer Ignorance, Pretension
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

Folks: Mike A. Hoffman has transformed over the yrs into a full-fledged Pharisaic-styled liar and outright mystic moron--he's LOST the meaning of Christianity which is simply worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies and lying, Jews (JOHN 8:44) the foremost liars and satanists, such Christian truth directly implying the objective reality which gives meaning and substance to truth, reality being the necessary reference for any truth.

Jews, defined as followers of Pharisees and Talmud (distinct fm Judeans, the people who lived in Judea at time of Christ, only 5% of whom were followers of Pharisees, the middle-class party), rather hold to "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" (SUBJECTIVISM) by which Torah is INTERPRETED, meaning then ONLY what rabbis say it means, according to their "midrash" (interpretation), this "midrash" depending then upon what is "good for the Jews" and against the gentiles (humanity) who are hated by Jews as simple matter of course and dogma--gentiles to be made slaves, upon whom Jews are to parasitize.

Thus Hoffman now wants to pretend no one can criticize Jews but for Hoffman himself--as if Hoffman owns the Jews by his putrid, mysticism and virtue-signaling "moralistic" putridity and pretension. Just listen to (read) all this nonsense and psycho-babble by Hoffman in his (above) comment # 111. And remember further that the "Church" is simply the people--TOTALLY DIFF. FM that bureaucracy of parasite officials and charlatans which we now call the "Vatican." The "Vatican" (and officials) ARE NOT NOT NOT same as the "Church"--never forget that.

Note then there is serious problem for what the very word, "usury" really means--ESPECIALLY if it is to connote something objectionable. For if "usury" is truly something objectionable, it couldn't merely be the charging of interest--for there's nothing wrong w. charging of interest. And remember, charging of interest is simply a matter of CONTRACT and agreement btwn individuals--there could be nothing wrong w. such "interest" unless there was some fraud or coercion involved. And simple historical fact is that the increasing business of late medieval and Renaissance times couldn't have occurred without the natural charging of interest which made lending and borrowing more feasible among the people.

Note further that if there's competition among businessmen for the borrowing of (relatively) scarce money--real money, like gold/silver--then the charging of interest makes perfect sense to everyone, the lender naturally preferring the customer willing to pay the competitive price, other conditions being equal. And this practice of lending to and among business people was historically what was evermore taking place during the late medieval, early Renaissance time in question, don't forget.

Thus ALL BUSINESSMEN AND BANKERS understood the NECESSITY of charging interest, given the business conditions, and it was simply idiotic for the "Vatican" bureaucracy (NOT THE "CHURCH") to stand in the way of economic life and necessity for charging of interest--the "Vatican" looks stupid and foolish pretending to dis-approve and condemn what all the business people KNEW had to be done (charging of interest), and which was being done by everyone ANYWAY. It was the "Vatican" bureaucracy which found soon enough they had to change their moronic dogma regarding "interest"--or they (the "Vatican" charlatans) would simply pass into ever greater ridicule and irrelevance.

Another relevant side-note to consider is that "Vatican" and its personnel were intimately involved w. their own banking, lending, and buying and selling activity--they knew perfectly well the problems of the "usury" prohibitions which could obstruct otherwise legitimate activity among the people.

It's far more likely that "usury," understood as something objectionable, most probably referred to "central-banking" and "fiat-currency" (see; use their search-engine) which "currency" is artificially produced in place of real, commodity-based money, like gold/silver, which is FINITE in amount, currency being practically INFINITE (literally legalized counterfeiting), constantly issued, thus fraudulently losing value per unit as the amount issued is ever-increased, the people despoiled and impoverished who are forced to using such currency--as we see in this very day.

Upon this fraudulent currency, note it doesn't matter if "interest" is charged or not--the currency system will necessarily collapse as the "inflation" continues, regardless of interest charging. Thus the blame of "usury" is falsely put upon charging of interest, rather than the fraudulent issuance of "currency" (fake money--legalized counterfeiting) in place of real commodity-based MONEY, like gold/silver.

Such then are the real facts and circumstances regarding money, banking, charging-of-interest, and "usury." Hoffman is simply the typical moralistic Pharisaic, obsessed w. pretending to pushing his virtue-signaling, imagining he is "better," more "moral" and "virtuous than others w. this nonsense and brainless clap-trap about "usury," etc. Can thou imagine the hellish lives of this fool, Hoffman's children, of whom I understand he has about ELEVEN--those poor kids, having to endure such a fatuous, brainless, pretentious fool as parent. Lord have mercy.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 111, Michael Hoffman says: • Website
March 24, 2019 at 3:49 pm GMT • 500 Words
@Digital Samizdat

Still, it is rather clear that under the Presidency of Donald Trump the US influence and power in the world have declined truly dramatically – so much for making anything at all “great again”.

Actually, if ruining The Empire’s image is the best we can get out of Trump, I’ll still take it.

BTW, does anyone else here see an inconsistency in the following two statements:

As for the Papacy, it has been in bed with Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis for many centuries (just read Michael Hoffman’s superb book, the 700 pages long “The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome”) and not just since Vatican II (as some Latins naively believe!).

If it weren’t so ugly and tragic, it would actually be funny (especially to see the Latins and the Talmudists in bed with each other after centuries of mutual hatred).

So when exactly did the “Latins” first hop in bed with the Talmudists? Many centuries ago? Or a few years back, when Steve Bannon first hit the scene?

Apart from a few minor quibbles though, this is a good essay overall. Saker has an important point to make: now that nationalists are making a comeback in the West, it’s totally predictable that the zionists will try to infiltrate and steer their movements for the benefit of Israel. If they succeed, there’s no way this can end well. If you don’t believe me, take a look at what happened to all those zio-rapture-Xtian idiots. What did they ever get out of that relationship? Zilch.

Don’t let this happen to you, alt-right. Don’t get used by the Zionists. They will never repay you for your services, no matter what they promise.

Cardinal Raymond Burke and the rest of the Maltese-masonic “Catholic conservatives” are representative of the chess game that has been in play since the middle of the fifteenth century, beginning with the first stirrings of Neoplatonic Hermeticism, Talmudism and Kabbalism bankrolled by the Medici and other exceedingly wealthy Italian and German-Catholic (House of Fugger) usury operations, which were all non-Judaic (

Promotion, preservation and publication of the Babylonian Talmud was a sub-rosa project of the papacy in the 16th century, followed by a few token theatrical burnings of the Talmud to placate disoriented and demoralized conservative forces whose fealty had to be maintained until the coming of the Revelation of the Method era in the 20th century, when the reality of the papal-rabbinic alliance no longer needed to be concealed.

The “Latins first hopped into bed” with the Talmudists in the Renaissance as documented in The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome ( There were indeed initiatives put forth prior to the fifteenth century, but medieval popes, monarchs, Judaic converts (Nicholas of Donin), poets (Dante Alighieri) and saints (such as the anti-usury crusader Anthony of Padua) halted the movement in that direction. The very real Latin/Judaic clash of the Middle Ages was at the center of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, a Renaissance-era play attempting to rekindle medieval truths.

Renaissance Catholicism represented the first time in the history of the Church when situation ethics — the core of Talmudic epistemology — gained firm purchase, and the ancient standard of antiquity and catholicity (universality) — what was believed always and by all— was abandoned (except rhetorically). Consequently, the immemorial Catholic dogma against the renting of money, the recognition of the implacable hostility of the Talmud to the gospel of Jesus, and the intrinsic incompatibility of paganism and Christianity — all were derogated in the name of a “situation” — “changing times.” This is one reason why the arguments of the pseduo-traditionalists against the innovations of the Second Vatican Council are laughed out of consideration by the hierarchy of the Roman Cryptocracy who are well aware that those arguments were long ago vitiated by the radical changes instituted by Renaissance popes employing the situation ethics which would be fully displayed beginning with the pontificate of Paul VI and every pontiff thereafter.

Cognizant of the traditionalist claims made for the supposedly orthodox Popes Pius IX, Leo XIII and Pius X as papal paladins who combated these trends, one should keep in mind the infernal depths of deceit of the Kabbalah-steeped papacy. Pius IX achieved Joseph de Maistre’s masonic aim of institutionalizing the papacy as a dictatorship with the power to move the church in any direction; Leo XIII publicly attacked Freemasonry in patently anemic terms (never once unmasking the key Kabbalistic doctrine and praxis of the Brotherhood), while Pius X finally removed all proscriptions against the renting of money from the 1917 Code of Canon Law (which he did not live to see promulgated).

The history of the Church of Rome since the Renaissance is the history of high hoax.

Bible is LITERATURE, suckers, vehicle of philosophy and ethics, no less than "Illiad" and "Oddysey"....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Brainless One Needs To Learn To Appreciate LITERATURE
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 19)

Oh goody, I finally got a bite--fm the one-born-brainless, no less, who continually, obsessively, repetitively lectures people about how much smarter he is and knows than everyone else. And BILLIONS of people love Christ's ethics as he taught, while far less even have ever hrd of Mencken, good writer though he surely was.

And brainless one, don't thou realize Bible and New Test. are literature?--like "Illiad" and "Oddysey"? Do thou think all the Greeks literally believed in Zeus, Apollo, and Athena? Can't thou figure-out there's distinct dialectic prosecuted by Christ (Truth) vs. Pharisees (lies)?--that that's why truth ALWAYS "resurrects" (and NEVER dies)?--because of the (objective) nature of reality?--against the Pharisaic/Talmudic notion ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition")?--do thou begin to see the powerful metaphor at work therein?

And yes, brainless one, WE KNOW gov. is imperfect, like humanity, but after all, it's what we use to prosecute the LAW, which law is pretty much best we can do--has there EVER been anything better?

Besides, brainless one, the God of TRUTH, above all things, is good thing for poor folks--who aren't all as brilliant as thou, sucker--to "beleeeeev" in, don't thou think? Mencken notwithstanding, wouldn't truth = Christ be good thing to beleeeeeev in, if "beleeeeeeevin" is all one could do?

So thou see: truth (based on objectivity) is what we preach to those who can understand and appreciate, and Christ is the comfort we leave for all the 90-95% of the rest who have greatest difficulty--even more than thine, brainless one, who pretends to know so much. Get a brain, sucker (though we know it's difficult)--try to appreciate function/purpose of literature--how and why New Test. replaced "Illiad" and "Oddysey," great as they were, indubitably. Q.E.D.

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# 59, onebornfree says: • Website
March 24, 2019 at 12:41 pm GMT • 100 Words

apollonian says: “Only when things start to getting really bad, economically, will the stupid scum, called, “the people,” begin to taking things more seriously, and begin to realizing they’re being led by the noses ..”

In your dreams.

“God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in his arms, but also kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos: He will set them above their betters. ” H.L. Mencken

Regards, onebornfree.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Note: Judaism CAN be exterminated--even if sin and subjectivism (satanism) can't--don't doubt....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Judaism--Not Just Israel--Must Be Exterminated
(Apollonian, 20 Mar 19)

"Elite..." says,
"As I say. Israel has a right to exist."
What?--so the oracle declares a decree fm God?--and annunciates in "elite's" usual pompous manner, golly gee, but enough has been now said upon the matter, eh?--"elite" has said so. So there's just the basic stupidity of such moronic question-begging, at get-go--such is the characteristic satanic mental process.

And fact is Israel is just a bunch of squatters and illegal aliens, not to mention criminals and mass-murderers, pretending w. help of Jew S A and other deluded, brain-washed, Jew-dominated serfs (like "elite..."), as of EU, France, Britain (corrupted governments), et al.

But most of all, not only Israel, but no "Jews" of any sort has any right to exist, period--no more than psychopathic murderers have any right to exist, for that's what Jews are--Satanists, Satanism founded upon extreme subjectivism, making themselves God, Jews' Satanist crimes and murders well-known throughout hist., etc.

Thus even if human sin and Satanism in general (extreme subjectivism) cannot be exterminated, JUDAISM CAN BE exterminated, for sure. And all Jews, including Ronnie-boy Unz (who lies like a dog), merely need be interned, separated by sex, and watched carefully till they die-out. And generations fm now people will celebrate the day the last Jew died, a great holiday for victory of humanity against Satanism--it has to happen if humanity is to survive, suckers.

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# 124, EliteCommInc. says:
March 19, 2019 at 9:31 pm GMT

My list is certainly incomplete . . .

As I say. Israel has a right to exist. They have a right to self defense. But should be held accountable for crossing the line.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Important and interesting to grasp the exact technique in use at Jew-serving, Jew-oriented "Unz Review," run by Jewwy op, Unz....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Activity, Purpose Of Unz Review Analyzed
(Apollonian, 18 Mar 19)

"Corvinus," the (obvious) Jew who insists, like typical lying Jew determined not to blow his (non-existent) "cover," he's not (Jew), tells us,
"“If you were paying attention, Corvy, you’d know that Unz readership has been rapidly growing the last few years.”

"Generally as an echo chamber. is nothing jew, I mean, new. It’s the same sentiments being shared by a particular segment of our population since the 1950’s. That group now has the ability to network nationally and internationally."
Well, it doesn't matter if Unz "readership" "grows" or not, fact is "Unz Review" is usual, typical Jewwy psy-ops meant to be Jew-oriented, Jew-serving, and Jew-friendly, by Unz the typical, lying Jew operator, working for Jews and psychotic, satanic purposes of Jews.

(a) Unz lies when he says he's for "free speech and expression"--and his gross censorship of the comments pages of "Unz Review" is proof. Of course, Unz the typical Jew liar wants "free speech" for himself, and "freedom" to censor the comments pages so as to manipulate, distort, and deflect the discussion in a Jew-friendly, Jew-serving way. Thus Unz Review is actually, in genuine, profound way, w. only few exceptions, mere collection and meeting place for various trolls.

Unz also lies when he pretends he's "light" on the "moderation"--Unz is deliberately, purposefully heavy, consistent, and ferocious for his "moderation" and censorship, without slightest doubt--which I can personally verify conclusively for all the censorship done to my own comments.

(b) Unz's "gimmick," which is actually rather notable, is simply the collection of "anti-Semitic" articles brought together, which such collection is done by no other, Jew or gentile, but the psy-ops is in the COMMENTS pages which is HEAVILY "edited" and censored by the Jewwy operator, Unz, for Jew-serving and Jew-friendly purposes.

(c) Thus Unz allows only wussies and weaklings, among the gentiles, to be published in comments pages who write the usual, typical, Jew-serving idiocy and platitudes regarding ideas (1) not all Jews (satanic psychopaths) are "bad," and (2) All Jews shouldn't be judged by one or a few--when fact is all Jews are Jews, who defend Jews and express loyalty thereto (by even calling themselves "Jews"), Jews being demonstrable Satanists and leaders thereof, given the simple philosophy of Satanism (extreme subjectivism, etc.) and the verifiable tenets of Judaism, easily referenced.

(d) Along w. the gentiles, among whom there are many Jew-friendly "trolls," then there are the numerous Jew trolls themselves, like "corvinus," telling his Jew-serving, Jew-friendly lies, all the while psychotically insisting he's not Jew himself. "Corvinus" will now programmatically lie and insist again he's not Jew--as if this continued lying somehow changes things or accomplishes anything but to verify he's downright pathological--like all Jews (Satanists--there are other Satanists, as among goyim, but Jews are a particular group of them, Satanists, w. distinct techniques and traits).

(e) So the purpose of "Unz Review" is essentially to corroborate the stupidity of the goyim who are published, as only the stupid, Jew-friendly, Jew-serving gentiles are regularly published (like "Jacques Sheete" and his buddies--which they don't have the wit to suspect). Thus "Unz Review" merely keeps the Jew readership up w. the dumb gentiles and their typical stupidity, confirming the Jews for their prejudices about gentiles and techniques of lying, "spinning," deflecting, and deceiving--especially deceiving themselves (Jews), such consummate liars are Jews.

So "corvinus" is actually verified after all: "Unz Review" is indeed, and amounts to just an elaborated "echo chamber." And this essay of mine, here, may not be published by Unz, but that's okay--it'll be published just somewhere else, hoh o ho ho, and gentiles will see better what's actually going on. "Unz Review" needs and merits exposure for what it really is, and deserves requisite analysis for the typical Jewwy hubris as of Unz and his stable of trolls, like the pathological psycho, "corvinus," for example.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 319, Corvinus says:
March 19, 2019 at 2:10 am GMT • 300 Words

“If you were paying attention, Corvy, you’d know that Unz readership has been rapidly growing the last few years.”

Generally as an echo chamber. is nothing jew, I mean, new. It’s the same sentiments being shared by a particular segment of our population since the 1950’s. That group now has the ability to network nationally and internationally.

“Gimmedats and free stuff? You got to be kidding me? A straight white male getting gimmedats and free stuff?”

It’s called context. Europeans got all the spoils by way of jackbooting across continents. It’s in their DNA.

“Why, you yourself in a previous comment indicated it is up to the people to decide whether they wish to embrace a globalist future or re-embrace our nationalist past.”

Indeed, although you assume it is one or the other. Perhaps people who are making up their own minds disagree with the two choices you offer.

“This is true–These two groups were deemed utterly incapable of comprehending Anglo-Saxon governmental traditions.”

So how on earth is the Alt Right going to get new recruits with the clear anti-white attitudes that you harbor?

“When the doors to immigration are reopened after a moratorium is lifted, if the American people chose to restore the Immigration Act of 1924 or that of 1952 makes little difference to me.”

IF, not when. And assuredly it would make a major difference to you with your apparent disdain for Eastern and Southern Europeans.

“The Frankfurt School and the Cultural Marxism ideology the developed and promoted are as real…”


“Europe is facing the same dangers as America. The battleground is the entire West.”

Except most Americans do not view themselves as “Westerners”.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Fools utterly, totally mis-judge, taken-in by insidious kike filth and lies....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Ingenious, Insidious Unz Review Technique--Which Fools Morons So Well, So Easily
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 19)

Cowboy: thou say,
"In his comment Apollonian did dress down Ron Unz and, and he [with-] held no punches. I think that was a mistake, Ron does provide a wonderful service for us to vent our fury."
"Mistake"?--I simply TELL THE TRUTH, that's all, and that's never a "mistake." Unz is Jew, and like all Jews, Unz hates truth, is terrified of, and allergic to truth, never doubt--he greatly fears simplest philosophic analysis of Christian anti-Semitism and Talmudic anti-humanity, just for one thing.

And not only does Unz hate truth, like typical Jew, but he hates the free expression towards any truth or finding or leading to any truth. Unz LIES when he says he's for freedom of speech, PERIOD--like the typical Jew liar, never doubt.

Thou merely need look at what Unz does: (a) First, he prints all these "anti-Semitic" articles and columns which attracts many viewers--an interesting ploy as he's Jew himself.

(b) But observe: does Unz get much if any criticism fm Jews?--NONE that I can see, though he must rec. many private e-mails, and surely sends many back as to how he's working it all--but we can SEE FOR OURSELVES how he's working it.

(c) For observe further: regardless the anti-Semitic content of the articles he publishes, such as they are, LOOK at the comments--are they equally anti-Semitic?--NO, the comments are nearly all Jew-friendly and Jew-serving, pretending there are "good" Jews, like there are "good" psychopaths, "good" Satanists, "good" child-molesters. And observe further the morons, half-asses, and weaklings among commenters--the only ones allowed to be published by Unz the Jew--nearly all agree that, golly gee, one can't and shouldn't judge all Jews by one or a few.

I rather say that Jews are Jews, hence they should be judged as to what it is they endorse as Jews, the "non-religious," like Unz pretends to be, ALWAYS deferring, defending, and sucking-up to the religious (hence Talmudist/Pharisaic, by definition), which is anti-Christ (hence anti-TRUTH, opposed to the objective reality as standard for truth), anti-humanity, and anti-reason, etc.--Jews are Satanists (extreme subjectivists), by definition, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator, Satanism by definition. Simply ck,, and for best Talmudic expo.

And in this subjectivism, Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, don't forget, colluding most closely and cohesively, w. most effective "group-think," most dedicated, committed, and organized, making them dominant, the leaders and rulers among Satanists who then intimidate the rest of the population, especially effective in a corrupt and degenerate "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as we see.

(d) Further, note that not only are the comments practically all half-baked, cowards, weaklings, and suck-ups to Jews, but observe all the Jew-friendly, Jew-serving, and outright Jew trolls who are allowed to tell their typical palpable lies, like the moronic holohoax--THIS is what thou get in the Unz comments pages which are carefully, intensively, and ferociously screened and censored by the Jew, Unz--contrary to his lies to effect he hardly does any "moderating"--lies and lying through and through--typical Jew.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 493, Cowboy says:
March 17, 2019 at 6:28 pm GMT • 100 Words

Irony? Should Irony be scary? In his comment Apollonian did dress down Ron Unz and, and he held no punches. I think that was a mistake, Ron does provide a wonderful service for us to vent our fury.

From the NZ blog I linked to is a local guy discussing this pathetic theater.

At 12min he confirms that there had been rehearsals going on. The guy was using police issued armor and police issued weapons. It is quite interesting, I am listening to it now

# 492, Rurik says:
March 17, 2019 at 6:10 pm GMT

Thanks for that, Apollonian.

How often do you have comments deleted?

it looks like the comment you’re replying to was deleted

how’s that for irony?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Golly, but aren't the NZ "mosque shootings" obviously fake, fakey, hoax?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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NZ "Shootings" Is OBVIOUS Fakey Fake, Hoax--But Usual Morons Are "Triggered," Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 16 Mar 19)

Dear morons: these "shootings" "event" in NZ is OBVIOUS hoax and false-flag, PERFECTLY staged to dis-credit whites and WNs (white nationalists), esp. using WNs as "fall-guys," like Lee H. Oswald was used for JFK. WNs are used as likely perpetrators, given the build-up for them provided for the JEW-OWNED, Jew-dominated Jews-media, pushing the typical, usual Jew-serving lies--but the dumbasses don't think about that overwhelming Jewwy element.

Given all the previous hoaxes and staged farces we've already had, just here in Jew S A over last few yrs, FIRST thought should be that it's just ANOTHER hoax--like all the others. It (the "event") could ONLY be true if PROVEN true--which Jews-media is guaranteed to cover-up--because then they (Jews) will be found to be behind it all, as ALWAYS. Nothing can possibly happen of this political sort without Jews, MOSSAD, and any other top criminals knowing all about it, suckers.

It's (latest NZ "event") OBVIOUS, blatant SEQUEL to Anders Brevik, Norway hoax and false-flag of 2011--read up on all that--a masonic (read conspiratorial) -inspired attempt to build-up Israel and associate nationalists/nationalism w. Israel, pre-saging Donny-boy, Israel-first, Trump.

So the people are now to be further terrorized by means of dis-armament, as announced by the whore of a NZ PM, eh?--of course it was all hoax.

And I've hardly read-up on any of the details of this latest, knowing very little, but can easily see right-off, regarding the pictures, it's all re-runs of all the previous hoaxes of so-called "victims" w. hardly any blood. I saw a body of some faker lying face-down in a picture, but as usual, NO BLOOD. How does one get shot, fall-down, and no blood, no bleeding?--answer: it's fake, hoax, morons.

"50" kills?--there ought then to be at least 100-200 wounded, w. lots of blood flowing, dropped and dripped, dumbasses--THERE'S HARDLY ANY BLOOD, ANYWHERE--it should give things away, right there, morons.

Regardless, the Jews-media, Satanists, and Jews, once again, for all their pushy hysterics merely pt.-up obvious fact that there are wayyyyyyy too many refugees fm wars started by Jews and their flunkies, too many foreigners and ****-skins in white people's land, like in Europe and Jew S A, and Jews and Satanists are behind it all, financed by practically INFINITE currency issuances fm central-banks (see for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine for particular terms).

Remove the central bank complex, and huge problem right there will be much solved--but morons can't figure-out (ever) the only proper, real money is gold/silver.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Dumbasses, pretend they're "smart," but can't grasp simple thing as literature and purpose thereof....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Rurik" Pretends He's Smart, But Doesn't Grasp Purpose/Function Of Literature
(Apollonian, 14 Mar 19)

Rurik: thou say,
"you can go all the way back to the imposition of Christianity to see how badly they’ve mind-****ed us all. Worshiping a Jew as God Himself.

Jesus said a lot of beautiful things, and the Christian people are the best that I know of, but the Christian religion is an absurdity. Imposed by force centuries ago by monarchs that found it extremely useful as a means of controlling their subjects.

How much mental baggage has been insinuated into my sub-conscious by growing up in a Christian household and a Christian culture?"
(1.) Christ was not kike--Christ is and was greatest anti-Semite that ever lived (unc' Adolf was far behind in second place), and thou needs to pinch thyself and grasp how much Jews hate Christ--which is recorded in their filthy Talmud. See,, and for best expo.

For Jews are defined as followers of Pharisees, the middle-class party at time of Christ who led mere 5% of the pop. of Judea. "JEWS" ARE NOT SAME AS JUDEANS. Christ was Galilean descended fm Judeans, NOT Jews, "Jews" the followers of Pharisees, who killed Christ (had him executed by Romans).

For note Jews HATE "truth" and objective reality, holding only "truth" is what's subjectivistically determined by rabbis for "good" of the Jews--and it can change when rabbis change their minds. And observe the New Test. lesson that truth CANNOT BE KILLED, it always "resurrecting" to coming back to bite thee in the nether regions.

(2.) New Test. is LITERATURE designed to deliver a PHILOSOPHIC message/lesson--one doesn't need to accept it as hist. fact. New Test. is NO DIFFERENT than Illiad and Oddysey of Homer--it teaches philosophy and ethics.

(3.) Thou says "Christian religion is absurdity," but thou don't seem to realize whatever "religion" has and must have a CORE of PHILOSOPHY--which philosophy for Christianity was deliberately given by Christ to OPPOSE the Pharisaic heretics who pushed their satanic "Oral Law Tradition" and "MIDRASH" (interpretation) method. Thus Christ defended original Mosaic law AGAINST the Pharisees--why the Pharisees hated Christ so.

Thus CORE of Christian philosophy is Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY against Pharisaic subjectivism founded in "midrash" interpretation. Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) indicating there must be objective reality as basis for truth--which Pharisees deny, Pharisees insisting upon "midrash" subjectivism--nothing is true but what rabbis say (beginning w. Torah law). And note "rabbis" mean Pharisaists--there's NO other sort of "rabbi" but those pushing "Oral Law Tradition" of Pharisees.

Note also Satanism begins w. simple philosophy of extreme subjectivism holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--Satanism. Jews then practice an elaborated Satanism--a collectivist, "group-think," most dedicated, motivated, organized, rendering them most dominant leaders among gentile subjectivists/Satanists who yet may far out-number Jews. When gentile civilization becomes corrupted, these Satanists become most powerful, intimidating practically EVERYONE else--as we see in present "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

ALL of the Christian ethical teachings thus FOLLOW in perfect logic fm basic Christian TRUTH ideal--AGAINST Pharisaic midrash which is a war-plan and strategy against humanity and gentiles, including even the sacrifice of some of the lower-level Jews in favor of the kikes at the top--all directed and justified by rabbis (Talmudists). Pharisaism is cannibalism.

Note further, ALL the original Christian writings are in GREEK, not Aramaic or Hebrew--Christianity is a GREEK, rationalist product and off-shoot of the original Old Test. literature, merely adapted fm the Old Test. idiom.

Rurik pretends he's smart, but needs to learn to appreciate basic thing as LITERATURE, and what it does--like delivering basic philosophic msg. And don't forget there's excellent reason satanic Jews (the only kind of Jews) hate Christ and New Test. literature.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 397, Rurik says:
March 14, 2019 at 9:20 pm GMT • 400 Words

I think most intelligent Americans have been heavily programmed and mind manipulated.

I think that there has been a secret war being waged against Europeans for decades, and the European peoples are damaged.

you can go all the way back to the imposition of Christianity to see how badly they’ve mind-****ed us all. Worshiping a Jew as God Himself.

Jesus said a lot of beautiful things, and the Christian people are the best that I know of, but the Christian religion is an absurdity. Imposed by force centuries ago by monarchs that found it extremely useful as a means of controlling their subjects.

How much mental baggage has been insinuated into my sub-conscious by growing up in a Christian household and a Christian culture? Were our pre-Christian ancestors grunting cannibals until they were enlightened by this Semitic religion?

Why isn’t our religion based on a Western, European God or Gods? Why is it based on a Semitic religion with a psychopath God that is genocidally insane.

I remember watching an old movie called Ivanhoe from 1952, and there’s a scene where a noble of some kind, king or whatever, was asking how to pay back the Jew who loaned him the money to fight some other European noble or king. And the humble little Jewish banker just said something to the effect of ‘just do good in the world, and that’s payment enough’.

Well, we all know what the idea of ‘going good’ in the world means to Jewish supremacists. ‘Impose our vision of the world on your people’, is what they mean. Force them to worship a Jew as their God.

The Jews have been loaning gold to European monarchs so that they can slaughter their neighbors for centuries. And then they have to pay that money back, with interest. Sometimes that ‘interest’ can take the form of gold, and sometimes it can take the form of mental chains on the king or queen’s subjects. Binding them to belief systems, whether it was Jew-centric, stone age religions, or today, with Political Correctness.

The Gods/God only knows how much crap I’ve/(we’ve) had force-shoveled into our mind(s).

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ajax Jewns?--is anti-Christ satanist, never doubt, sucks-up to Jews, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Ajax Jewns ( Is Gross Traitor To Christianity, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 13 Mar 19)

"Folly": buddy, thou needs getting a major clue about things, eh? Christianity is PHILOSOPHY at the core, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), implying the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of any "truth." For Jews, just ck JOHN 8:44. Also ck,, and for expo on Judaism/Talmudism featuring "Oral Law Tradition" and "MIDRASH" (interpretation).

Jews are extreme subjectivists, hence Satanists (holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition). Jews then practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and most effective "group-think," most dedicated, committed, and organized, allowing them to dominate, lead, and rule the more isolated, un-organized gentile subjectivists/Satanists who yet out-number them; together then, under Jew leadership, they intimidate the rest of the population in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So if God the Father is creator of reality, then truth (= Christ) MUST be the "logos," the sign thereof. "Several billion people" are not "left out" so long as they pursue TRUTH (= Christ). And given that objective reality, note all Christian ethics, most popular and respected thing about Christianity by people the world over, follows naturally, logically.

Regarding Ajax Jewns (, note he's GROSS suck-up, suck-along to Jews and Israel, and lately, Israel-first Trump--notoriously so, known for many yrs now. Jewns made big-deal sucking up to Jews in his famous debate w. David Duke which vid thereof used to be on Jew-tube, might still be.

As long as thou makes use of honest reason thou are partaking of Holy Spirit by which to apprehend truth (= Christ), so thou are covered.

Christians are NOT losing--for remember, hist. is CYCLIC, and given the great success of Christianity through middle ages, leading to Renaissance, they became over-populated w. too many, excess goons, suckers, scum, TV-addicts, weaklings, and inferiors who are now in process of being killed-off, and falling by proverbial "way-side." Jews are like a disease. Note Jews actually seem to be falling-out w. one-another in way of the atheist-leftist-globalists having been surprised and blind-sided by Trump who was run by the "neo-cons" allied w. the Judeo-Christian (JCs--see and for expo) heretics, like Jewns.

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# 60, follyofwar says:
March 13, 2019 at 3:37 pm GMT • 200 Words

I love listening to Jones on his many YouTube interviews. He is certainly in demand, seems to have a large following, and is a hero of sorts to the Dissident Right. How long, I wonder, until he is banned by the Jewish oligarchs?

However, I have a problem with his oft-stated concept of ‘logos,” which he mentions in nearly every interview I’ve watched. He uses it as a cudgel against Jews for their rejection of Christ as the savior. By dismissing Christ, he sees them as “revolutionaries” (“The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”), for they have rejected the “order of the universe.” But would that also apply to all, myself included, who do not recognize Christ as the Son of God? It would seem so, which would leave out several billion people, I’m assuming, from the hope of eternal life.

Perhaps Christians, who are losing in spite of their large numbers, need a dose of that Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. As was sung nearly every week in the Methodist church of my youth:
“Onward Christian Soldiers Marching as to War With the Cross of Jesus Going on Before!”

Sunday, March 10, 2019

"J Q"?--(Jew question)--is mere part to larger problem of SATANISM, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Problem And Task Is To See Cultural/Sociologic Situation In Full Satanist CONTEXT
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 19)

Atzmon brings up the "J Q" (Jew-question), and what I try to emphasize is that REAL "problem" or "question" is SATANISM and large CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, featuring, for example Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

For note Jews only exist as particular within a larger, general, CONTEXT. What's destroying the world is SATANISM, not merely Jews who simply lead the trends and command the instruments, esp. the CENTRAL-BANKING system and fiat-currency--legalized counterfeiting--a criminal enterprise totally defining and controlling the world, owning everything and nearly everybody, able to assassinate anyone, like JFK, who goes off proverbial "reservation." See for expo on this central-bank problem; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Note Satanism is nothing mystical (or "religious")--it's extreme subjectivism by which reality is held as product of mind/consciousness, making the subject God, the creator, Satanism by definition.

Jews then merely practice a particular COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and "group-think," highly organized, cohesive, committed, and motivated, making them leaders dominant over the more isolated, "individualistic" gentile subjectivists/satanists who yet often far out-number Jews.

It's useless and fruitless to single-out or blame Jews without seeing them within the larger Satanist CONTEXT and CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Spengler.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 121, Gilad Atzmon says: • Website
March 10, 2019 at 1:57 pm GMT

I am not sure that there is a collective solution to the J Q but I do advised ethically awakening Jews to leave the ghetto late in the night and never to look back…

Friday, March 8, 2019

"Jew success"?--is success of criminal murderers within CYCLIC Western "Decline," descent into satanism....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jew "Success": Perpetual War Within CYCLIC "Decline Of West," Descent Into Satanism
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Aaron: thou are just the latest Jewwy troll whom the troll-master for this site, Unz, has selectively, as always, introduced to his interesting web-site which features the truly notable innovation of "anti-Semitic" articles--but then w. very strange sort of comments pages w. so few serious anti-semites like myself, most of my entry-submissions, so far, being deleted and censored by typical, predictable Jew, Unz--and SOOO MANY trolls of various sorts (like "Obwandiyag," ho hoh oho), like thyself; thou are just another.

As always, thou Jews are liars, but thy sort of Jewwy lying is interesting, so breezy and up-beat--and so brainlessly moronic. Thou say,
"But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits. [Oh sure--the "whites" just suck-along, eh?--"success," ho ho ho.]

The formula for success is universal."
For there is no lasting "success," Jew; in the end we all lose and fail--we grow old, feeble, and DIE. Life sucks, for LIFE IS WAR, according to our greatest white-men and sages, Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Darwin among so many others too, and at the end is inevitable death. And "success" then is generally connected w. warfare--"success" is success in warfare.

That success in war then sets-up subsequent empire of a favorable legal-system which benefits the victorious race--for a while--which all is a determinist, CYCLIC process, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And surely greatest, most poignant verification of my statements here is thy state of Israel, eh?--no better example of mass-murder by Jews for Jews, not to mention lying and propaganda--which prop. and lies have soooo brilliantly be-dazzled the very stupidest and over-populated, so-called "Christians," the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics among the "evangelicals."

But thou say thou are not "religious"?--no more than Unz, eh? But Jew, thy "religion" is no diff. fm that PHILOSOPHY of subjectivism which, for Jews, includes the "midrash" (interpretation) method and "Oral Law Tradition" of the Talmud, which Talmud itself is mere manual, along w. "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," of "successful" warfare against gentiles. See,, and for expo.

And there's "no mystery" how and why thou Jews are "successful" because thou prosecute thy Talmudic warfare soooo successfully as "Decline of the West" has now become nearly blatantly SATANIC--extreme subjectivism by which reality is held as product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, including now Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy.

And as soooo many gentiles have become satanic (extreme subjectivism) in the present CYCLIC "decline" phase, thou Jews move among them w. ease, Jews most COLLECTIVIST, hence most organized, hence dominating and leading more numerous, but less-well organized gentile subjectivists/satanists.

Thus Western culture is dominated and ruled by a criminal-enterprise called "central-banking" (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which is run, headed, and prosecuted by Satanists and Jews, ESPECIALLY Jews, as Judaism IS Satanism (extreme subjectivism). And since fiat-currency is potentially INFINITE, thou Jews simply buy everyone and everything--this is thy Jewwy formula for "success," sucker, a thriving, continuing criminal enterprise and prosecution of Talmudic war against gentiles, just as the "Protocols...," describes.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 271, AaronB says:
March 8, 2019 at 10:08 pm GMT • 100 Words

That’s a fair point. Ambition and success come at a steep psychological price.

You are perfectly in your rights to not wish to pay that price.

But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits.

The formula for success is universal.

The problem is that you cannot completely abandon ambition and striving for success, and hope to survive. You will be enslaved by others who are willing to pay the psychological price, as history shows.

So its better to man up, face the world as it is, and do what needs to be done.

Individuals who are tired of the game may go be hermits in the mountains, but a community that tires of the game is in danger in of becoming enslaved.

Those are just the facts of life, whether we like them or not.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Humans are sinners, but what are ideals by which to live, fight?....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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If Humans Really DON'T "Live By Bread Alone," WHAT Then Will Be Ideals?
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 19)

"Db" tells us, in typical oracular fashion, as if he's made some amazing discovery,
"BUT, me thinks the hatred is most intense from the wannabes, the “losers”.

"Because my conclusion after residing on this planet for about 60 years is that the TROUGH is always filled to the brim with the most capricious SWINE intent on muscling their way in and staying there as long as they can, while the less crafty are pushed aside, and stomped on, and the more ingenious genuflecting for table scraps."

But Christianity teaches we're all sinners, and of course jealousy of the Jews is thematic, why wouldn't it be?--they have the power and the wealth, and I'd like to snatch just a bit of it, why not?--such is humanity, always has been, always will be. The "losers" tried, but failed, and so they resent the "winners"--so what?--what's so difficult to grasp, given sinful human nature?

And don't forget, sucker--we haven't entirely "lost" till we quit trying, right? One is a "loser"--UNTIL that moment when one finally (if ever) "wins"--only to die soon after fm drinking and over-eating, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho. Such is putrid human life on planet earth--it's always been that way.

So humans aren't much diff. fm "swine"--so what?--is this any great discovery?--congratulations.

The real pt. (if there is one) to things is to figuring-out how reality works--hence we see (a) reality is OBJECTIVE, according to Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and Aristotle, (b) hence DETERMINED (by absolute, strict cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will), (c) hence CYCLIC for history and sociology, which is real pt. (again, if there is one) to things.

Once we realize the nature of that CYCLIC process, we can then gain a most accurate picture of where we are, where we were, and then, perhaps, where we might soon be. For the "less crafty" are not merely "pushed aside and stomped on"--they're often TOTALLY EXTERMINATED, in accord w. the Darwinian nature of things. And this all happens according to a CYCLIC pattern and process.

Presently, we "losers" (if we're not careful) are liable to being exterminated in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--all in the name of "peace" and "sustainable development," etc.

So what will happen?--well "losers" will continue to being eliminated, according to the CYCLIC process, till the number of "Shabbat goyim" are reduced to pt. that the topmost masterminds will become evermore short-handed, and will look at one another w. such great suspicion--like Stalin and Trotsky--that they will begin to falling-out and seriously in-fighting--this then will be goyim's only chance to succeed in a revolt in order to start (rational) society again.

So grasping real nature of this (CYCLIC) reality is KEY to any plan and planning--that's why we uphold Christian rationality--even if so many of the goyim don't care to understand, relish, and uphold it as such great ideal--still we strive to persuading them it's best chance for survival against satanic psychopaths, mass-murderers, and monstrosities. For humans don't merely live by "bread" alone, as the saying goes, and some system of opposed ideals needs to be understood by whoever will and hopes to strive and survive.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 325, db says:
March 7, 2019 at 5:15 pm GMT • 200 Words
@Ron Unz

Hatred of and for the “Jews” may indeed be valid, especially if all the allegations made against them as a “race” down thru the ages are true.

BUT, me thinks the hatred is most intense from the wannabes, the “losers”.

Because my conclusion after residing on this planet for about 60 years is that the TROUGH is always filled to the brim with the most capricious SWINE intent on muscling their way in and staying there as long as they can, while the less crafty are pushed aside, and stomped on, and the more ingenious genuflecting for table scraps.

Thus it has been, and thus it will be forever more.

It is called the “human race” for a reason….and I can only hope humanity never makes it off this planet to carry its seed elsewhere to infect worlds throughout the galaxy, and God forbid, the rest of the Universe.
