Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,,
Unz went ahead and published this essay of mine, but significantly, posted this
note at the top of the text,
"[You have already been told that bizarre use of unorthodox grammar
or spelling (e.g. u, u're, urself), especially in content-free rants, will
greatly reduce the likelihood of your comments being published. This is your
final warning.]"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
With "Colin Wright" "Alt-right" (Or Anyone)
Doesn't Need Enemies, Suckers
(Apollonian, 24 Dec
Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be
convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others
What?--first of all, it's holohoax, nothing
else. And WHO would be "convinced" holohoax "happened substantially as
advertised..."?--absolutely NO ONE, but a satanic liar, that's who, the purpose
being to besmirch heroic German people who fought so brilliantly against
Jew-Bolshevik murderers, which Jew-bolsheviki had already shown themselves as
mass-murderers in Ukraine in 1932-3, before NSDAP took power and which heroic
German people really were mass-exterminated by Jews, Eisenhower (who was a Jew),
and their satanic suck-alongs of the West, Jew S A, and UK.
Think about
it--anyone who'd lie about holohoax, as above quote, would probably deny
millions of Germans were mass-murdered, as by starvation and disease during and
after WWII, according to evidence by James Bacque, deny the holodomor of
Ukraine, and deny the Armenian mass-murders by the Donmeh crypto descendents of
Jew messiah, Sabbatai Zevi, who'd taken control of Turkey--they'd also deny that
holohoax is deliberately pushed by Jews-media and public edjumacation
establishment as way of masking and justifying the ethnic cleansing of
Palestine--as well as everywhere else, presently, in Western world. Good
Seriously: just ask urself what sort of psychopathic, lying filth
would blithely say such thing (quoted, above)?
But that's not the end,
next we get this gem:
plugging Holocaust denial in particular,
one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with. Unz
Review can have twelve interesting ideas that might actually gain traction with
the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll
move hastily on.
Isn't it OBVIOUS that there's
alternative to the idiot suggestion of the quote?--that calling spade spade, and
that holohoax is simply satanic lying, is really and truly simply standing up
for truth and against satanic lying?
Observe how the moron drones
blithely on,
...but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the
page, he’ll move hastily on.
No sucker, only one
who'd do that would be purest, most worthless COWARD, suck-along w. satanists
and Jews, Jews the REAL problem, the worst enemies of all humanity, justly hated
by all races and cultures, all throughout history.
So we see Unz, the
Jew, setting things up for such cowardly, craven, satanic lies, like holohoax,
and gross, utter COMPROMISE for those whom Unz patronizingly pretends to want to
"helping" or advising, or counseling--good grief. For with people like "Colin
Wright," whose probably either Jew or homosexual (or both), no Christian or
"alt-right" or any gentile of any self-respect needs enemies.
So this is
what Unz's website is all about, is it?--the compromising and subverting of the
general patriot, "nationalist" movement?--by means of moronic crap like this fm
"Colin Wright"?
Comrades, if we're ANY kind of self-respecting humans, we
must stand for TRUTH, the original Christian ideal (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--and
holohoax is dead give-away for the very most deadly SATANIC problem and
affliction, this putrid, namby-pamby, limp-wristed sort of lying and corruption
as "Colin Wright," who imagines humanity is soooo stupid as to just let it pass
by--like Unz does, we see.
Unz, u fool, don't u realize "Colin Wright"
has exposed u?--compromised u?--absolutely reduced u to abject, comical, and
moronic absurd? U censor an honest person like me, but u blandly publish this
complete dweeb, "Colin Wright," and expect it to just get along?
Now we
get to the REAL Unz, don't we?--for what kind of person, in the first place, is
willing to be known as "Jew," Unz, tell us--especially w. the OBVIOUS Talmudic
connection and implications. Don't tell us u're not "religious," Unz, as this
idiot "atheism" (or whatever) is well-known and classic stratagem, which atheism
itself is mere religion all its own--no one can or ever has PROVEN there's no
God, sucker. And yet to insist there isn't (any God) w. the sort of emotion and
steadfastness atheists (almost always Jews) typically display is just an
analogous kind of religious conviction and comportment.
For if u're truly
"atheist," then why would u call urself "Jew"? Isn't ur racial association quite
"religious" in itself? U're willing to be known as Jew--even though so many
people hate Jews?--Jews notorious objects of hatred, revulsion, fear, suspicion,
question, etc.
We gentiles and Christians have ALWAYS hated Jews,
Unz--can't u finally figure that out? Christian religion is necessarily
anti-semitic as Judaism and Talmud are blatant ANTI-THESIS, even in the classic
Hegelian style, to Christian truth ideal. Even before the Christians, u Jews
were particularly hated by gentiles, including esp. the Greeks in their
rationalist tradition, who also held TRUTH as foremost ideal.
Even if u
pretend u're atheist and "not religious," fact remains u, simply as Jew, preach
tolerance of those Talmudistics of ur racial/genetic relation WHO ARE
"religious." So u can't get away fm the problem of ur hypocrisy, on the one hand
not willing to own to the Talmud, yet pretending it's okay to be related
genetically, not regretting the Talmud--because u KNOW it would be TREASON to ur
people, including the religious--which repudiation u're not willing to assume.
By calling urself "Jew," Unz, u repudiate humanity.
Unz: face the hard
facts, buddy: if u're Jew, u're no friend or even fellow of any gentiles or
human beings. Regardless anything else, u're simply a "Trojan Horse," an
"ice-breaker," as it were, for fellow Jews who ARE "religious" and Talmudic,
even if it were possible u weren't--u can't deny it--not in reason or truth.
Entertaining "Colin Wright" is too much of a travesty and
-----------------above by ap in response to
Colin Wright says: •
December 24, 2018 at 7:57 am GMT • 400 Words
Substantially, I
agree with most of what you say. The issue is what to do about it.
or less at random, the following thoughts come to mind.
First, those of
us who engage in thought crime of whatever form need an alternative web that is
at least more difficult to shut down. As long as we’re at the mercy of
mainstream censors, we’ll never get anywhere.
Meantime, the issue is
whether to appease or outrage. This always poses a quandary; I see it a lot in
my own area of especial concern: Israel. Do you carefully assure everyone you
agree Israel has a right to exist, dutifully decry ‘terrorism,’ avoid ever
referring to ‘Jews,’ etc — and work yourself into a position of total
Or do you rage about the disproportionate power, influence,
and privilege of Jews, denounce Israel as essentially a Nazi state, argue that
any measures against it are justified, and so on — and find yourself off in a
corner with twelve other ‘anti-semites’, banned by all?
This is a general
problem. To take the path of moderation, and remain ‘legitimate’ at the risk if
becoming innocuous — or call a spade a spade at the risk of being completely
Finally, which causes? Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to
be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others
Well, speaking for myself, they’re free to argue their case. They
can knock themselves out. As far as I’m concerned, it’s like faith in Jesus, or
belief in Kennedy assassination plots, or any one of a dozen such convictions I
just don’t share. Have at it, though. It’s like golf. Of no interest to me, but
don’t let me spoil your fun.
The problem I see is that in plugging
Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and
anyone one is associated with. Unz Review can have twelve interesting ideas that
might actually gain traction with the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial
is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.
It’s like Obama
birtherism, or 9/11 having all been staged, or any one of several such beliefs.
It’s an immediate red flag that triggers a ‘shake your head and move on’
response from most people.
Again, I’m not sure what to do about that.
There’s little point in decrying mainstream censorship if we’re just going to
muzzle ourselves. On the other hand…
Well, that’s about it for now. Unz’s
points are thought-provoking.
115.David Baker says:
25, 2018 at 12:02 am GMT • 200 Words
“Holocaust Denial” is
an incendiary term that will justify the unleashing of the Jewish SMR (Scalded
Monkey Routine) response to such heresy and hatred. Many Jews “Deny the
Holocaust”, and even a scintilla of scrutiny applied toward that topic opens up
an entire chapter revealing its origins: War Atrocity Propaganda. As the
Holocaust Industry slowly dispenses with the most ridiculous elements of that
event, such as Human Soap, a leftover from WWI, along with lampshades made from
Jewish Skin, Holocaust historians must feverishly revamp their published volumes
and lecture content to keep up with the changes. Hilberg, for example, deleted
references to his “Hitler Orders to Exterminate the Jews” published in his
standard reference work “The Destruction of the European Jews” after confessing
his inability to produce those orders during his testimony at the Zundel False
News Trial in Canada. What goyim should know is that, during Zundel’s Appeal
Trial, NONE of the witnesses, historians or prosecution experts would appear and
testify under oath.
(Can you say “Perjury”?…….)
Truly, Holocaust
Revisionism is akin to shooting Gefilte fish in a barrel, which is why the
Industry has shifted their efforts toward government sanction and protection of
that fairy tale.
• Agree: apollonian
anon[199] •
Disclaimer says:
December 25, 2018 at 12:11 am GMT
good rant
121.apollonian says:
December 25, 2018 at 12:32 am
GMT • 100 Words
Thanks, buddy–I must be careful how I spell,
hoho ho ho. I hope people will tell Unz he’s not being accurate about grammar,
or “content-free,” and he’s obviously just setting-up excuse for his
censorship–which censorship is precisely what he pretends to be speaking against
in this thread, notice? Take care.