Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at
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Of course, the very best analysis, overall, featuring simplest, easiest INDUCTIVE logic and facts, is Chris Bollyn's work(s) on the 9/11 subject, "Solving 9/11." See for more info.
Bollyn's job is soooo effective kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't, hoh o ho ho ho. At this pt., Jews simply realize they must continue w. their incessant warfare, hoping people will be distracted upon every new disaster which arises fm the constant warfare, atrocities, and various, assorted outrages--including present Sup. ct. nominee flap-doodle--any and every distraction/diversion possible or imaginable, ho ho ho.
We KNOW it wasn't and COULDN'T have been "Arabs" who done it (9/11)--and they had no reason for doing it--NOTHING makes any sense about the Jews-media/ZOG story, and it, the whole consp. theory, was pushed by Jews-media and "globalist" establishment, including esp. their suck-head drone presiding, the idiot "W" Bush, a likely moron who WOULD be just the sort to be put in place. Then there was that amazing Manchurian-candidate, Obola, another brilliant DISTRACTION, following-up.
And when one looks back, we see it was all just an amazing pack of lies, after another pack of lies. For example, the phone-calls never happened and COULDN'T have happened--and don't forget this all includes the Solicitor General who said he got calls fm his wife--all just lies which Jews-media has soooo conveniently forgotten. Huh?--what?--"phone-calls"?--what phone-calls?--ho ho ho ho.
Then there's the "black-boxes"--about which there are just more lies which have been duly exposed, but which are not followed-up by Jews-media.
And so the one towering, over-whelming fact and reality which spits in ur face is the Jewwy government's story is essentially ALL LIES, at every major pt., about practically EVERYTHING.
In fact, 9/11 is perhaps the all-time instance of one HUGE "Big-Lie," composed of hundreds if not thousands of little lies, pushed by the very "usual suspects," (a) Israel and their (b) neo-con flunkies, (c) including "globalist" "leftists," like CFR (council on foreign relations) and Trilateralists, and (d) Jews-media.
And we KNOW Trump is all in w. it, considering his buddy, Giuliani, former NY Mayor was absolute principal for all his complicity, allowing all the evidence to be destroyed and sent to China and India, etc., ho ho ho ho.
Behind it all, of course, is that basic engine of satanist, criminal enterprise, the central-bank--see for definitive expo--featuring literally legalized counterfeiting which is allowed by the stupid, over-populated puke called "the people" who imagine they benefit fm INFINITE currency--not real money--and this all is what's working to kill us all, u stupid scum--just do a search-engine on Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide.
There's a reason our ancestors taught us to HATE Jews, suckers, this hatred of kikes being our very religion, contained within Christianity. In fact, Christianity was meant to give larger context for necessary hatred and anti-semitism, showing us the how and why for things. But of course, Jews are merely that disease, along w. more general satanism (extreme subjectivism, making subject to be God, holding consciousness/mentality creates reality) which the Jews direct, literally, to exterminating excess human scum which has arisen over the years--we wouldn't have Jews WITHOUT all the stupid goyim which gives rise to Jew disease which then works to exterminate humanity, after all.
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9/11: Most PERFECT Instance/Example Of
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)
Of course, the very best analysis, overall, featuring simplest, easiest INDUCTIVE logic and facts, is Chris Bollyn's work(s) on the 9/11 subject, "Solving 9/11." See for more info.
Bollyn's job is soooo effective kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't, hoh o ho ho ho. At this pt., Jews simply realize they must continue w. their incessant warfare, hoping people will be distracted upon every new disaster which arises fm the constant warfare, atrocities, and various, assorted outrages--including present Sup. ct. nominee flap-doodle--any and every distraction/diversion possible or imaginable, ho ho ho.
We KNOW it wasn't and COULDN'T have been "Arabs" who done it (9/11)--and they had no reason for doing it--NOTHING makes any sense about the Jews-media/ZOG story, and it, the whole consp. theory, was pushed by Jews-media and "globalist" establishment, including esp. their suck-head drone presiding, the idiot "W" Bush, a likely moron who WOULD be just the sort to be put in place. Then there was that amazing Manchurian-candidate, Obola, another brilliant DISTRACTION, following-up.
And when one looks back, we see it was all just an amazing pack of lies, after another pack of lies. For example, the phone-calls never happened and COULDN'T have happened--and don't forget this all includes the Solicitor General who said he got calls fm his wife--all just lies which Jews-media has soooo conveniently forgotten. Huh?--what?--"phone-calls"?--what phone-calls?--ho ho ho ho.
Then there's the "black-boxes"--about which there are just more lies which have been duly exposed, but which are not followed-up by Jews-media.
And so the one towering, over-whelming fact and reality which spits in ur face is the Jewwy government's story is essentially ALL LIES, at every major pt., about practically EVERYTHING.
In fact, 9/11 is perhaps the all-time instance of one HUGE "Big-Lie," composed of hundreds if not thousands of little lies, pushed by the very "usual suspects," (a) Israel and their (b) neo-con flunkies, (c) including "globalist" "leftists," like CFR (council on foreign relations) and Trilateralists, and (d) Jews-media.
And we KNOW Trump is all in w. it, considering his buddy, Giuliani, former NY Mayor was absolute principal for all his complicity, allowing all the evidence to be destroyed and sent to China and India, etc., ho ho ho ho.
Behind it all, of course, is that basic engine of satanist, criminal enterprise, the central-bank--see for definitive expo--featuring literally legalized counterfeiting which is allowed by the stupid, over-populated puke called "the people" who imagine they benefit fm INFINITE currency--not real money--and this all is what's working to kill us all, u stupid scum--just do a search-engine on Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide.
There's a reason our ancestors taught us to HATE Jews, suckers, this hatred of kikes being our very religion, contained within Christianity. In fact, Christianity was meant to give larger context for necessary hatred and anti-semitism, showing us the how and why for things. But of course, Jews are merely that disease, along w. more general satanism (extreme subjectivism, making subject to be God, holding consciousness/mentality creates reality) which the Jews direct, literally, to exterminating excess human scum which has arisen over the years--we wouldn't have Jews WITHOUT all the stupid goyim which gives rise to Jew disease which then works to exterminate humanity, after all.