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ck; also,

Friday, December 28, 2018

Unc' Adolf must be seen in proper historical context--Germans were ALWAYS on defensive....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted (but not published by the kike, Unz) at comments,

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Hitler Was Heroic Leader, Putting-Up Desperate Last-Gasp Resistance To Jews, Bolsheviks, Western Conspirators, Taking-Over World
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 18)

Baker: u got it all wrong, buddy: Germans and Austrians were first attacked, in WWI (the first part of the large 30 yr war w. a 21 yr interlude) by conspiracy of the Entente allies, Russkies (Tsarists) and Serbs plotting, and then murdering the Austrian ArchDuke, THEN on top of that, Russkies mobilizing to start the war when Austrians objected to the casus belli (murdered ArchDuke), Russkies mobilizing on 25 July (1914), a full week before Germans reacted, giving French time to mobilize in their turn to anticipate the Schlieffen Plan. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and MacGregor. WWI was done-deal, the Germans (and Austrians) too late to catch-on, ambushed, bush-wacked.

Then who was blamed for start of WWI?--Germans, in corrupt Versailles Treaty, who were horribly taken for territory, as by Poles, who additionally demanded city of Danzig upon threat of war, Brits moreover making offensive treaty w. Poles in Mar 1939. See David Hoggan, "The Forced War." French again poised for war, Bolshies ready w. largest military on earth, w. fearsome T-34 tanks, etc.

Germans had LOST the first war, Germans now in extreme defensive as throughout the war (WWII), always on defense--but it was a losing effort fm very start, Germans fighting a hopeless struggle, the American Jew S A heavily funding and supplying ("Lend-Lease") all the allies, esp. Brits and Russkies, which Russkies finally hit their stride at end of 1942, as at Stalingrad.

The first war, WWI, was, at least at the end, for League of Nations world dictatorship, the second war, WWII, to decisively enforce and consolidate such world dictatorship, featuring now today's Agenda-21 and -2030 planned GENOCIDE, the world little grasping the model for such dictatorship was USSR--NOT Jew S A which was to be the dog wagged by the tail, Israeli terror-state, which did 9/11 (see and "Solving 9/11"), just for one of their most recent stunts, not to mention their continuing mass-murder of the native Palestinians ("The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," by Ilan Pappe).

So u see, heroic, tragic Germans were ALWAYS on the defensive, getting the best man they could find, heroic unc' Adolf, to lead a desperate, even if losing defense against the Jew-dominated West and their Jew-bolshie GOLEM, the monstrous, cannibalistic USSR.

U're absolutely right about those monstrous Jews squealing about the "6 million"--see Don Heddesheimer's "The First Six Million," Jews yelping and shrieking long before WWII, just after WWI, and probably even before that too. People forget the Zundel trial against Canadian gov., the trial transcript ("Did Six Million Really Die?") exposing the Jew liars.

People know about conspiring, criminal, psychopathic Jews, always plotting--see "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which regardless the real source, accurately describes the actions, purposes, and machinations of Jew criminals and satanists. But people are relatively ignorant of the Brit-French-Russkie collusion to start WWI, falsely blaming Germans, as at Versailles, etc., this plotting for WWI done by the "Round-Table" conspirators, founded by Cecil J. Rhodes, of later (in Jew S A) "Council on Foreign Relations," riddled w. Jews, as it is today, but especially for the absolutely essential Rothschild financing.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

David Baker says:
December 27, 2018 at 9:49 am GMT • 200 Words
@Wizard of Oz

The Nazis were dupes, who aided Zionists in their quest to compel Jews to emigrate to Palestine. Prior to the Third Reich, Jewish publications were constantly claiming 6,000,000 of their tribe were being hated and exterminated. None of these ploys convinced European Jews of the need for their departure–they did convince many people to donate to the Zionist cause, though. European Jews were doing quite well, with thriving businesses and cultural acceptance within several countries, including Germany. Zionists saw in Hitler the true “Anti-Semite” (They’re not Semitic..) who would take drastic action against Jews, and they had a field day conjuring up atrocity stories and other propaganda to portray Der Fuhrer as the Devil Incarnate.

Hitler did heartlessly exploit war refugees as forced laborers, packing these hapless people off to camps to work for the German War Machine. This short sighted scheme resulted in the horrible deaths of those refugees from diseases and starvation as the German Supply Lines were cut.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Gave the Jew, Unz, a good dose of truth, here, but now he's setting-up for serious censorship....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

Interestingly, Unz went ahead and published this essay of mine, but significantly, posted this note at the top of the text,
"[You have already been told that bizarre use of unorthodox grammar or spelling (e.g. u, u're, urself), especially in content-free rants, will greatly reduce the likelihood of your comments being published. This is your final warning.]"
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With "Colin Wright" "Alt-right" (Or Anyone) Doesn't Need Enemies, Suckers
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)

Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others aren’t.

What?--first of all, it's holohoax, nothing else. And WHO would be "convinced" holohoax "happened substantially as advertised..."?--absolutely NO ONE, but a satanic liar, that's who, the purpose being to besmirch heroic German people who fought so brilliantly against Jew-Bolshevik murderers, which Jew-bolsheviki had already shown themselves as mass-murderers in Ukraine in 1932-3, before NSDAP took power and which heroic German people really were mass-exterminated by Jews, Eisenhower (who was a Jew), and their satanic suck-alongs of the West, Jew S A, and UK.

Think about it--anyone who'd lie about holohoax, as above quote, would probably deny millions of Germans were mass-murdered, as by starvation and disease during and after WWII, according to evidence by James Bacque, deny the holodomor of Ukraine, and deny the Armenian mass-murders by the Donmeh crypto descendents of Jew messiah, Sabbatai Zevi, who'd taken control of Turkey--they'd also deny that holohoax is deliberately pushed by Jews-media and public edjumacation establishment as way of masking and justifying the ethnic cleansing of Palestine--as well as everywhere else, presently, in Western world. Good gravy.

Seriously: just ask urself what sort of psychopathic, lying filth would blithely say such thing (quoted, above)?

But that's not the end, next we get this gem:
plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with. Unz Review can have twelve interesting ideas that might actually gain traction with the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

Isn't it OBVIOUS that there's alternative to the idiot suggestion of the quote?--that calling spade spade, and that holohoax is simply satanic lying, is really and truly simply standing up for truth and against satanic lying?

Observe how the moron drones blithely on,
...but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

No sucker, only one who'd do that would be purest, most worthless COWARD, suck-along w. satanists and Jews, Jews the REAL problem, the worst enemies of all humanity, justly hated by all races and cultures, all throughout history.

So we see Unz, the Jew, setting things up for such cowardly, craven, satanic lies, like holohoax, and gross, utter COMPROMISE for those whom Unz patronizingly pretends to want to "helping" or advising, or counseling--good grief. For with people like "Colin Wright," whose probably either Jew or homosexual (or both), no Christian or "alt-right" or any gentile of any self-respect needs enemies.

So this is what Unz's website is all about, is it?--the compromising and subverting of the general patriot, "nationalist" movement?--by means of moronic crap like this fm "Colin Wright"?

Comrades, if we're ANY kind of self-respecting humans, we must stand for TRUTH, the original Christian ideal (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--and holohoax is dead give-away for the very most deadly SATANIC problem and affliction, this putrid, namby-pamby, limp-wristed sort of lying and corruption as "Colin Wright," who imagines humanity is soooo stupid as to just let it pass by--like Unz does, we see.

Unz, u fool, don't u realize "Colin Wright" has exposed u?--compromised u?--absolutely reduced u to abject, comical, and moronic absurd? U censor an honest person like me, but u blandly publish this complete dweeb, "Colin Wright," and expect it to just get along?

Now we get to the REAL Unz, don't we?--for what kind of person, in the first place, is willing to be known as "Jew," Unz, tell us--especially w. the OBVIOUS Talmudic connection and implications. Don't tell us u're not "religious," Unz, as this idiot "atheism" (or whatever) is well-known and classic stratagem, which atheism itself is mere religion all its own--no one can or ever has PROVEN there's no God, sucker. And yet to insist there isn't (any God) w. the sort of emotion and steadfastness atheists (almost always Jews) typically display is just an analogous kind of religious conviction and comportment.

For if u're truly "atheist," then why would u call urself "Jew"? Isn't ur racial association quite "religious" in itself? U're willing to be known as Jew--even though so many people hate Jews?--Jews notorious objects of hatred, revulsion, fear, suspicion, question, etc.

We gentiles and Christians have ALWAYS hated Jews, Unz--can't u finally figure that out? Christian religion is necessarily anti-semitic as Judaism and Talmud are blatant ANTI-THESIS, even in the classic Hegelian style, to Christian truth ideal. Even before the Christians, u Jews were particularly hated by gentiles, including esp. the Greeks in their rationalist tradition, who also held TRUTH as foremost ideal.

Even if u pretend u're atheist and "not religious," fact remains u, simply as Jew, preach tolerance of those Talmudistics of ur racial/genetic relation WHO ARE "religious." So u can't get away fm the problem of ur hypocrisy, on the one hand not willing to own to the Talmud, yet pretending it's okay to be related genetically, not regretting the Talmud--because u KNOW it would be TREASON to ur people, including the religious--which repudiation u're not willing to assume. By calling urself "Jew," Unz, u repudiate humanity.

Unz: face the hard facts, buddy: if u're Jew, u're no friend or even fellow of any gentiles or human beings. Regardless anything else, u're simply a "Trojan Horse," an "ice-breaker," as it were, for fellow Jews who ARE "religious" and Talmudic, even if it were possible u weren't--u can't deny it--not in reason or truth. Entertaining "Colin Wright" is too much of a travesty and joke.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

Colin Wright says: • Website
December 24, 2018 at 7:57 am GMT • 400 Words

Substantially, I agree with most of what you say. The issue is what to do about it.

More or less at random, the following thoughts come to mind.

First, those of us who engage in thought crime of whatever form need an alternative web that is at least more difficult to shut down. As long as we’re at the mercy of mainstream censors, we’ll never get anywhere.

Meantime, the issue is whether to appease or outrage. This always poses a quandary; I see it a lot in my own area of especial concern: Israel. Do you carefully assure everyone you agree Israel has a right to exist, dutifully decry ‘terrorism,’ avoid ever referring to ‘Jews,’ etc — and work yourself into a position of total impotence?

Or do you rage about the disproportionate power, influence, and privilege of Jews, denounce Israel as essentially a Nazi state, argue that any measures against it are justified, and so on — and find yourself off in a corner with twelve other ‘anti-semites’, banned by all?

This is a general problem. To take the path of moderation, and remain ‘legitimate’ at the risk if becoming innocuous — or call a spade a spade at the risk of being completely marginalized?

Finally, which causes? Take Holocaust Denial. I happen to be convinced that the Holocaust happened substantially as advertised, but others aren’t.

Well, speaking for myself, they’re free to argue their case. They can knock themselves out. As far as I’m concerned, it’s like faith in Jesus, or belief in Kennedy assassination plots, or any one of a dozen such convictions I just don’t share. Have at it, though. It’s like golf. Of no interest to me, but don’t let me spoil your fun.

The problem I see is that in plugging Holocaust denial in particular, one immediately marginalizes both oneself and anyone one is associated with. Unz Review can have twelve interesting ideas that might actually gain traction with the casual visitor — but if Holocaust Denial is at the top of the page, he’ll move hastily on.

It’s like Obama birtherism, or 9/11 having all been staged, or any one of several such beliefs. It’s an immediate red flag that triggers a ‘shake your head and move on’ response from most people.

Again, I’m not sure what to do about that. There’s little point in decrying mainstream censorship if we’re just going to muzzle ourselves. On the other hand…

Well, that’s about it for now. Unz’s points are thought-provoking.

115.David Baker says:
December 25, 2018 at 12:02 am GMT • 200 Words

“Holocaust Denial” is an incendiary term that will justify the unleashing of the Jewish SMR (Scalded Monkey Routine) response to such heresy and hatred. Many Jews “Deny the Holocaust”, and even a scintilla of scrutiny applied toward that topic opens up an entire chapter revealing its origins: War Atrocity Propaganda. As the Holocaust Industry slowly dispenses with the most ridiculous elements of that event, such as Human Soap, a leftover from WWI, along with lampshades made from Jewish Skin, Holocaust historians must feverishly revamp their published volumes and lecture content to keep up with the changes. Hilberg, for example, deleted references to his “Hitler Orders to Exterminate the Jews” published in his standard reference work “The Destruction of the European Jews” after confessing his inability to produce those orders during his testimony at the Zundel False News Trial in Canada. What goyim should know is that, during Zundel’s Appeal Trial, NONE of the witnesses, historians or prosecution experts would appear and testify under oath.

(Can you say “Perjury”?…….)

Truly, Holocaust Revisionism is akin to shooting Gefilte fish in a barrel, which is why the Industry has shifted their efforts toward government sanction and protection of that fairy tale.

• Agree: apollonian

anon[199] • Disclaimer says:
December 25, 2018 at 12:11 am GMT

lol, good rant

121.apollonian says:
December 25, 2018 at 12:32 am GMT • 100 Words

Thanks, buddy–I must be careful how I spell, hoho ho ho. I hope people will tell Unz he’s not being accurate about grammar, or “content-free,” and he’s obviously just setting-up excuse for his censorship–which censorship is precisely what he pretends to be speaking against in this thread, notice? Take care.

Discrimination--ABSOLUTELY essential, regarding Jews....

Below-copied by ap first submitted (but censored/deleted by Jew editor) at comment,

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No Discrimination?--Very Strange, Very Ominous--Something Is Surely Wrong
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)
Vietnamese can also congratulate themselves on proving to the world that 1) They don’t discriminate against minorities
How could u possibly know that ALL Vietnamese don't "discriminate"?--or do u mean the govt. doesn't, thus allowing the individual citizens to do so?

Don't u think satanists and communists should be discriminated against?--if not, why not? On the other hand, one can understand communists might be regarded there in Vietnam as liberators.

Regardless, it is and was the very glory of Western (hence Christian) civilization we used to discriminate very intensively against those satanic Christ-killers, and when we stopped doing so, absolute catastrophe occurred--and continues.

But then again, there grew-up satanists even among the ostensive Christians--which all confused things so much that the Jews were accounted to be harmless--and that's aside fm fact many people objected, even at that time when Jews were "emancipated"--a fatal mistake, that emancipation.

But evidently, in Vietnam there, u folks are so busy, making money, that u don't see any problem for the lack of discrimination.

Finally, I don't think we Americans elected Obama--it had to have been by means of heavy FRAUD that that could ever have occurred. Electronic voting is PROVEN fraud--there's no way to verify such voting ever counts, and then there are all the other frauds that take place regarding elections and voting.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Secession, nullification--they're going to happen, suckers--get ready....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Sovereignty Of States, Right Of Secession Exists--And It's Going To Happen
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 18)

Idiot: don't u realize secession then was precisely the very answer to ur stinking problem, fool? And ur genocidal war was illegal and un-Constitutional TREASON, making war against the states (a), (b) a now legitimate foreign nation which had seceded, in accord w. Dec. of Independence and the secession fm Articles Confederation in 1788.

"Sanctimony"?--it's mere matter of fact: states are sovereign, period, and union NEVER had more than "DELEGATED POWERS" which were duly un-delegated--get the picture? Fugitive slave act was mere device by u idiots up north, no less than south, to compromise and keep south in union.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

What do u imagine the 10 Amendment means?--when it speaks of "powers," does that mean whatever u or judges or "majority" say?--or is it enumerated in the letter of the law, the Constitution itself?--if it wasn't, then what's purpose/use of such Constitution?

And how could secession or nullification have been "prohibited" (which it isn't) when states seceded not only fm Britain, but also the original Articles Confederation? How would states have voted for union if they didn't retain sovereignty and option of secession?--which was explicitly noted by several states. Sovereignty is something that's un-alienable--even if u pretend to giving it up, u can just take it back.

Look fool: what happened was that north understandably objected to Dred Scott decision by which they suspected slavery could be extended to western territories and even the north--which would have threatened the security of free white labor, to which whites naturally objected. But the solution was (and still is) nullification and secession. As I recall, state of Wisconsin actually nullified the Fugitive Slave Act.

Get a clue: Constitution still exists, including sovereignty of states, and including 10th Amendment. Present multi-racial, satanistic, Jew-dominated, Jew-serving empire cannot continue, and whites and Christians must and will secede--it's gonna happen--prepare, sucker.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan says:Next New Comment
December 23, 2018 at 3:25 am GMT • 100 Words

Dear Gottfried and Southron invaders:

Get off my lawn

Stop acting all sanctimonious when you were perfectly fine to use the full power of the federal government to make us otherwise ambivalent (who cares about the damn blacks?) “Yankees” be your slave-catchers.

You burned Chambersburg before we burned Columbia.


John Burns

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Saturday, December 22, 2018

People, historians need to re-orientate: WWII was mere piece, part 2, to WWI, onset of Jew World Order (JWO)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jew World Order Consistently Rampaging Since 1914
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 18)

Comrade: u're so TOTALLY, utterly deluded regarding overall strategy. Germans NEVER had a chance. Don't forget Germans LOST WWI and were deliberately crippled FOREVER right then and there, confirmed by Versailles Treaty.

Dear unc' Adolf attacked USSR as pure DEFENSIVE, last-gasp measure. "Allies," instigated by Jew S A, attacked and declared war on Germany in 1939, after UK (Brits) made offensive alliance w. Poland in Mar 1939--GET A CLUE. Poland had threatened Germany w. war if Germans didn't let Poland have Danzig--GET A FRICKIN' CLUE.

Everything Germany and Hitler did was in way of a desperate DEFENSE fm the very beginning in 1939--and this defense is HOW u know holohoax was/is such a moronic lie.

And Jew S A Lend-Lease was absolutely crucial and instrumental, part of the plan fm very beginnings, without which such Lend-Lease USSR was doomed.

Thus WWI was for world dictatorship of Jew-dominated Jew S A, UK, and France; the USSR was model and template. WWII then was the clinching moment by which Jew world order was established forcefully, definitively; everything since then has been CONSOLIDATION--they're still at it, even brazenly having announced Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE (population-reduction).

U need to re-orient ur entire mentality and grasp of world history and events, buddy.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Krollchem says:
December 20, 2018 at 10:28 pm GMT • 200 Words

Here is an article that points to Germany being defeated prior to the US entering the war:

“Historian Dr. Jacques Pauwels analyses the evolution of World War II, focusing on the “Battle of Moscow” in December 1941 which preceded the defeat of German troops in Stalingrad in February 1943. According to Dr. Pauwels, the turning point was not Stalingrad but “the Battle of Moscow” and
the Soviet counter-offensive launched in December 1941:

When the Red Army launched its devastating counteroffensive on December 5, Hitler himself realized that he would lose the war. But of course he was not prepared to let the German public know that. The nasty tidings from the front near Moscow were presented to the public as a temporary setback, blamed on the supposedly unexpectedly early arrival of winter and/or on the incompetence or cowardice of certain commanders.

It was only a good year later, after the catastrophic defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad during the winter of 1942-1943, that the German public, and the entire world, would realize that Germany was doomed; this is why even today many historians believe that the tide turned in Stalingrad .”

Here's another censored apsterian item by Unz, and we see why as Unz wants to shield Jews fm truth and criticism....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

The top essay here, just below, "Smug Ignorance...," was censored by Unz, and it's easy to see why as it so well rebuts the posting by "EliteCommInc.," copied just below, which was reply to my original, copied below

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Smug Ignorance Basis Of Lies, Lying, Treason--Don't Let It Happen To U, Pilgrim
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 18)

Why are u soooo smug, sucker?--don't u realize there's fearful penalty for treason? But then again, go ahead and be smug, the easier it will be to dealing w. u, right? Another thing is u ought to make an effort to grasp plain meanings of English words, buddy. And why give u more ref.s when u can't even grasp and heed the ones u've already been given?

Talmudism/Judaism IS satanism, sucker--get a clue. And u blatantly and brainlessly LIE: "2. Jews have no mandate to persecute Christians...," u lying EVEN after I've given u the references. Talmudism IS persecution of Christians and any gentiles--which Jews do, practice, celebrate and gloat about, and tolerate (and lie about) as in present-day Palestine, just for one instance, having stolen the land and murdered and continuing to murder the people, which u, typically, ignore.

In Gosp. MATT 27:25, after Pilate absolved himself of "blood" of Christ, Jews answered, "...His blood be upon us and our children."

U lie again: "Christ spoke against the pharisees, sadducees, and the leadership, he did not speak against the faith...." Christ explicitly spoke against Jews' "Oral Law Tradition" at Gosp. MARK ch 7 verses 9 and 13. "Oral Law Tradition" is their Talmudic religion, fool.

U say, "[b]ut seeing them as some manner of vermin—– you are welcome to find any such reference...." In Gosp. MATT ch 23, Christ called Jews "vipers" and "serpents" several time, sucker--go ahead and read it for urself.

Ck also, Gosp. JOHN 8:44: "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies."

So we see how ignorant u are, such ignorance the excuse for ur lying, so go ahead and continue being smug as u are--it won't help u.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

EliteCommInc. says:Next New Comment
December 20, 2018 at 11:32 pm GMT • 400 Words

Laughing. I have no idea what you are about.

I am not sure why you call me a liar. I need a reference to respond.

I am not sure why you call me a heretic. I need a reference to respond.

I am sure there are some Jews who engage in witchcraft and may even dabble or embrace some form of Satanic polity/ethos. But how they relates to my position is beyond me. Nor have I a clue what the further references mean. They have absolutely nothing to do with my comment which in shirt form states:

1. There is no mandate from Christ to persecute Jews.

2. Christ spoke against the pharisees, sadducees, and the leadership, he did not speak against the faith, but rather their abuse of the same.

2. Jews have no mandate to persecute christians — they are simply connected via history via Christ.

I don’t have issues with Christ being the truth and the light — your response is lost on me.

Subjectivity is merely the observation that words might have more than one meaning. I am unclear what relevance it has to my comments. In my view – none. As there is nothing subjective about not persecuting other people.

I think you misunderstand the concept of creating truth. There is no question that an individual can have some impact on truth by their word and philosophy. But Nothing in my comments is to that issue.

And this,

“Thus Jews are simply an anti-human, anti-Christ DISEASE, no less than typhus or black plague, culling-out the excess population of gentiles, who/which Jews must be dealt with. Jews dominate and lead all gentile subjectivists/satanists as Jews are most organized, collectivistically, most dedicated, committed, cohesive of subjectivists and satanists.”

there is not a single New Testament sentence that supports this. Nor does it lend support for persecuting Jews at any level. Now while I tend to be far more cautious about any manner carte blanche’ support for Israel based on scripture. There is nothing stated by Christ or the Apostles to persecute Jews. Holding them accountable for behaviors that are unchristian is not persecution. But seeing them as some manner of vermin —– you are welcome to find any such reference by the Apostles or Christ. You won’t – but give it shot.

You want to call them out for illegal, unfair and dangerous banking practices – no issues. But that is not persecution.

And none of your comments is relevant to my position or me. Save that it appears to be an admonition completely opposite of everything the Apostles and Christ expect believers to embrace and practice.

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Unz published the above posting by EliteCommInc. which was reply to below, here, by me, which Unz also published. So only one of my responses to EliteCommInc. was published, the other censored--thus making it look like I didn't have anything to say to EliteCommInc.'s response to my first, here, just below.

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Who, What Jews Are--Foremost Satanists/Subjectivists, Criminals, Murderers, Etc.
(Apollonian, 20 Dec 18)

U're not "nationalist," u're just a traitor, liar, heretic, all truth be told. Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Jews are foremost satanists and liars, haters of Christ (JOHN 8:44).

Thus Christ is truth, teaching truth, hence establishing the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary criterion for truth, against Jew liars and satanists/SUBJECTIVISTS who preach "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah and "Oral Law Tradition" (see,, and for best Talmudic expo).

New Test. is simply elaboration upon Christ's philosophy and ethics, Christ preaching and affirming original Torah and law of Moses which he holds in NOT to be "interpreted" as by Pharisaic "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition." Thus Christ spoke against, exposed, and opposed Pharisees who then had Christ killed. But truth can't be killed any more than reality upon which it's based can be killed, thus truth (= Christ) always resurrects.

Subjectivism is philosophy by which reality is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator, hence satanism, Jews preaching an extreme subjectivism, to be practiced COLLECTIVISTICALLY by all Jews by means of group-think and intensive collusion. And Jews preach the enslavement of gentiles and extermination of gentiles--just ck their Talmud.

Thus Jews are simply an anti-human, anti-Christ DISEASE, no less than typhus or black plague, culling-out the excess population of gentiles, who/which Jews must be dealt with. Jews dominate and lead all gentile subjectivists/satanists as Jews are most organized, collectivistically, most dedicated, committed, cohesive of subjectivists and satanists.

And Jews' primary weapon/instrument is central-banking (see, use their search engine) which is literally legalized counterfeiting by which they buy and own everything and everybody w. only few exceptions. And illegal aliens are enemy invaders, fool; try getting a brain.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

EliteCommInc. says:Next New Comment
December 20, 2018 at 8:38 pm GMT • 200 Words

I am aware of this history and it’s relevance to the relationship between Jews and christians is problematic from either view

1. Jews acting out against Christians and

2. Christians acting out against Jews.

There is nothing in the New Testament that justifies the behavior of either. No christian need do anything to Jews because they reject Christ.

And I am unclear what it is that you think a christian could glean from behaviors that the New Testament clearly forbids.

Now I think there might be some salience to the lineage argument. I have no doubt that many Palestinians if they could but trace their lineage — would be Jews more closely aligned to direct descendants.

But regardless of that no christian should be engaged in applauding the destruction of harm to Jews.

I am a hard line nationalist, but that does not require ,y support for tarring and feathering illegal immigrants.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ho ho ho, this MUST have been a good post as it was censored and deleted by the editor--which I then tried to dispute, but got very little....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

AUTHOR'S NOTE: For some reason the original version of this response was censored and deleted, so I'll try again after having taken-out some material.  See comments where I posted the very first, original.

Note 2: actually, the editor decided not to publish at all, but I copied a lot of my queries as to why and wherefore, copied below.

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New Test. Is LITERATURE, First, Containing Philosophy Within
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 18)

Ur problem is ignorance and presumption, eh? (a) Christ was no Jew, Jew defined as follower of Pharisees and Talmud, Jews diff. fm Judeans. Christ was Galilean descended fm Judeans. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

(b) Christ wasn't a rabbi or a "magical" rabbi--he was God the Son, according to the story-line--which u can't dis-prove (but this is no diff. fm Homer in which u can't dis-prove Zeus or Apollo were gods, either).

(c) People like u FORGET New Test. IS LITERATURE, TELLING A STORY, a fable--absolutely NO DIFF. fm Homer's Illiad and Oddysey.

(d) Thus the STORY in New Test. contains a basic, core philosophy, Christ preaching existence of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, and 8:32), HENCE AN OBJECTIVE, Aristotelian REALITY, necessary criterion for such truth--which is why Jews couldn't kill truth (= Christ), because truth is based on reality--and RESURRECTS--truth always comes back at u. Jews, the ultimate liars and servants of satan (JOHN 8:44), preach a SUBJECTIVE ("midrash") reality in which whatever they say or want, according to rabbis, is what's true, and what gentiles too must BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV, ho ho o ho. Christ opposed Pharisees and the other subjectivistics and satanists.

(e) Thus New Test. presents a basic clash/conflict of realities, the Greek Aristotelian vs. the subjectivistic/satanic, Christ defending Mosaic law and Torah against the Pharisees who preached "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," later written out fully as Babylonian Talmud about 500 AD.

(f) And the virtue is NOT in beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin', as if, like a satanist or Pharisee, whatever is beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeved is what is considered then true. If u go out and see sun shining, u KNOW it's day-time--no "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" necessary

(g) But Christ spoke to the people and in those times people, most of them probably quite illiterate, got their philosophy fm literature and "religion," so Christ spoke in their terms, defending Torah against hereticalist Pharisees and their "midrash" subjectivism and satanism by which what they said was true was supposed to be true and beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeved--try to getting a clue.

(h) Note it was "Vatican" pedophiles who later made Christianity into the putrid mystic mumbo-jumbo it is so often taken for nowadays by such as u, who fails to grasp literature and literary methods, techniques, functions, and purposes.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

Anonymous[288] • Disclaimer says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:05 pm GMT • 100 Words

You don’t put too much stock in Jew “Studies,” but you do worship a magical Rabbi who was popular in the Synagogues, the premier place for Jew “Studies.” LOL!

Just another Jew liar? Found one! Go on, do like Jesus says he can do, and toss a mountain into the Pacific with his magical Jew superpowers. Oh right, nobody has magical Jew superpowers like that, thus proving that Jewsus is just another Jew liar.

You’re a dumbass for characterizing Jews as liars—but simultaneously worshiping them. (I might add that Ron Unz is, as you put it, just another Jew liar too, so why are you even here?)

---------------below-copied are the notes I sent to Unz when he refused to publish------------

The editor (Unz or Shamir) censored my above (top) posting and left a msg, following:

apollonian says:
December 19, 2018 at 10:38 pm GMT • 400 Words

"[Too many totally off-topic religious comments.]"

* * * * * * * * *

So I then responded w. another (3rd) note to effect my posting was PHILOSOPHIC, pertaining to LITERATURE, assessing the philosophy contained therein--why not let the readers decide for themselves? And I wrote further,

"Consider that in fairness editor would have to delete/censor the original addressee, "anonymous," which censorship I wouldn't want done for sake of readers. Early philosophy was always embedded within religion, religion merely more deeply integrated within sentiment, not only intellect. Let the readers decide for themselves."

[above quoted paragraph is closest approximation I could remember]

I then demanded editor publish my 3rd, above-copied, note, and he could then respond and explain why he won't let the readership decide for themselves.

Editor then censored and totally deleted my above, 3rd posting, w. no further comment or explanation. These are truly Jewwy scum and cowards who cannot stand truth and honesty. So I then submitted a 4th note, copied below:

* * * * * * *

[Too many totally off-topic religious comments.]

"Editor: ur statement is just ur opinion, is it not? So why is ur opinion better and pre-emptive?--my entry is only 400 words.

"Pls publish this note and respond so readers can evaluate and assess ur reasoning for such censorship. As it is, I wouldn't want "anonymous" to think I wasn't able or willing to rebut his note.

"Why would u want to preserve the statements of "anonymous," but then censor my own?--u're un-fairly giving him the last word, even though I wouldn't want u to delete his as well, which would otherwise only seem to be fair, under ur stated criterion. Are u Unz or Shamir?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Of course, editor then totally deleted my 4th (above) note, and at this pt. I see it's pretty useless reasoning w. this Jewwy, cowardly scum. But, ho ho oho, I yet submitted a 5th effort, copied exactly, below:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"What Is Editor Hiding?

[Too many totally off-topic religious comments.]

"Well thanks to the editor, whoever he is, who's given a cheap victory, such as it is, to my opponent, "anon," above, whom I hope is NOT similarly censored, despite my own opinion being censored.

"Now "anon's" opinion stands for all to read for whatever persuasion it projects while my own humble opinion is censored so that no one can see it for whatever merits it might have. But, like I say, I hope "anon's" posting stays there as it does present a legitimate challenge to my original statements, but which answer by me to such challenge is not allowed--WHY?

"Editor says my statements are "off-topic" and "religious," which I earnestly dispute, when that's merely his opinion, and won't let the readership judge for themselves.

"So I see SOMETHING bothers the editor he's not admitting, for if it really was merely "religious," then I don't think he'd really be worried--my note was only 400 words. Note I insist my statements are not merely "religious"--so why isn't my opinion given to public for the readership's judgment?--why does editor have to pre-empt everyone?--editor gets his say, but I don't get equal chance to rebut, either against "anon" or the editor.

"Editor won't even explain--won't even allow my own arguments regarding that alleged "religion," and why I say it's philosophic and quite relevant--it's only my honest opinion. But something, as I say, bothers the editor, and he's keeping it secret fm everyone, hidden fm analysis/assessment--WHY?"


Alas, but editor censored and deleted my (above) 5th attempt too, not answering. I then tried to post on another thread, but my entry wouldn't even show up, so I thought I was banned. But when I ck'd back later, I saw my entry had suddenly showed-up, so maybe I was banned, but then un-banned, who knows?--I gave it all up by then.

Christ in New Test. restates, clarifies Old Test., Torah....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Christ = TRUTH, Founded Upon Objective Reality
(Apollonian 19 Dec 18)

U only have to remember that Christ came to defend, re-state, and clarify Mosaic law, as contained in Torah, in face of the revisionistic Pharisees, whom Christ noted were heretics--see Gosp. MATT ch. 23, all 39 verses, also Gosp. MARK ch. 15. Thus the Pharisees preached not Mosaic law and Torah, but rather the Torah "interpreted" by "midrash" (interpretation technique) and "Oral Law Tradition." See,, and for expo

And don't forget amazing Gosp. JOHN 8:44 where Christ gives Pharisees the "dirty low-down": "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies."

Thus New Test. tells the story of Christ (TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. satanism and Jew LIES, the Jews having Christ killed, imagining they can kill truth, but the joke is on the Pharisees when truth resurrects as truth is necessarily founded upon an OBJECTIVE reality, such reality not capable of being killed.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------

Anonymous[176] • Disclaimer says:
December 19, 2018 at 5:41 am GMT • 100 Words

How can Christianity divorce itself completely from most of the Old Testament when the Jew Testament contains 695 word-for-word quotations and 4105 references to the Old, hmm? Do tell!

An index in the Jewish New Testament catalogs 695 separate quotations from the books of the Old Testament in the New (Jewish New Testament Publications, Jerusalem, 1989). There are many other passages where the Old Testament is referred to , as in cases where an Old Testament figure is mentioned, but no specific scripture is quoted. Depending on which scholar’s work you examine, the number of quotations and references in the New Testament to the Old may be as high as 4,105 (Roger Nicole, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary , Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1979, Vol. I, p. 617).

The Old Testament in the New Testament

Remember the real philosophic core to literature of New Test., Objectivity basis of truth against satanic lies founded in subjectivism....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Literature Of Christianity, The Real Philosophic Core
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

One merely needs understanding Christianity as philosophy, this based in New Test. which is LITERATURE, not essentially diff. fm Homer's Illiad and Oddysey--literature serving as vehicle for an internal PHILOSOPHY. For note, historically, people first appreciated and rec'd philosophy in guise of literature and religion.

Worst thing ever happened to Christianity was it was turned into such putrid, filthy MYSTICISM, the people taught that "faith," which is properly only LOYALTY, is idiot beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin', this beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin' now presented as something that creates reality--and I'm sure it is this mysticism that so much offended such as Pierce.

So u only have to appreciate the actual literature and story line: Christ preaching, re-stating, and clarifying the Mosaic law of Old Test. to the people, Christ especially then, additionally, taking issue w. the Pharisees who Christ said were heretics, who St. Paul said were "grafted-out" of the real "Israel," the true people of God.

Thus the Pharisees, foremost subjectivists, satanists, and LIARS (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) had Christ killed, Christ, God the Son, being TRUTH itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), Pharisees so much hating truth, but truth not capable of being destroyed because it's necessarily founded upon a genuine, OBJECTIVE reality. Thus truth (= Christ) resurrects, and the joke is on the satanists (hence Jews). Such is the lesson of New Test. Thus the people can justly have confidence in the truth.

Further, the ETHICS taught by Christ, most revered by Christian people, are then founded upon that basic OBJECTIVE reality in accord w. logic, etc.--this ethics being what people MOST appreciate about Christ and New Test.

So u can see the real Christianity is eminently rational and logical, as noted by St. Thomas Aquinas, for one, but the corrupted "vatican," in order to appeal to the mass of goons and "people," turned it into that putrid mystic mish-mash of mumbo-jumbo which understandably offended Pierce who failed to appreciate the actual literature and philosophic core to it all.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Svigor says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:38 am GMT • 100 Words

Christianity is fine. You can pour (enough of) what you like into it to make it do what you want. I can sketch out a muscular, WN version of Christianity just fine. TL;DR version: Judaism is the basis of Christianity and Judaism is racist as ****, so universalize the racism such that every Christian people gets their own, racist flavor. Simple.

I don’t have much patience for one-true-wayers, of any kind. I.e., the annoying Christian-hating ****s who happen to overlap mightily with LARPING nazis. Don’t have much use for the Christian WN one-true-wayers, either, but IME they have fewer boots on the ground. Either way, I’d read both groups out: intolerance for other Whites = **** you, we don’t need you.

Svigor says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:46 am GMT • 100 Words

As for Pierce, IIRC (it’s been many, many years) he suffered from the same misapprehension that many other hard-core WNs like Covington do; he attributed more conscious malignancy to Jews than was plausible. I suspect part of this is projection: Pierce and Covington were high-minded, thoughtful white men capable of levels of introspection that just aren’t available to most Jews (Jews are especially deficient in the ethnic sense). They projected that level of capability for self-review onto Jews, when I just don’t think it’s in evidence. Jews really are wired differently than we are. Pierce and Covington mistake astounding levels of selfishness and callousness for high levels of maliciousness.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Weak pt. for political fortunes of Jews, Israeli terror-state is their support among JCs, obviously....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Face Basic Facts About Jews, Necessity Of Surviving As Humanity
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

People should realize the best, easiest, most direct way to affect and treat terror-state of Israel is in acting upon and against Israel's rabid fans and supporters among the gentiles and "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) and/or "Christian-Zionist" network who number nearly HALF of all "evangelical" Protestants in Jew S A., numbering about 40 million souls--THIS IS THE WAY to under-cutting Israel terror-state.

All it takes is (a) people preaching the real Christianity, Christ = TRUTH, truth, truth. Christianity is worship of truth (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), not idiotic "love" or moronic "faith" of beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin', or "good" (which doesn't exist), or "peace."

Don't forget Jews HATE Christ, saying Christ was blasphemer, heretic, and sorcerer, Jews having lobbied and extorted the Romans to kill and execute Christ, as Jews' filthy Talmud records and verifies.

Further, aside fm Christianity, note it's useful to understand the Talmud for what it is, hatred and war against all the rest of humanity, not only Christians, though Christians are held up for special hatred. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Talmud upholds Jews as entitled to murder and enslave humanity. Talmud preaches a philosophy of extreme subjectivism by which mentality/consciousness is the origin and creator of reality, the Jews moreover practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and sublime group-think, this extreme subjectivism then making Jews literally the creators of reality, co-equal w. God--satanism. And Jews are most organized, cohesive, dedicated, and committed of all satanists.

Why wouldn't people naturally hate Jews?--after all, Jews are most dedicated haters of humanity, all history being witness. Hatred of Jews, which Jews call "anti-semitism," all by itself, is a virtue and useful practice of humanity just as it is good to prevent and eradicate disease simply for sake of general protection of humanity.

Thus Christianity (worship of truth) should be seen for what it is--MOST EFFECTIVE ANTI-SEMITISM of all time, having put Jews in their proper place for nearly a thousand years.

People shouldn't fear "anti-semitism" which is really no different fm anti-disease, anti-death for humanity. It's either Jews or humanity, folks.

Monday, December 17, 2018

U can always tell the kikes, and they always show why/how humanity sooooo cherishes these smarmy, presumptuous monsters....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Eloquent Jew (In His Way) Shows Why Jews Are Sooooo Cherished By Humanity
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 18)

Good gravy, "corvinus," we see u're just another Jew liar, spewing ur stupid Jew lies, the Jew parasite living off the remnants of the original gentile Constitutional achievement, pretending u Jew monstrosities understand the gentile instruments and culture better than the gentiles, eh? But thanks for ur brilliant lecturing, buddy, ho hoh oh oho.

And in typical Jew/satanic style u just question-beg making ur idiot assertions without substantiation. So do u have any exposition saying what multi-culturalism is, what Satanism is, and why they're NOT same?--no, just the usual, typical Jewwy lies and assertion.

And once u start ur stupid Jew lying, u just keep it up w. more assertion and question-begging. Wasn't it Lincoln who called for volunteers, and wasn't it the Yanks who marched into Confederate territory for first battle of Bull Run? South wanted independence, sucker; slaves were secondary, and it was North which went to war. These foregoing are simple, verifiable matters of fact, Jew--and the readers of this site can decide for themselves, right Jew?

Stupid ignorant Jew then moronically babbles about sovereignty of individual, hohoho ho, making no sense at all. But the union had no sovereignty--only DELEGATED POWERS, that's all, delegated by the only sovereign entities, the states, dumb Jew. Ever hrd of "United States of America"?--the states are sovereign, nothing else. Those sovereign states then withdrew those delegated powers, idiot.

Then the stupid Jew says secession has been "settled," ho ho ho ho--like the mugger who knocks his victim out and takes victim's wallet, and then says, well ownership of this wallet is "settled," eh Jew? But the victim could get up, draw his pistol and deal w. the mugger, right?--and then it would be "settled" again, and this time, permanently for the mugger, right Jew moron? South will rise again, sucker.

Then Jew tells us about Jackson being states rights advocate who said nullification was un-Constitutional--more question-begging and lies. And how could Jackson be for states-rights if he contradicts Jefferson and Madison and lies, saying nullification is un-Constitutional? Stupid Jew doesn't explain, just issuing more of his stupid lies and question-begging.

Then the brainless Jew pretends to pronounce upon the criminal enterprise of central-banking and fiat money which is OBVIOUSLY mere legalized counterfeiting (see, use their search-engine)--when the Const. itself plainly says only gold/silver can be legal tender, etc.

Such is the argumentation of our dear Jew here, "corvinus," folks, full of the typical Jew presumption and chutzpah, the recipient of gentile charity, pretending to know better than gentiles about the gentiles' culture, Constitution, and history. Is it any wonder these Jew monsters and satanic liars are sooooo hated by all humanity of all races and cultures, all throughout history?

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

Corvinus says:
December 18, 2018 at 12:02 am GMT • 500 Words

“Multi-Culturalism IS Satanism, Don’t Doubt”

It’s not even remotely similar.

“Well, whatever, but for sure, things DEFINITIVELY went wrong for Jew S A in 1860s, specifically 1861 when Lincoln the mass-murderer conducted genocide against the people, the morons of northern Jew S A (or very soon to be totally Jew-dominated) denying the sovereignty of the states w. right to secede fm the subordinate union, the union properly only the servant and agent of the states.”

There was no mass murdering. The southrons wanted to keep their slaves at all costs. The North (and southerners) said no. The southrons foolishly went to war and lost.

“For remember: SOVEREIGNTY IS INALIENABLE, a basic principle, and union ONLY held “delegated” powers fm states which were duly withdrawn fm that union by the Confederacy (CSA).”

Sovereignty of each individual was inalienable as it collectively fought to preserve the Union–which included southerners.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” -10th Amendment. Note secession was NOT prohibited–and couldn’t have been, as states of the Articles of Confederation would never then have voted and ratified.”

Secession has already been settled.

“One could go back to 1830 when the psychopath Pres., Andrew Jackson, threatened courageous state of S. Carolina w. war if it attempted to secede or even to nullification of the grossly un-fair federal tariff–nullification, remember having been expounded by none other than Jefferson and Madison and practiced by various states several times.”

Actually, it was Jackson who was courageous. The will of the people by way of Congress instituted a law–a tax on imports. South Carolina opposed on states rights grounds and “nullified” it. Jackson, himself a states rights advocate, said that nullification is unconstitutional. When South Carolina threatened to secede, Jackson was prepared to send in troops. A compromise was reached–the tariff remained, but gradually decreased.

“One could go back to 1819 McCulloch vs. Maryland which entrenched the criminal enterprise of the central bank (BUS)–literally legalized counterfeiting.”

A state bank taxed a federal entity. That is unconstitutional. There was no “legalized counterfeiting” as a result of that court decision.

“Regardless, I’d say 1860s was decisive destruction of USA, now Jew S A, which became definitively imperialist in 1898, leading to League of Nations world dictatorship and present genocidal Agenda-21 and -2030 United Nations of today.”

Do you look for Jews underneath your bed and in your closet every night?

“All we need now is for more folks to grasping necessity and virtue of NULLIFICATION, states-rights, and real money of gold and silver. See”

So are you going on a recruiting tour? Do you have cities and dates lined up? Are you doing any pan handling along the way?

Sunday, December 16, 2018

William L. Pierce was truly outstanding for observations, integrity, though he had distinct flaws....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Pierce Only Suffered FM Prejudice Against Christianity, Too Great Emphasis On Collectivism
(Apollonian 17 Dec 18)

Indeed, Pierce was bull-dog (see below-copied), like dear unc' Adolf, who kept his eye firmly fixed upon target Jews and never compromised, never pretending there are "good" Jews, like there are "good" psychopaths, or good child-molesters.

BUT Pierce had similar draw-backs and weaknesses as Hitler, in his anti-Christianity, which dear Christianity, at least in the very early days of the West, was just as un-compromising and cogent against Jews, even more effective and victorious, for hundreds of yrs, which further, most effectively coupled Jews w. satanism--which is demonstrable fact, satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea reality is created by mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God the creator--satanism which doubles as secular philosophy (in form of subjectivism) parallel w. religious sentiment/theology. Fact Jews say they're "atheist" doesn't change essence of their satanic nature.

Pierce fell into this trap w. his German transcendental moralism as of Kant, including that fatal collectivism which is foreign to both West and Christianity. Thus Pierce failed to gain sympathy of numerous Christians, too easily forsaking those good people, who KNOW and sense something is wrong w. devilish, infernal Jew monsters, but can't quite put proverbial finger on it for strict rationalist analysis.

Pierce too easily associated and identified Christianity w. Pharisaism/Talmudism when they are absolute, polar opposites, featuring TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), the decisive pt. being that truth requires an OBJECTIVE reality as criterion against Jew lies and subjectivism. Pierce presumed Christianity was necessarily MYSTIC, like Judaism, which was fatal mistake and assessment, and which alienated Pierce fm too many fellow gentiles, esp. Christians who would otherwise have hailed him for his many great observations and insights.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Svigor says:
December 17, 2018 at 4:41 am GMT • 100 Words

In this respect, they is quite like William Pierce’s legendary American Dissident Voices broadcasts in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Pierce was a badass. He did a lot to legitimize WNism for me, way back in the day. More psychologically than intellectually. Hearing an obviously very intelligent and charismatic man hold forth on the Judenreich broke through barriers for me.

Here's good, simple, concise account of hist. regarding the world wars, etc....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Parisian" Knows All About Lend-Lease, But Sooooo Little About The Wars, Hmmmm
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

"I know that controversy about who wanted war. There is the same about the start of WW2. I have no opinion. For instance, i’ve also read that US/UK were very actively trying to convince Stalin that Hitler was secretly wanting to attack USSR as soon as he could. So Stalin planned for a preemptive attack. My guess is we will never be able to know the truth with certainty." -Parisian

Well, we KNOW Hitler wanted peace w. UK (Brits) and French, and he was willing and expecting to fight USSR, bolshies, and Jews--along w. rest of West. Little did unc' Adolf grasp how Jews and satanists had already captured West w. their central-bank instrument and were now conspiring and consolidating genocidal world dictatorship by means of League of Nations and next United Nations (UN).

And we KNOW UK made an offensive treaty w. Poland against Germans, the Poles intending and conspiring to take Danzig, threatening the Germans w. war if they did not accede. Before that treaty Roosevelt planned and prepared for war against Germans right after his first re-election in 1937. See "The Forced War," by David Hoggan.

And remember how it all started in 1914, Russians conspiring w. Serbs against Austria-Hungary, Serbs assassinating heir-apparent ArchDuke, the Russians conspiring w. France and UK against Germany, then mobilizing against Austria, starting the war deliberately and according to conspiracy w. UK and France. See Docherty and MacGregor, "Hidden History...."

And of course the utterly corrupt and mendacious Versailles Treaty blamed Germany for the war which was started by the Entente conspirators, taking much territory and re-distributing it, causing much consternation and revision which unc' Adolf was successfully correcting--w. tacit approval of the world which became aware, by mid-20s, of the Entente conspirators of WWI. See works of Harry Elmer Barnes, and Prof. Sidney B. Fay.

So we see UK and France were the real conspirators MOST responsible by far for out-break of the wars, using and duping the Poles in the second, and including Jew S A which additionally instigated the second war and guaranteed the bank-rolling, financing, and supplying of the criminal psychopaths behind League of Nations and UN, genocidal world dictatorship, UK, and France, and in due course, the mass-murdering Bolsheviks of USSR. Q.E.D.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Marx certainly didn't defeat unc' Adolf; rather, it was capitalist production, even though harnessed by socialist-statism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Marx Was Horrific Failure, Dupe; Hitler Heroic, But Tragic Savior Ambushed By Fate
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 18)

I think Durocher rather fails for his analysis/assessment of Soral, and it certainly wasn't Marx who defeated dear unc' Adolf and those heroic Germans.

What actually defeated Hitler and Germans was Jew S A Lend-lease and the tremendous, decisive aid that Jew S A was able to give to Britain (UK) and USSR, esp. in way of FOOD which USSR desperately needed, along w. trucks and jeeps transportation--this transportation revolutionizing the Red Army for motorization and mobility which enabled Russkies' victory over an otherwise superior German military force, pure and simple.

IT WASN'T MARX THAT DEFEATED HITLER. Hitler and Germans simply did not realize the tremendous productive capacity of Jew S A and its effect in bolstering, even rejuvenating the Red military effort. For otherwise, Hitler and General staff rightly thought they'd delivered death-blows--they just under-estimated Jew S A supply and logistics. The great German envelopment tactics of '41 and '42 gave-out in attrition, the Russkies now too quick, agile, and mobile w. all the Jeeps and trucks they had fm Jew S A.

Otherwise, the large cultural force in play was globalist, socialist world-dictatorship of United Nations (UN) vs. the honest, patriotic nationalist ideal of Germany, Germans terribly out-numbered, but Marx was surely not responsible for that globalist victory either--rather, it was the tremendous capitalist productive output of Jew S A.--yes, even though that capitalist structured economic power was harnessed in socialist form and motivation, at least at top leadership levels further extended down through the bureaucracy, including public edjumacation.

In the larger view, Oswald Spengler provides best context and grasp of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," Western reason and individualism, founded upon Aristotelian objectivity, thus spiritual health declining in Judaic SUBJECTIVISM and Talmudic MIDRASH (interpretation), this upon the specific, putrid, mystic moralism, Pharisaism and altruist collectivism giving rise to guilt-complex and virtue-signaling which everyone so indulges in this moronic day and age.

For note racialism is founded in DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect, which necessarily follows fm objectivity. But fm time of Rousseau and the Scottish "moral sentimentalists" of Smith and Hume, then through German transcendentalism beginning w. Kant and Kantian Pharisaism, Western culture and reason were doomed. And note further, Christian culture had also been horrifically subverted by the Jew Rothschild take-over of Vatican finances in 1824--as such take-over had earlier triumphed over Western economics since the Bank of England criminal enterprise of 1694 featuring fiat-currency.

Don't forget Marx upheld the out-moded "labor" theory of value which was decisively replaced by "marginal utility," the pt. being that "value" is subjective. It doesn't matter the great labor I might put into making of mud-pies--they're worthless, regardless all the labor and work I did. What determines value is SUBJECTIVE in accord w. DEMAND of the market. And labor is most affected by the product of the mind and the tools which are placed in workers' hands by the entrepreneurs and capitalists--as the Austrian school teach (even though so many of them were Jews, yes, I know).

So what we see fm history is that Hitler did magnificently for leadership and revisionism of the utterly corrupt Versailles treaty, Germany traduced by the British-French-Russian conspiracy to start WWI--see Docherty and MacGregor's "Hidden History," the Entente conspiracy well known and exposed by the mid 1920s--EVERYONE knew how thoroughly CORRUPT was Versailles treaty--which conspiracy of lies is still carried on today by the Jew-centric, Jew-oriented history and edjumacation in the idiot factories called "public education" and popular culture.

Observe how Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, then Austria and Germany were attacked. Note how historical events and circumstances of WWI are so mysterious and unknown today, esp. in comparison w. the factoids and details of WWII and the glorious Bolshevik revolution, etc.

So much for Soral and Durocher who try their best, surely, but are merely instructive for their failures. Marx merely carried-on the putrid moralist tradition of Scottish sentimentalists, Rousseau, and then German transcendental nonsense and mysticism which gave us modern statism, fascism, and genocidal socialism of present-day Agenda-21, -2030, "population-reduction," and world dictatorship.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Lenny Pozner" has now made himself subject, issue, all his own, even apart fm Sandy hoax itself....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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December 5, 2018 at 1:28 am

Newsflash: "Pozner" Has Now Made Himself Legitimate Object Of Legal Inquiry, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 18)

Well Fetzer, surely u can understand how all humans of rational mind can easily sympathize w. u for ur persecution and harassment at hands of this criminal monster, known as "Pozner," as we all now witness the criminal abuse of the legal system to attack and attempt to injuring a citizen, among other citizens too (like Wolfgang), who've done nothing wrong, indeed, has only done excellently for un-covering pertinent and most informative facts on the Sandy hoax case which was psy-ops intended to terrorize and deprive citizens of rights, etc.

And surely now u see the horrific and satanic effects of that criminal enterprise known as "central-banking" which provides the funds/funding for this legal abuse and assault upon u personally and all the citizens, including Wolfgang Halbig and even Ajax Jewns ( Thus the criminals and satanists make use of legalistically counterfeited funds (literally) to paying lawyers filing these abusive law-suits which now cause u to have to paying for lawyers, etc., the obvious object, if nothing else, being to exhaust u of ur funds which u're not allowed to simply create by means of printing or digitalizing through computer keystrokes--it's also frustrating and demoralizing for the citizens.

Problem of course is in persuading judges and juries which is practically impossible due to the ABSTRACT nature of money and banking, what money is (distinct fm mere "currency"), and why it has to be that way.

BUT there is a clear way for explaining and exposing the facts regarding the necessary (and illegitimate) MONOPOLY nature of the central-bank which gives the criminals the upper-hand and overwhelming advantages for bribing politicians, lawyers, and judges, controlling the "Jews-media" and edjumacation system, and thus to brain-washing and confusing the people in all the various ways.

Don't forget, the central bank is the MOST POWERFUL monopoly there is or COULD BE within the human imagination, creating a MIDAS-like power for humans in the creation of credit and currency (not real money--which would otherwise require alchemistic methods)--making these mortal humans into practical GODS w. nearly miraculous power for creation of nearly infinite funds. Thus we see created the Big Pharma monopoly (or cartel-system/complex), aside fm the "Jews-media" monopoly, and recently, we've all been alerted to the power of big-"Tech," originally seeded w. tax-payers funds, for the control and treatment of communications among the people--actually very closely co-operating w. the traditional "Jews-media."

So in consideration of these simple, afore-mentioned facts as I note above, u should consider counter-filing a class-action suit against "Pozner" and his cohorts, as these lawyers of his have to have provided their names, u demonstrating for the court as is easily done, Pozner's by now well-known, tried and tested tactics of harassment and abuse against ur straight-forward honesty and substantial competence in presenting the truth and verifiable facts and information relevant to this Sandy hoax case. For "Pozner" is un-questionably perpetrating a veritable FRAUD upon the court, not to mention the people of the United States.

For example, u've ALREADY debunked and exposed Pozner's fraud regarding the death certificate for his fictional son, "Noah"--u've actually done more than enough as ur share for the full exposition of the Sandy hoax which it is Pozner's obligation to PROVE and demonstrate, in all truth. Pozner has by now made himself extremely vulnerable.

I suspect that if u merely gathered ur thoughts and knowledge of the details for this outrageous case of legal abuse on part of "Pozner," even if only for a few moments, u and competent legal counsel could construct a solid argument which would hold up quite well in court regarding Pozner's actual legal STANDING for these outrageous frauds he's ALREADY perpetrated, including for example, the harassment of that excellent lady ("Kelly," I believe is her name) fm he mid-West, who ran a maid-svc business, and had numerous conversations w. Pozner, who told Pozner to his face (over the phone) she didn't believe him, etc.

For we really are now at the pt. where "Pozner" has made himself AN ISSUE ALL ITS OWN, quite apart fm the Sandy hoax itself, having harassed, threatened, and intimidated so many people, u, Ajax Jewns (, James Tracy, Wolfgang, and others too--he's caused real, palpable, and legally demonstrable, substantial "emotional distress" for so many.

By all means u should think over these items I've brought-up herein--what right does "Pozner" have to causing such abuse, harassment, and distress against the people, including urself, who've done such excellent and honest work for the truth and proper information of the citizens?--why shouldn't the actual and pertinent facts regarding specifically now this "Pozner" be brought out and forward for the consideration of a candid public?

Take good care, and be sure to keep-up ur outstanding good work. I suspect u basically have already won for all the smashing excellent facts we presently know because of u; we only now need to take advantage of Pozner's gross chutzpah and hubris and make use of his making himself a living, breathing element of this large fraud and hoax which "Pozner" attempts to putting over the great and good people of the United States and world, not to mention urself and other heroes, like Wolfgang, James Tracy, et al.


December 5, 2018 at 2:02 am

"Pozner" Cries Out For Investigation, At Least
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 18)

Ah, I just now read-over the previous blog u posted w. excellent material and exposition by Alison Maynard--this is just ANOTHER perfect example of the legal fraud upon the court, harassment, and abuse I noted on part of "Pozner." For WHY did Pozner not appear for his deposition?--esp. if his lies about harassment, etc., were true? Further, note Wolfgang was required to go to considerable expense and effort to defend himself--why shouldn't his expenses have been paid by Pozner? Note these are very substantial and serious considerations and hence arguments to be laid before a court--u'd only need competent counsel. Pozner seriously needs to be investigated at the very least. Pozner has made himself genuine, substantial element of this large fraud known as Sandy hoax, and he would now seem to be extremely vulnerable.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Remember, cultural corruption, collapse have only just begun--lots more to come down, never doubt....

Cultural, Political Corruption, Jews, Satanists And Satanism March Inexorably Onwards To Perdition
(Apollonian, 12 Nov 18)

Observe now the Senate race in Arizona has seen the flipping of the winner to the Democrat, this w. concession of the Republican candidate who thus legitimizes the charade. Don't forget the Jews are overseers of all this electioneering farce--for it must serve the Jews above all, Jews ultimately controlling the satanic society. It's obviously inconceivable people would vote in favor of satanic Democrat candidate in question, some whore named Sinema. But never forget or doubt this criminal combine of demon-rats vs. Republicans is really, actually a single unit dominated and managed by Jews and satanists.

And we can tell, for one thing, how it's all fixed as immediately after the election and result we get stories fm the Jews-media saying this and that about how and why one party or another won or lost--AS IF it's all a fair election process accurately reflecting the actual voting of the people--nothing is said about the gross corruption, cheating, and fraud that went into it. And overall, again, the money that's "created" by the criminal enterprise of the central bank determines everything most definitively, the poor goons of the people never willing to face the hard facts about such corruption, always willing to lie to themselves that it was best that could be done.

For if Trump did what was most appropriate, he'd declare martial law, and arrest the Democrats for the criminal traitors they really and obviously are--and people would understand. If the "anti-fas" began to rioting, they would be dealt with quickly and easily, and the people would understand and even cheer. And don't forget Israel-first Trump is controlled by Jews and "neo-cons." Getting the demon-rats back into office gives Trump an excuse now as the economy continues to collapse.

Thus things cultural must continue to degenerate in Jew S A, never forget, and the people will only begin to getting wise and organized after much more catastrophe takes place and serious Christian, hence anti-satanic, anti-semitic movement grows and arises. For first now, people must begin to truly suffering on more wide-scale, more intensively, some of them actually dying, before significant number of survivors begin to getting wise--hence anti-semitic.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Raving hill-billy, Ajax Jewns ( now pushing new cultural synthesis regarding "nationalism," fusion of kike and "Christian," ho ho ho--it might even work (to a certain extent)....

 Ajax Jewns ( Un-Veils New "Nationalist" Cultural Synthesis Against "Globalism"
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 18)

Spluttering, babbling, raving, ignorant hill-billy moron and Jewwy shill, Ajax Jewns (, now introduces to the world the latest hubristic cultural synthesis--"nationalism" of Jew S A and Israeli terror-state--against the "leftists" and "globalists," evidently. After all, Jewns tells us, Christianity "comes fm Judaism," hoh o ho ho. See , for the 10/30/18 show in which he triumphantly un-veils his latest brainstormings regarding culture and philosophy.

And actually, stupid as Jewns is, this new pretended cultural anti-thesis may well have some beneficial effect as it more directly challenges people for the real meaning of Christianity and the satanistic anti-human Judaism. For there's really NOTHING more opposed to one another than Christianity, the real thing, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), vs. satanic Judaism (see JOHN 8:44) by which Jews make themselves co-equal w. God, God their servant and slave who owes the kikes, God, who kills Jews' enemies, as at Passover and Purim.

Jones really put on a show (30 Oct.), sputtering and raving, interrupting and talking over his guests, babbling and blathering in his usual, typical over-the-top style, much like the hell-fire and brimstone Sunday preachers. Funny and pathetic, this moronic hill-billy, Jewns, at least singles out and targets the "leftist" "globalists"--that's the good thing, most effective, regardless how stupid he otherwise comes-off sounding, sucking-up to the kike filth as he does.

Thus Jewns stupidity and ignorance is both pathetic and yet flamboyant at the same time, Jewns quite capable of making incisive and telling criticisms regarding the leftists and globalists. Evidently, the purpose of Jewns--as well as the Jews who support him--is to attempt a synthesis of Jews and Judeo-Christians (JC--see and for expo), along w. others like homosexuals and the non-whites, selling nationalism and Trump, and pretending to "free market," isolating globalists and leftists--it might work, at least to a certain extent and for a little while, and might well attract a good deal of attn. for the masses of goons, scum, and suckers among the people, esp. the JC element.

Monday, October 8, 2018

hitlery doing ANOTHER tour?--ho ho ho--thus operation "cover-up" continues, dumbasses--try to getting clues, u poor, witless scum....

Hitlery Cover-Up(s) Continue
(Apollonian, 9 Oct 18)

So now we observe satanic deep-state continues w. "operation cover-up"--of what?--well, didn't hitlery commit treason in-ur-face during the election campaign?--and then FURTHER, worked and conspired along w. Obola, et al., to frame the patsy, Trump, who works for Israel? But of course, hitlery works for Israel too, and Israel has made it known they want to keep hitlery around--they're doing ANOTHER "tour," don't forget (see ).

So u KNOW who's running things in Jew S A, Israel and kikes, as usual. George Soros?--he's just agent of Israel, but working for "globalists" of world gov. too, obviously. So Jews rule, and Israel rules Jews, we see.

Regarding Trump and his lackey, Ajax Jewns (, they're still hard at work trying to gin-up war w. someone, preferably Iran. And of course, there's the "civil" warfare that's going on, sponsored by Soros and "leftist" part of deep-state, which is mostly a prop. operation, as usual, pushed by Jews-media, naturally.

And it all works, this deception and agit-prop., by deep-state, so well upon the goons, morons, and scummy puke, called the "people" of Jew S A, the poor, brainless filth who are vastly over-populated, it is true.

So remember once again, dumbasses: we have a serious economic problem--the debt, just to name one--still working, which Trump and Israel are making worse by the day, and these Jew-serving, satanic scum can only think to turning it into warfare, as usual, worst-case scenario. Poor stupid puke, called the "people," need to learn the REAL, hence anti-semitic, Christianity to save their moronic lives. Lord help us all.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

9/11 is actually a perfect illustration of Jew "big-lie" for intensive, detailed, concentrated complex of lies, lying, truly....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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9/11: Most PERFECT Instance/Example Of "Big-Lie"
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)

Of course, the very best analysis, overall, featuring simplest, easiest INDUCTIVE logic and facts, is Chris Bollyn's work(s) on the 9/11 subject, "Solving 9/11." See for more info.

Bollyn's job is soooo effective kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't, hoh o ho ho ho. At this pt., Jews simply realize they must continue w. their incessant warfare, hoping people will be distracted upon every new disaster which arises fm the constant warfare, atrocities, and various, assorted outrages--including present Sup. ct. nominee flap-doodle--any and every distraction/diversion possible or imaginable, ho ho ho.

We KNOW it wasn't and COULDN'T have been "Arabs" who done it (9/11)--and they had no reason for doing it--NOTHING makes any sense about the Jews-media/ZOG story, and it, the whole consp. theory, was pushed by Jews-media and "globalist" establishment, including esp. their suck-head drone presiding, the idiot "W" Bush, a likely moron who WOULD be just the sort to be put in place. Then there was that amazing Manchurian-candidate, Obola, another brilliant DISTRACTION, following-up.

And when one looks back, we see it was all just an amazing pack of lies, after another pack of lies. For example, the phone-calls never happened and COULDN'T have happened--and don't forget this all includes the Solicitor General who said he got calls fm his wife--all just lies which Jews-media has soooo conveniently forgotten. Huh?--what?--"phone-calls"?--what phone-calls?--ho ho ho ho.

Then there's the "black-boxes"--about which there are just more lies which have been duly exposed, but which are not followed-up by Jews-media.

And so the one towering, over-whelming fact and reality which spits in ur face is the Jewwy government's story is essentially ALL LIES, at every major pt., about practically EVERYTHING.

In fact, 9/11 is perhaps the all-time instance of one HUGE "Big-Lie," composed of hundreds if not thousands of little lies, pushed by the very "usual suspects," (a) Israel and their (b) neo-con flunkies, (c) including "globalist" "leftists," like CFR (council on foreign relations) and Trilateralists, and (d) Jews-media.

And we KNOW Trump is all in w. it, considering his buddy, Giuliani, former NY Mayor was absolute principal for all his complicity, allowing all the evidence to be destroyed and sent to China and India, etc., ho ho ho ho.

Behind it all, of course, is that basic engine of satanist, criminal enterprise, the central-bank--see for definitive expo--featuring literally legalized counterfeiting which is allowed by the stupid, over-populated puke called "the people" who imagine they benefit fm INFINITE currency--not real money--and this all is what's working to kill us all, u stupid scum--just do a search-engine on Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide.

There's a reason our ancestors taught us to HATE Jews, suckers, this hatred of kikes being our very religion, contained within Christianity. In fact, Christianity was meant to give larger context for necessary hatred and anti-semitism, showing us the how and why for things. But of course, Jews are merely that disease, along w. more general satanism (extreme subjectivism, making subject to be God, holding consciousness/mentality creates reality) which the Jews direct, literally, to exterminating excess human scum which has arisen over the years--we wouldn't have Jews WITHOUT all the stupid goyim which gives rise to Jew disease which then works to exterminate humanity, after all.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

ANOTHER moronic charade by fakey, phony "right" and "left" to cover the gross TREASON, Israeli-terror state wagging Jew S A "dog"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Moronic Charades, So Far Successfully Covering-Up Disaster Of American Leadership--In Hands Of TRAITORS, Enemies
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

What an absolutely AMAZING, brainless, idiotic travesty of a farce all this "Kavanaugh" for Sup. ct. crap really is--NOTHING but a sideshow, distraction, and diversion, folks.

For note what's REALLY going on: Obola and his entire admin, including especially the dept. of Justice (DOJ) and FBI are CAUGHT red-handed conspiring treasonously against citizens, a candidate for an election (and hence the election itself), and now the sitting Pres.--so these idiot Democrats seem to imagine they can get people to overlook that Dems are now effectively trying to cover-up this gross criminality of Dems, including the criminality of their former candidate, hitlery Clinton.

So we get this amazing, idiotic charade, going-on now btwn "globalist" "leftists" (Democrats) vs. Israel-first traitors and "neo-cons" on the pretended "right."

Thus the "globalists" (traitors against US national sovereignty) try to paint the pretended "rightist" Israel-first traitor, Trump, to being "dangerous," etc.

And the Israel-first traitor, pretends he stands-up for America, America-first (a gross, obvious lie--giving away American tax-payer money to Israeli terror-state), and national sovereignty.

So this battle btwn TRAITORS is what's actually going now, folks--the charade involving Kavanaugh, a total "swamp-creature" who worked for both Clinton and Bush, just the latest episode.

Thus the "leftist" "globalists" don't have the basic guts to pt-ing out Trump's treason for Israel-first--GOES TO SHOW both factions, phony "left" vs. phony "right" work for Israel, doesn't it?--what an idiot, moronic charade!

And of course, the stupid, over-populated goons of Jew S A seem to think it's all jolly great entertainment, don't they?--long as they have their "bread and circuses," eh?

But currency and economy are collapsing even as we speak, and when the "tribulations" begin to bite and more seriously affect these stupid scum, called "people," that's when some of them ("people") may begin to doing some serious thinking and realizing what filthy traitors Jews and Jewwy suck-alongs really are--and how they've taken over.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Russkies aren't the problem; real problem is truth vs. lies, hence humanity and Christianity vs. satanism/Jews....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Real Christianity, Worship Of Truth (= Christ), Must Merely Be Re-Discovered, Effected
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 18)

What?--will Russkies call Jew S A bluff?--haven't they done that already? Regardless, the real war is that of humanity against satanism, lies, and hubris, the leading exponent of such hubris/satanism/subjectivism being those Jew monsters--see,, and for expo.

And as hist. is CYCLIC, according to absolute cause-effect, following fm OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality, we see Jew S A continuing to going down proverbial "toilet," the industry of former USA now migrated to other places, like China, etc. Jew S A must now go through time of "tribulation"--weeding out a few weaklings, heretics, and traitors, that's all.

So real question is will Jew S A free itself fm satanic grip and Jews?--can the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, prevail against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44)?

Can Jew S A revive and resuscitate the REAL Christianity, hence that necessary anti-semitism?--why not?--it's easy to hate Jew monsters. And we have magnificent example fm hist., early 4th cent. Christian revolution in Roman empire and St. Constantine the Great.

So first for Christian patriots is to grasp the REAL Christianity and now dealing w. heretics and false Christians who support terror-state of Israel--like the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) traitors and scum--this is the first, most immediate task.

Thus Christian patriots must simply see to removal of primary satanic weapon, the central-bank (see for expo), re-instating REAL money, commodity-based, like gold/silver, removal of criminal fraud of currency, observance of original US Constitution and states-rights, nullification, and secession.

So now evidently, we in Jew S A must weather the "tribulations" which are upon us, economic and currency -collapse, recovery and revival--it can and must be done, and note it's been done before, we merely need the proper and necessary will-power for resistance of satanic/Judaic tyranny/oppression, the real problem.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Indeed: "sedition" and TREASON is nature of "globalists," "globalism," BUT it's ALSO treason following and serving Israeli terror-state, no less, fools--get a clue, scum....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Cognitive Dissonance Involved In Sedition And Treason, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 10 Sep 18)

It's certainly true there's "sedition" and treason as indicated by cartoonist, Garrison, by (fake) "left" and "globalists," these traitors trying to overthrow Constitution and national sovereignty in favor of world dictatorship and Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction").

BUT what Garrison and others don't tell us is (fake) "right" and "neo-cons," led by Trump, Ajax Jewns (, et al., are equally treasonous in favor of Israeli terror-state--as we observe in Syria this very moment, USA, now Jew S A, involved in illegal, un-Constitutional war and warfare.

Note also amazing fact "left" "globalists" don't even begin to mentioning criminal terror-state of Israel dominating and leading Trump and "neo-cons" by the nose, "wagging the dog."

Another thing being covered-up is the top, lead, PRIMARY instrument for all this treason is the central-bank (see for expo), legalized counterfeiting machine, pumping-out that nearly INFINITE currency ("inflation") funding and financing all the treason, sedition, and dis-info, as by George Soros, for example, at the same time as destroying value of the currency unit, destroying and impoverishing the people, leading them ineluctably to slavery and genocide--accurately noted by Kunstler, the author.

Poor, stupid people, addicted to EXCESSIVE stupidity and HUBRIS (mostly upon pretext of non-existent "good-evil")--even though, at least they seem to understand "globalism" and "world gov." is such a fraud--yet they don't want to face-up to the monstrous Israeli terror-state taking their "money" (really just currency), getting them involved in ruinous, truly suicidal wars and warfare, etc.

But stupid people, of such gross, insistent stupidity, must die-out and -off, just a necessity of nature, as we see. So survivors and those of discernment MUST grasp necessity of opposing this satanic dictatorship and fraud being perpetrated by phony, fake "left" and "right," satanism being essentially extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, "creating" reality, as by Judaic Talmud (see,, and for expo on Jew "midrash" and subjectivism).

Real, hence anti-semitic, anti-satanic Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence OBJECTIVE reality (necessary basis of truth), must be taken-up by patriots generally, and specifically, adoption of REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and genuine Constitutional gov., consisting of states-rights, nullification, and secession (see's got to happen if humanity is to be saved, suckers; get a brain, fools.