Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at
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Richard, Filled W. Chutzpah, Lies Like Only Kike
Can Lie
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)
Sorry "Richard Holden DVM,"
buddy (see below-copied), but u're just the typical, usual Jew-friendly,
Jew-serving liar, aren't u? And ur "technique" isn't really that unusual for Jew
lies and lying, Jews the master satanists and liars (see Gosp. JOHN
Ur purpose, Richard the Jew-serving liar, is easy to see, dis-info
and confusion: first, u set urself up as critic of Jewwy establishment, noting
the "zionist" wars and zionist financiers, liars, etc., pretending "zionists"
are somehow different fm Jews, then to be friend of the people, eh?
now u un-mask urself, pretending u're all set-up now as most patriot of the
patriotic, defending Jews--"leave the [kikes] alone," says the lying liar,
flunky for the Jews, Richard, the lying liar who lies.
Funniest lie u
tell, above, is about the "wonderful Jews and their normal families...," ho ho
oho ho--for there is no such thing as "wonderful" kike, sucker--and all u need
do is to find-out about the very RELIGION and tenets of those filthy, dirty
monsters, called kikes--see,, and for expo.
Thus the
Talmud is definitive for "religion" of Jews, followers, BY DEFINITION, of
original Pharisees, hereticalist exponents of the "Oral Law Tradition" (see
Gosp. MARK 7:1-13) and "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah, which original Torah
Christ defended AGAINST Pharisees and Jews, sucker--these are the
(a) Thus Jews hold it as fundamental religious tenet that Christ
was rightfully executed and killed by Jews for blasphemy and heresy--this is
explicitly what Jews are all about, Richard, the liar who lies for Jews and
(b) Jews also hold, as religious tenet that Mary, putative
"mother of God," mother of Christ, Christ being God the Son, according to our
dear Christianity, was a prostitute and "hair-dresser," who mated w. a Roman
named "Panthera," of whom Christ was the issue.
(c) And Jews are at war
against all humanity, whom they call "goyim" and "Amalek," who must be
exterminated, as religious program, Jews making themselves co-equal w. God, only
the rabbis' pronouncements, as in Talmud (but also other rabbinic works too),
being what is true for any subject, beginning w. Torah.
(d) And satanism
is DEFINED as making oneself God the creator, as by means of philosophy of
(extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, holding mind/consciousness to being the creator of
reality--as, for example, in philosophy of Immanuel Kant.
(e) Jews then
simply take control of the satanified and corrupt culture of gentiles by means
of Jews' notorious and well-known collectivism, Jews most organized and
"connected" for a common collective subjectivism, upon which they all co-operate
and thereby DOMINATE, lead, control, and manipulate the legions of far more
numerous gentile satanists, goons, scum, and suckers, who are just as
notoriously, miserably isolated, dis-organized and un-organized.
That, above, is how Jews operate and soon enough taking-over the corrupted and
degenerate culture of the West and Jew S A (used to be USA). Jews don't
originate the corruption; rather like maggots and disease, they take advantage
and take-over by means of it, leading and guiding it along, as we
(g) And all HISTORY demonstrates and memorializes this Judaic
disease and the way gentiles fail in their corruption, inexorably giving way to
Jew disease, monstrosity, and catastrophe.
(h) Definitive
weapon/instrument of Jew disease in existential practice is rise of
central-banking (see, literally legalized counterfeiting, now in the
hands of Jews, this central-banking issuing nearly ENDLESS currency, not real
money, by which Jews buy everyone and everything.
(j) Beginning w. the
central-banking monopoly, Jews buy and control Jews-media, "big-Pharma," the
"military-Industrial-complex," etc.--thus they CONTROL EVERYTHING,
(k) And now in accord w. Jews' Zohar (fm which we get words,
"Cabal" and Kaballah), Jews work to exterminate and genocide humanity in accord
w. Agenda-21 and -2030, and look, Richard, at how well it's all being done by
means of the poisoning of the food, vaccines, water, etc.--even the air is being
poisoned by means of "chem-trails," all in accord w. general satanism, and top
satanic master-minds, the Jews, most organized and cohesive.
There's no
"good" Jew, Richard, no more than there's "good" psychopath, and u're now
exposed for lying liar, dis-info agent, and defender of Jews the topmost
satanists, Jews the leaders of the larger satanic movement that's presently
destroying the world, civilization, and mankind. And fact is, u're probably a
Jew urself, eh Richard?--ho ho ho ohoh oho--u sure do lie like only a kike can
lie, I'd say, w. all ur putrid chutzpah--"wonderful kikes," ho ho ho
--------------above by ap in response to below-copied by
Richard Holden D.V.M. July 8, 2018 at 7:36
I wish I could focus on the extreme minority of Jews and solve this
fiendish Agena with one stop shopping, but Occam's Razor solutions are sadly
simplistic. Within ALL WALKS OF LIFE there exists the Satanic Age Old sell out
to temptations of Riches and Fame in exchange for Silent Allegiance. It is true
Jews are affected but they are no more than the other groups. My life long
experience with wonderful Jews and their normal families heads me in the proper
direction. Within wonderful men's groups, wonderful religious branches, Women's
associations, everywhere I look for great programs, I find them.
But, the
Satanic Infiltration is awesome in scope. Only through a year of
TransVestigation research have I begun to imagine the face of the parasite. I
have seen the extent of the Agenda. Spilling out the Usual Suspects of that
research would do you a disservice. I only will suggest your own similar
awakening experience.
It ain't just Jews.
It ain't just
It ain't just Christian Zionists.
It ain't just Free
It ain't just Democrates.
It ain't just Never Trump
It ain't just Mormans.
It ain't just World Councils of
The Puppet Eugenics Farm accepts all parents who want a leg up
for their children. It does even make a little logical sense considering the
Satanists run the Show Business Cabal. It is just that on the Satanic Level,
every ****ing thing is Show Business.
Genital Mutilation Marking is at
very high levels, the more mutilation the more Allegiance to the Cabal. Complete
flipping of appearance is a ticket to the Satan Lotto.
Step right up and
see the bearded lady.
Gawk away at the cleavages on the Red Carpet and
also on the Tarmac I surmise.
Children raised as Puppets for their own
good is your Parasite Larval Incubator.
The Cabal loves their larva and
spreads them around where ever controlled opposition is needed. Learn the
markers. Practice your observational skills. Leave the Jews alone as a Scape
Goat and instead look the Goat God Bathomet.