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satanism, Subjectivism Is The Enemy, Never
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)
Indeed: Democrats are outright satanic scum and filth, Jew world order TRAITORS, pure and simple. BUT don't think Trump is really any diff., Trump TOTALLY owned by these Jews, esp. Israel, working for Israeli terror state, illegally invading Syria, illegally involved in present invasion of Yemen, in w. 9/11 principal, Giuliani.
Who/what's behind present effort to censor I-net?--have u observed the MOSSAD agent, Vabner ("Lennie Pozner") continuing w. impunity to taking down damaging info of Fetzer's blogs, exposing Vabner?
Larger picture is Israel has every reason (a) to radical censoring of I-net, and (b) even to fomenting outright civil unrest and violence in Jew S A by means of their allies, the "leftist," "liberal" CFR (council on foreign relations), Tri-lateralists, et al.
Have u noticed supposed Trump-controlled DOJ (Justice dept.) CONTINUES to stonewall and refuse info to Congress?--who's behind that but Israeli terror-state and Jews?--who TOTALLY OWN Trump. Now u see why Trump does nothing--he's just another bought-and-paid-for flunky for Jews.
What's the real game behind everything else?--it's "good Jew" (Israel-first and "neo-cons") vs. "bad Jews" ("globalists" and "leftists"). Of course, for the leftists, it's other way round, though they know Jews are behind everything.
What's the operative scam behind everything else, the actual ENGINE to things?--it's the central-bank which puts-out nearly infinite CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver which is LIMITED in quantity).
But too many (over-populated) people are too stupid to understand infinite currency ALWAYS kills whatever culture/economy it infects, and we're seeing the last of Western culture, passing before our very eyes at hands of rampant satanism which is only thing under-lying this deadly, fatal central-bank scam, destroying and impoverishing the people.
For Western culture is in CYCLIC, last, "declining" stages, according to Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West"). West produced prosperity, but also now an over-population of stupid, corrupt, hubris-ridden population which allowed the rise of this deadly central-bank scam now in hands of foremost satanists, Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com).
Thus we must suffer, and in meantime re-institute REAL MONEY (hence gold/silver). Of course, don't forget observing of US Constitution and NULLIFICATION, according to Tenth Amendment, Jefferson, and Madison's original Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions--states are sovereign.
But under-lying everything must be BASIC CULTURE--the original Christianity which is absolutely anti-semitic, Christ = Truth (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against satanic lies. And what is "satanism"?--it's extreme subjectivism holding reality is created by human consciousness/mentality, making oneself God--esp. in false quest for non-existent "good-evil."
Jews then dominate the satanic, hubris-infused culture as Jews are most collectivistic, hence most ORGANIZED for their Satanism, making it most practical, hence most effective, hence absolutely RULING and dominant--as we see.
So just continue to preaching original Christian philosophy of TRUTH (= Christ) and honesty against satanic lies, lying, extreme subjectivism, and the culture of DEATH--esp. in way of racial loyalty to people and culture, in accord w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)."