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Peterson The Flack Insists Jew Criminals Earned
Their Place Fair And Square, Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 28 Mar 18)
(Apollonian, 28 Mar 18)
J. Peterson demonstrates he's typical sycophant of Jews, making excuses for them, babbling the glib and typical Jew-friendly twaddle, including the nonsense about "IQ," and voila, his explanation for Jew "success" is it's determined, 'cause gee whiz, they're soooo "smart," ho ho ho ho--have we ever hrd this before? And golly gee, but God just likes Jews better than the rest of us, ho ho ho ho.
But "IQ" is just nonsense, obviously (having to do simply w. most accurate handling, treatment of info), and Jews demonstrably "succeed" as they're foremost criminals, running the world central-banking system(s)--legalized counterfeiting, literally (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their search engine). And as Jews are notorious collectivists they're naturally "connected" w. the criminal master-minds of legalized counterfeiting, so they make lots of money and keep on top of things like typical criminals--see the "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion."
Another OBVIOUS example of Jews' successful war against humanity is terror state of Israel which they quite literally stole fm Palestinians w. aid of morons of the West, including esp. UK and USA--amazing how sycophantic liars like Peterson ignore these obvious facts, eh?
So there we have the empirical evidence of observation confirming the conspiratorial hypothesis which conspiracy Peterson pretends to explaining away by means of the psycho-babble about "IQ," etc. Finally, just consider Jew Talmud which is literally a satanistic (making themselves God by means of extreme subjectivism and "midrash") war program against humanity--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for Talmudic expo.
So not only is the conspiracy of Jews evident before anyone's eyes, but it's effectively admitted quite plainly and pushed by the Jews themselves in their Talmud; cabalist Zohar is yet another item on pt. Peterson thus demonstrates effectiveness of the "big lie" and lying which he does so glibly, and we see he has himself convinced, and he probably makes a few bucks fm his Jewwy pay-masters, though it's surely not all that much, Peterson the slimey, lying sycophant not held in much respect by Jews.