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Hoffman: Really Only JEALOUS Of Jew Rivals For
Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 18)
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 18)
Hoffman writes, "dopey and disgusting neo-Nazis...," but how is that any worse than Hoffman himself, compulsively passive-aggressive, pathetic, and self-pitying?
And Hoffman actually, nearly, almost himself puts his finger on the real issue, the fallacious idea of "good" in the form of what he calls "holocaustianity." But in that case ("holocaustianity"), it's just a form of the very same hereticalism that Hoffman himself suffers--Pelagian heresy--whence Hoffman makes himself equal and similar to God w. a perfectly "free" will, capable of "good," Hoffman worshipping such non-existent "good" above TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).
For that's the pretext of satanist (extreme subjectivist) HUBRIS by which Hoffman, no less than Jews, equates himself w. God, creator of reality, capable of otherwise non-existent "good" by means of perfectly "free," hence Godly, will.
For thus Jews worship satanic lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and lying by means of the pretext of non-existent "good" (as in form of "holocaustianity"), a perfectly "free" God-like will--extreme subjectivism. And Jews thus dominate the satanic culture built upon such subjectivism, "good," and pretended "free" will, the Jews most organized, most collectivist, most cohesive subjectivists, most capable of most effective "group-think," thus manipulating and exploiting that most powerful weapon and instrument of fraud and criminality, the CENTRAL-BANK--see Mises.org for expo.
And when one can thus create such fiat CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based, which is static and finite for amount) out of nothing, one quickly comes to own and control everybody and everything, literally--legalized counterfeiting. But unfortunately Hoffman isn't capable of figuring it out about this fiat currency--he's too busy pretending he's "good" as he accuses people of "mortal sin" for imagined and fictitious "usury" which Hoffman, pretended "researcher," doesn't understand for original meaning, reference, and source, Hoffman lying like the very worst Jew, insisting "usury" is mere LENDING of money (or currency).
For Hoffman thus is really only JEALOUS of the Jews as his lies, lying, and Pelagianist heresy, as about "usury," doesn't slide past as easily as holohoax lying and fraud which is enforced and carried by the central-banking criminal financing scam and its Jew manipulators and operatives.