Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), The Perfect
Golem--Most Perfect Characterization For The Fool
(Apollonian, 3 Nov
People have been wondering and discussing who/what is Ajax
Jewns of InfoWars.com?--"controlled opposition"?--gate-keeper?--flack? Well,
yes, he's all of the afore-mentioned, though he surely doesn't think of it that
way--for Ajax is fairly honest and sincere in his fat-headed, stupid manner,
though he imagines he's soooooooooooo successful and even talented, ho ho ho hoh
oho--after all, he's rich, kinda', somewhat, probably has a couple million, not
doing too badly.
But he works for Jews, and he surely knows it--even
though it doesn't bother him as he probably thinks Jews are perfectly all right
humans, no diff. fm anyone else, hoho ho ho ho ho--as he so often says, hoho ho
ho ho, scummy liar. But hey, he figures, if Jews are good to him, well, hey they
must be ok--they're just like anyone else, right?--ho ho ho o ho ho--that dumb
fat-faced, fat-head scum better hope so. Because if the kikes decide to getting
rid of the dumbass yankee hill-billy, then he's a goner, hoh o oh ho ho ho. See
Talmudical.BlogSpot.com and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews and what their
Talmud teaches.
For Ajax Jewns is best and most perfectly understood as a
"golem"--look it up. "Golem" is a creation of the Jews, a monster, meant to
serve a purpose of theirs, satanic and monstrous. For Ajax, though he doesn't
know or realize it, stupid hill-billy as he is, is a satanic master-mind, most
perfectly promoting and encouraging satanism which is built upon EXTREME
SUBJECTIVISM, subjectivism the idea that all reality proceeds fm
consciousness/mentality, making oneself God.
And Ajax is most
loud-mouthed, hysterical, even psychotic pusher of morality, moral virtue,
good-evil, and free will--HUBRIS, though the stupid hill-billy won't admit to
the last one, hubris. For Ajax is just stupid enough to truly believing in it
all, good-evil, moral-virtue, and free will--he's honest in all his
stupidity--the perfect, self-propelled golem. Don't forget, Ajax was
psychologically examined as part of his litigation against his ex-wife, I
understand, and he was diagnosed as serious narcissist.
For note, as
satanism is built upon subjectivism, it requires only a pretext like "good-evil"
and "free" will. And many if not most people are taught these "good-evil" and
"free-will" delusions at early age, few ever over-coming these horrific, sublime
lies and delusions.
And I KNEW something was up when I saw and hrd
hitlery Clinton mention Ajax Jewns by name in one of her campaign speeches in
2016. I didn't immediately think of "golem" then, but I knew those filthy Jews
MUST have some purpose for such otherwise against-interest puffing on part of
consummate satanist as hitlery. And then, earlier today, 3rd of Nov., 2017,
listening to his (Ajax) idiot babbling on his show, talking about Cory Feldman
and child molesting, it hit me for his (Ajax's) putrid, moronic
self-righteousness--in which self-righteousness HE NEVER FAILS, and always
mentions dozens of time on his show, denouncing "evil," as he does. I knew and
know and understand (a) he's totally psychotic, but in a devilish way, but (b)
he's also HONEST so far as his belief in "good-evil" goes--THE PERFECT GOLEM,
the perfect leader, even if he doesn't realize it, for satanism.
Thus we
see how the Jews work and operate, always taking advantage of HUBRIS--and this
insanity works sooooooooooooo well for Ajax as it affords him his fantasy of
patriotic and moral virtue on one hand, and now combined w. MONEY on the
other--it sure does PAY to being so self-righteous in his idiot's putrid
And Trump is yet ANOTHER such-like golem, though I must wonder
if he seriously believes in himself in such stupid, brainless, self-righteous
manner as Ajax, Trump so readily making himself of service to kikes. For Trump
has to know about all the false-flags and psy-ops hoaxes, like the recent fake
truck running-over of 8 people in NYC. And Trump also surely knows all about
ISIS being creation of MOSSAD and CIA--just like the Russkies say.
evermore people have to realize how Trump never makes a move without strict
instructions fm his Israeli-Jew master-minds who are working in the Justice
dept., state-dept., and defense-dept., all of them working for Israel, even if
not so much for Jew world order gov. And one thing Jews and Israelis want is
CENSORSHIP of the I-net, Jew-tube, etc.--absolutely necessary for continued
domination and rulership of the goyim--even though Wikileaks was much a part of
what got him elected--but Jews don't care.
People must grasp the satanic
condition of the culture (a), and then (b) how Jews are masters of it, ruling by
means of it and manipulations--w. stupid scum like Ajax Jewns, it's not that
hard to do, most people so stupid and easily manipulated by means of
inferiority-complex, moralism, and virtue-signaling, Jewns willing, eager tool,
so well-paid, so self-satisfied--really and truly the PERFECT golem.
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), Golem-Moron, Strikes
Again For Satanic Diversion(s)
(Apollonian, 21 Dec 17)
Ajax Jewns got on today, 21 Dec 17, 3rd hr of his show (16 mins into beginning
of vid, see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9-X9hN_fRc) talking to
someone named, Ted Malloch, on subject of "Luciferianism"--just another version
of Satanism, which "Satanist" subject they also mentioned several times, they
(Satanism/"luciferianism") being essentially synonymous, both seeking to making
oneself God, the creator. The problem is HOW one goes about to doing and being
for this Satanism, making oneself God.
So Ajax, the monstrosity and
Golem, the lying hill-billy fm yankee-land, as usual, goes into his psychotic,
obsessionate insisting upon false and non-existent "good" vs. "evil," yelling
and shouting in his typical idiotic manner.
Never once, upon my watching,
listening, and observing the show, did either of these, Jewns or Malloch, hit
upon the essential subjectivism, though Malloch did, once, mention the objective
reality in a tangential way, which pt. he didn't emphasize or come-back to for
his expo. And all throughout, as I noted, this stupid psychotic golem, Jewns,
kept interrupting and babbling, motioning w. his arms and gesticulating which
disallows for the guest interlocutor to sticking to his own exposition--it's all
Ajax, all the time, the total, psychotic narcissistic golem.
So my
observation and conclusion upon things is (a) that it's GOOD that the SUBJECT of
Satanism is brought-up and discussed, as people so urgently, critically need to
understanding this, but that it's (b) terrible and tragic that this idiot golem,
Jewns, thereupon goes into such hysterics and emphasis to DIVERT into mere STYLE
and external manifestations, like during the show as can be hrd, discussing
cannibalism, etc.
For note most urgently: it's precisely the indulgence
of the false, non-existent "good-evil" premise (SUBJECTIVISM) that extreme
subjectivism/satanism is invoked, exploited, and enacted, beginning w. the young
and youth who take it seriously, and upon whom it's so pushed by the masterminds
and cadre. Such is the monstrosity of the golem, Ajax Jewns, totally psychotic
(narcissist), suicidal, corrupt, and doomed, the poor, brainless scum--same can
be said for so many of his fans and followers, esp. among "Christians."
We Christians, the REAL Christians, must simply continue to emphasize
CHRIST = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, hence the objective
("God-given," according to Christianity/New Test.) reality, foundation for any
possible truth against Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and subjectivism
Ajax Jewns: Perfect Golem--Again, Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 18)
Ho hohoh o ho, the fat-head,
fast-talking hill-billy, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), is losing it, over his head,
both now for tactics and strategy, practically crying, complaining, gee whiz,
but they're calling us "racists," boo hoo hoo, ho o ho ho ho oho ho ho. Ajax is
most perfect, archetypal demonstration of the Peter Principle, having reached
his level of incompetence--just ck-out the last 13 minutes of today's Ajax Jewns
show, first hr,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gARgo7h6VGM .
practically breaks-down to crying like a baby over the Saturday-Night-Live skit
on Trump which insinuates "racism" on part of Republicans--the stupid hill-billy
can't figure-out (evidently) he shouldn't be puffing that show and the attempted
lampooning of Trump as he only gives it currency, the stupid fat-head buffoon
(speaking of Jewns), ho ho ho ho ho.
And it's interesting that even
though the Democrats, including hitlery, Obola, et al., have been caught
red-handed, along w. utterly corrupted FBI, they have the all-powerful
Jews-media shilling and fronting for them and sticking-in w. the usual amazing
brazenness and lying, ho ho ho ho ho--thus showing how abysmally stupid and
brainless American people (the puke) really, truly are, ho ho ho ho ho ho. But
don't forget to watching the stupid-bowl, today, sports-fans, ho ho ho ho ho
And how do u KNOW the Democrats are going to get-away w. this literal
treason and outrageous criminality?--because why wouldn't they?--given the
continuing central-bank criminal enterprise and scam (see Mises.org for expo) which the stupid puke ("the
people") can't figure-out--which is so easily covered-up by Jews-media and the
various flacks, stooges, and charlatans who are regularly paraded out (including
now, especially, afore-mentioned Ajax).
And of course, u ALREADY know,
the big joke is Russian "collusion" is nothing compared to Israel-Jew
manipulations--like the way they (Jews and satanists) short-circuited the
vote-rigging which denied hitlery--that was the amazing stroke. See
And of course, Ajax the moronic hill-billy is the PERFECT GOLEM, a
brainless monstrosity who probably doesn't realize what an outstanding shill,
spectacle, and diversion he is, even as he surely, mostly, takes himself
soooooooooooo seriously, as for his Pharisaic "good-evil" babbling and
insisting. Ajax shills for the "good" kikes of the "right" and who backed Trump
(against the "bad Jews" of the "left," don't forget).
"Free will"--upon
which "good-evil" delusion is founded--is truly the most effective and powerful
superstition and delusion there ever was, is, and will be, surely, foundation of
most putrid HUBRIS for the most putrid, stinking puke--"the people," now grossly
over-populated in Jew S A, who urgently need to be killed-off, somehow. And
don't forget, this stupid puke ("the people") is ALREADY being slow-killed on
mass scale, by means of the poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison "chem-trails,"
Blatant, Naked, Obvious CONSPIRACY To Monopolize,
Censor--But Ho Hum, Stupid Puke Don't Care--Would Rather Watch Football Games,
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 18)
Well JewTube has now just handed
the hill-billy shill for kikes, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com--see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me3KgPhQKVk), the second
strike--the threatened third to result in total taking-down and CENSORSHIP--as
has happened before numerous times, lately the "Richie Allen Show,"
Of course, JewTube says it's their private property, and they
can do what they pls. But FACT is it's a conspiratorial MONOPOLY, a tool of
censorship, JewTube and parent co., Google, getting MASSIVE gov. funding and
tax-payer subsidies, not to mention favorable regulation fm the bureaucracies,
in the building of their monopoly.
Note then HOW these monopolies and
their network thereof works: it begins w. the overall, over-arching, top
CRIMINAL monopoly above everything and everybody, the central-bank, the US
Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed"), literally legalized COUNTERFEITING, which
issues the currency, not real money, the people FORCED to accept this worthless
currency by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws. See Mises.org for expo on
central-banking; use their search engine.
But the stupid scummy puke,
called the "people," don't care u see--they're OVER-POPULATED scum, in pt. of
fact, who only care about "bread and circuses"--and that's how all this "Decline
of the West," by Oswald Spengler, takes place, what's happening.
then is the working and process of satanism and satanist manipulation and
management of the stupid puke, the over-populated "masses."
Note also,
Trump and his administration DOES AND SAYS NOTHING--why?--because they're owned
and controlled by the very same people at top, the criminal central-bank
counterfeiters. Meantime, the puke (the "people") are distracted by "good-kike
vs. bad-kikes," as in current gun-control "debate," the "leftists vs.
rightists," "globalists/left" vs. neo-cons and Israel-first on pretended
"right," behind Trump.
So the dumb hill-billy, Ajax, is doing his
DIVERSIONARY best for the "good kikes" on the pretended "right," fulminating,
saying NOTHING about the basic Jew and satanist problem (a), and then (b) the
concrete manifestation of central-bank anchor and base to the criminal
monopolistic network and dictatorship--and the puke (the "people") just love it
all for the spectacle, soooooo thrilling, sooooo dramatic, eh?
Looks Like Things Cultural/Political Are Set To
Remain Same, For Good While, At Least
(Apollonian, 9 Mar
Lisa Haven and of course, the hill-billy moron, and shill
for Jews, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), and others too, assure us the "deep state"
is in a panic. See
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6MB77c3uF0 , Jewns keeps
saying, "we're winning," ho ho ho ho ho, as he gets his behind censored fm
But truth be told, "deep state" is truly exposed for their
continuing obsession to exterminate humanity, as by Agenda-21, etc., proven by
"big Pharma," poison drugs, vaccines, etc. But the problem is people REALLY are
stupid puke, and it's effortlessly easy to lie to the scummy, stinking filth,
called "people"--as Jewns the hill-billy proves over and over, assuring the puke
he's for "good" over "evil," ho ho ho ho.
So the "deep state" knows when
it strikes, it's got to take lots of people all in one swoop--it can't be
gradual process as it has been, previous to the free I-net.
But there's
still a HUGE problem for the actual truth and the leadership for it--the REAL
Christianity, what it is, and why it is--Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6),
Christianity being anti-semitism, and of course, it's more than just
anti-semitism--TRUTH. Christianity is anti-satanism, and that's more than just a
So that's what we're missing--a serious leadership for the
(true, real) Christian side--for the real knowledge of what Christianity is
supposed to be about, and why and how this is--truth founded, then, in
objectivity, against subjectivism/satanism, esp. extreme subjectivism and
collectivistic subjectivism which is where Jews specifically fit-in, how they
most affect things satanic, with their invincible "group-think" and
collectivism, so sublimely organized.
So don't doubt, long as Jews
control things, including Trump, "deep state" is hardly in any real trouble,
though they seem to have peaked and rather hit a "dead-end" for any further
For people are STILL over-populated and stupid beyond
belief--even as they're methodically killed, slaughtered, exterminated--all by
means of "big-Pharma" and slow-kill, gradualist process.
So stupidity and
hence, satanism, and hence, Jews, still all reign supreme, and deep-state
remains safe, I'd say, certainly long as Ajax Jewns continues to lie and
babble--and nothing is going to change until people start to die-off and -out in
more serious manner--even then it isn't certain the rest of the people will
begin to getting "smart."
Only when people have been thinned-out, the
more stupid of them removed by whatever means, will the remnant begin to become
more partial to and tolerant and thankful for HONESTY--that good old Christian
What/How Is It Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Is Soooo
Hated?--Esp. By Ex-Wife?
(Apollonian, 30 Mar 18)
What and how
is it about Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) that he's soooooo intensively hated by
many, but also loved and revered by so many (stupid "Judeo-Christian" morons,
especially)? Well folks, u gotta unnastan': Ajax is a GOLEM--look it up--a
"golem" is a MONSTROSITY, literally, made-up/built-up by Jews for some purpose
of theirs.
Thus Ajax is a flack for the "right-wing" "good"-Jews so much
cherished by the hordes of of moronic, ignorant, brainless goons, called
"Judeo-Christians" and/or "Christian-Zionists--so-called "Christians" who
support Israeli terror-state, and think they're sooo cool.
Ajax thus, u
see, pretends to opposing the "bad-Jews" of the "left," the atheistic-styled
"globalists"--and for all this, we must admit Ajax does excellent work,
sticking-up for gun-rights and speaking lots of truth about the poison drugs,
poison vaccines, Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide, etc.--he only stops short to
naming the kikes. But it's still good for the actual facts and info he brings
out about these subjects; people can find-out about Jews on their own and fm
many other sources.
The other thing Ajax does for Jews and satanists is
he reifies the non-existent "good-evil" emphatically, repeatedly, and w. the
absolute intensity of a fire-and-brimstone preacher, babbling, yelling, getting
hysterical--which all impresses the ignorant, brainless, morons, goons, scum,
and self-righteous scum among the gentiles--which such reification of something
utterly NON-EXISTENT Jews love so much as it serves as basis/pretext of satanism
which is the overall movement and condition of culture upon which Jews ride and
In the instant case at hand--the problems here w. his (Ajax's)
Jew ex-wife (see
http://libertyfight.com/8/alex-kelly-jones-claims.html ), she
seems to be one of those lower-level Jews who can't quite figure things out, BUT
nonetheless, she KNOWS something is wrong and disgusting w. Jewns' deception and
lies, regarding Jews, Israel, and his psychotic, insistent, obsessive
Ex-wife's name is "Kelly," and I must admit she
doesn't seem to really have even the slightest legal grounds in way of her
claims about "child-abuse," etc., and she insists Texas and Travis county
(Austin, Tx) courts are corrupt--of course we all know that, even though she
gives no specifics.
But it's significant and telling that Kelly is soooo
dedicated and now determined, as we see, so frustrated she is w. Ajax, the
self-righteous psycho hill-billy who makes so much money fm Jews (15 mil. per
year, evidently) flacking and lying for them.
Thus Kelly is stymied by
the Ajax CULT by which he makes his moolah, but it's really easy to analyze as
I've done so many times now, esp. when u relate what Ajax does for Jews, how
Jews basically operate, esp. given the circumstances of Spenglerian "Decline of
the West," etc.
So one must rather root for poor Kelly, hoping she
hangs-in; she'll only really figure things out when she understands about the
Jews, what they do and how they do it--and then how Ajax fits-in.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,
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It's Allllllll About Jews, U See--Just Don't
Mention Word, "Jew," Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)
morons, and scum need to grasp and understand the game that's being played
against the poor, stupid people--it's same old "good Jew" vs. "bad Jew," but
just leaving out fact it has to do w. kikes. And underlying, it's really all
about "good vs. evil."
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is essential for people
who beleeeeeeeeeeeeeev in children's "good-evil." Ajax is replacement for the
old Rush Limbaugh, u see.
Thus we have Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) and
Trump on the "right" pushing Israeli terror-state, Israel-first, and "neo-cons,"
fronting for Judeo-Christians (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo)
pretending they're for "Christians," pretending Christianity is just another
form of Judaism, but leaving out the actual Jew Satanism (see
Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com
for expo on Judaism, Talmud).
And u'll note Ajax Jewns is constantly
repeating over and over how he's against eeeeeeeeee-vil, insisting his enemies
are eeeeeeee-vil. Ajax is "all about" "decency" and "goodness"--people can't get
enough of this idiot children's crap.
Thus Ajax Jewns is more
secularistic-style leader of the JCs, w. "Christian"-styled allies, along w.
Jews like Mike Savage, and other "neo-con" -style Jews and JCs.
And so
this Jewwy "Christianity," featuring "good-evil" of Ajax is what is now opposed
to the "bad Jews" of the "left"-"liberals"--just be sure not to call them
"Jews," as of Mike Moore and Bill Maher, MSNBC and CNN, get it?--"good Jew" vs.
"bad Jews," just don't call them Jews, ho ho ho ho ho ho
And truly, Ajax
Jewns (InfoWars.com) has every right to lie along w. all the other Jewwy,
satanic liars, doesn't he?--why not?
And u have to realize that Ajax has
to fudge on the Sandy hoax issue--he can't go all the way and say it's true,
otherwise he'd be on side of the gun-grabbers, Bill Maher, and Mike
By same token, Ajax can't say the truth, that Sandy hoax was just
a total, farcical, moronic hoax, ho ho ho ho ho--and that's why he's
"controversial"--thus he helps ZOG maintain the Sandy hoax fraud while not
all-the-way endorsing it, pretending to upholding "gun-rights."
So it's
ALL Jew, ALL THE TIME--even while not saying so, not mentioning the "Jews" too
much, u see. This way Ajax can pretend he's being "persecuted" for his free
speech by the "leftists" and "liberals," while NEVER mentioning the central-bank
instrument by which Jews and satanists absolutely dominate the society, culture,
and economy.
Thus Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) stays being the main topic of
conversation, Jewwy lickspittle and liar, supporter of Israeli terror-state,
standing heroically against leftist Jew puke like Mike Moore and Bill Maher--and
this then is how Jews keep the brainless goyim "entertained" and distracted--and
don't forget about those Thai kids in Thailand trapped in the cave filled w.
water, suckers.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,
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The Twilight Of Ajax Jewns, Jewwy Shill, Flack,
And Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 18)
Folks need shed no
tears for Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), shill and flack for the Jews and
Israeli-terror state, gate-keeper for Jewwy morons and goons--"Judeo-Christian"
(JC, see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalists, who imagine
they're "Christian," and especially, additional loads of "libertarian" styled
Jew-sympathizers who imagine there are "good" Jews, like there are "good"
psychopaths. But if u want to know the true nature of Jews, just ck what their
filthy satanic "religion," such as it is, teaches them--see
Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and
For what is it that so oppresses Ajax,
presently?--it's the big Jew monopoly in form of "silicone valley" tech
companies, seeded heavily w. tax-payers funds, now taken "private" w. huge
capital investment head-start over the competition.
And what's the TOP
layer of this monopolistic monster which, totally illegally, controls Jew S A,
the West, and the world?--it's the central-banks--see Mises.org for expo; use
their site search-engine. For central-banking is simply a criminal enterprise,
literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically ENDLESS, infinite fiat
currency, not real money, commodity-based, like gold-silver, which real money
protects people's savings and wealth, fiat-currency destroying peoples and
civilizations--as we see it doing presently, the continuing issues of this
currency steadily DE-VALUING currency already circulating.
For Ajax works
for the Jews, never doubt, never forget. Ajax's purpose then is to DISTRACT and
DIVERT fm the central-banks and the Jews--it's why people hate Jewns for his
constant lying about kikes as he does.
And note Ajax NEVER says a word,
not a syllable, about the horrific tribulation of the Palestinians, abject
victims of the Jews of Israeli terror-state--so much the TOTAL slave of Jews is
Ajax. So note Ajax is mere WILLING sacrificial victim and decoy for Jews and
their central-bank instrument.
So if Ajax can't feel pain of
Palestinians, who are murdered every day by Jew monsters of Israel, why should
anyone feel his pain?
Hence if patriots object to this monopolist
power-play and illegal censoring and suppression of Ajax, then one MUST attack
the SOURCE AND ORIGIN of the monopoly, the central-bank, exposing it for the
satanic instrument of destruction, fraud, and criminality it really is--WHICH
AJAX WON'T AND DOESN'T DO as he takes orders fm his Jew mentors and
So what will happen to Ajax?--he seems to be doomed to the fate
of Rush Limbaugh, old, washed-up has-been who did the VERY, EXACT same thing
Ajax does now, distracting and diverting people's attn. fm satanism (extreme
subjectivism, by which reality is made to be product of mind/consciousness,
making oneself God), Jews and their foremost instrument, the
Meantime, watch for the next false-flag which is
designed, AS ALWAYS, to benefitting most Israeli terror-state, surely designed
for making huge hit against Iran, no doubt.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,
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Proper Philosophy Presents "Big Picture" Along
With Some Details
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 18)
Alison: don't
forget Fetzer is actually quite a blundering dunderhead, typical product of
public edjumacation whence he imagines there are "good Jews" like there are good
psychopaths, good child-molesters, and mass-murderers w. hearts of gold. Fetzer
admits he voted for both Obola and Clinton twice each. Like a child, Fetzer too
"believes in" non-existent "good-evil" even as he denigrates and fails to grasp
purpose of religion for people and society.
Fetzer recites all these
details and factoids about JFK, 9/11, and Sandy hoax, but he doesn't know diff.
btwn "currency" and real money--yet he pretends to being "philosophical"--and a
"teacher" who knows anything about the subject(!).
Ajax Jewns
(InfoWars.com) is simply a known flack/shill for Israel-first, like Trump
himself--u had to know this when hitlery explicitly puffed and mentioned him by
name in one of her speeches--this is all just big set-up and psy-ops.
Ajax is just the new Rush Limbaugh, flunky for Israel-first, upholding
same old "good-Jews" on neo-con "right" vs. "bad-Jews" of atheist, "globalist"
"left" charade.
Thus u have the monopolist, totally Jew-controlled
criminal enterprise of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) at the very top
of the culture, putting-out the legalistically counterfeited "currency,"
enforced by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws upon the people, the currency
practically infinite in amount, which continued issuances necessarily de-value
currency already existing ("inflation") which steadily defrauds, impoverishes,
and destroys the people--as all history demonstrates.
BUT people can't
figure it out, even to saving their very lives, the pathetic, stupid
scum--because they too cannot imagine the big diff. btwn real money and mere
So as reality is objective (Aristotle), basis for TRUTH (=
Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect
(no perfectly "free" will), thus hist. is CYCLIC, and every once successful,
victorious, "prosperous" culture soon enough degenerates in culture-wide HUBRIS,
the culture becoming satanic, as we now see, totally dominated by the
central-bank criminal enterprise and Jews who are most effective, collectivists,
best organized of the satanists, natural leaders and manipulators. See
Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com
for expo.
And just as Jew Zohar ("Cabala") requires extermination of
gentiles, it should come as no surprise UN Agenda-21 and -2030 feature
Thus satanist masterminds run a literal,
veritable MONOPOLY, mere criminal enterprise, pretending to "private property,"
owning and controlling everything, now pulling blatant power-play in everyone's
face--and now getting away w. it all w. such as Ajax providing
distraction/diversion, all the goons, scum, suckers, fools, and morons now
looking-on, jaws-agape, not knowing what to do, geeee whiz.
Thus as the
currency steadily collapses into HYPER-inflation, they'll take us into war, no
doubt several of them. People must either wake-up or they will perish--it's
simple as that. But people need motivation; that's why a bunch of them have to
die, many others suffering fm sudden impoverishment, evidently--such is CYCLE of
hist. in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."
by ap in response to below-copied------------------
Alison August 23,
2018 at 7:05 AM
I just want to point out that the real target of the
crackdown I believe is Wolfgang Halbig. Alex Jones's people have not done much
investigation of their own. What they have done is featured Wolf's findings, and
Wolf has come up with much that is significant. He has been dogged.
I deplore the shutdown of Infowars' youtube videos, Facebook page, and whatnot,
Jones, who is a co-defendant with Wolfgang Halbig in the lawsuit brought by
several Sandy Hook families, has defended in large part by taking swipes at
Halbig, saying, "It's all his fault." So, loyalty to Alex Jones at this juncture
looks a lot like you approve of him throwing Halbig under the bus.
Halbig took his own website down three years ago, because of threats to him and
his family, they have nothing left of his to shut down, however.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Remember, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Serves
Purpose: Legitimizing satanism, Subjectivism, Jews
(Apollonian, 23 Aug
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is NOTHING but a shill/flack for
Israel-first "neo-cons," pretending there are "good" Jews like there are "good"
psychopaths, holding-up false "left-right" charade, "good-kikes," Israel-first,
"neo-cons" on the "right" vs. leftist, atheist, "globalist" "bad-kikes"--though
Ajax, the lying liar, won't admit they're kikes, led by kikes.
also, Ajax follows perfectly the program prescribed by Jews who offered to
heavily fund Nick Griffin, as he testifies, of Brit. National Party (BNP),
whence they (BNP) could say anything they pleased, but to esp. hit the Islamists
(a), and (b) don't mention the banking system. See
So it's
true Ajax is selectively censored on the monopolist common-carriers, Jewgle,
Jew-book, and Jew-tube, but u can still easily ck his web-site, and he's still
the same old ignorant, brainless hill-billy moron, running his stupid mouth,
yelling and raving like a fool--only now he's down to saying basically the same
things over and over, the novelty of his act getting a bit rather stale, like
old Rush Limbaugh.
The conspiracy is really quite clear: u have the
central-bank criminals (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking scam; use
their site search-engine) at the top, putting-out their practically INFINITE
fiat-currency, which steadily destroys the value of the currency, hence the
savings and wealth of the people, till the end phase, hyper-inflation, when
they'll get us into war--as we see Trump and Israel setting-up as we
But we still can't blame Ajax that people of Jew S A are soooo
stupid, cowardly, weak, and grossly foolish, sated w. "bread and circuses," TV
and idiot football-games. For it's all part of satanic "Decline of the West," by
Oswald Spengler, whence a high culture rises, but then degenerates, the
over-populated people horribly affected by, and addicted to HUBRIS, pretending
they're God, including that satanic extreme subjectivism, holding
mind/consciousness creates reality--esp. in way of pretending to non-existent
For reality, as it's objective (Aristotle), necessary basis
of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), is determined according to strict
cause-effect, and thus history is CYCLIC.
Gross, horrific disaster must
now take place, removing fm the living a mass of miserable weaklings and
inferiors, allowing surviving remnant to start-over for
After all, satanism (extreme subjectivism) and worship of
lies and death (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) is the choice, effectively, of the people
in all their HUBRIS, and they're going to get what they've wished-for in huge
doses now, un-fortunately as it may seem; such is justice. God help us all.
-------------------above by ap in response to
Chris Calo August 23, 2018 at 7:49
Jones is doing more harm than good,it comes across as he wavers about
if anybody died at sandyhook.You can see that Jones is a Zionist gatekeeper,If
anything he has hurt some of the good work Jim Fetzer,Jim Tracy,Wolfgang Halbig
and many others have done
Don't Under-Estimate Strength Of satanism, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Mere Gate-Keeper, Flack For Jews
(Apollonian, 2 Sep 18)
Remember this is now a society thoroughly, totally in hands of Jews and satanists, beginning w. the central-bank powers at the top (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine).
"When is this crap going to end?"--it's not going to end well, for sure. We're in a debt crisis, US Dollar getting ready to collapse; prices for everything will double and triple; welfare system will collapse, people not able to even buying food for families.
Note that with "currency"--not real money (like gold/silver)--central-bank can put it out nearly indefinitely, nearly infinitely--even though, as noted, the currency will eventually collapse, probably sooner rather than later, at this pt., the "petro-dollar" seriously threatened by new gold-backed Chinese Yuan.
But as long as people continue to accept and circulate this fraudulent, evermore worthless currency, central-bank powers can pay armies of lawyers, bribe (and extort) judges and politicians, and continue to fund/finance their Jews-media operations which put-out lies like Sandy hoax.
Central-bank powers also own and control the I-net monopolies, Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, never doubt--SOOO, u see what works and rules: a HUGE, gigantic complex of inter-related, inter-locked MONOPOLIES, beginning w. the central-bank which puts-out nearly INFINITE currency.
Don't forget Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is stooge and shill for Israel-first--observe how he says very little about the large monopolist complex/conspiracy anchored at the top by central-bank, though he is known to complain about monopolist status of isolated subsidiary monopolies like Jewgle, etc. Ajax Jewns, shill for Jews is actually part of the problem, an example of a gate-keeper leading the opposition, don't doubt.
So note Jew/satanic powers are still extremely STRONG--versus the real, true Christians who worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Btwn these minorities at the poles, satanists vs. (true) Christians lies the VAST MAJORITY of over-populated goons, morons, scum, filth, puke, and suckers who "go-along" w. satanists and Jews.
Thus little will change culturally or politically long as the masses of scum called "the people" can keep getting their "bread and circuses" in form of welfare cks and football games on TV. Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------
Eric Thompson September 1, 2018 at 9:55 AM
"[Jones'] defence team claims that it is his constitutional right to invent stories and that no reasonable person would take Mr Jones' words as fact."
WTF? What kind of "defense" is that? I have heard many "words" from Jones' mouth over the years that are provably factual. Much more than I ever hear from the MSM. Sandy Hook was an obviously staged event, also provable on so many many fronts that it should be an embarrassment to the perps. Note how this article, as every other that I've seen in the MSM, presumes the "truth" of the official Sandy Hook story.
Please give me a break. When is this crap going to end?
Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Un-Veils New
"Nationalist" Cultural Synthesis Against "Globalism"
(Apollonian, 31 Oct
Spluttering, babbling, raving, ignorant hill-billy moron and
Jewwy shill, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), now introduces to the world the latest
hubristic cultural synthesis--"nationalism" of Jew S A and Israeli
terror-state--against the "leftists" and "globalists," evidently. After all,
Jewns tells us, Christianity "comes fm Judaism," hoh o ho ho. See
https://www.bitchute.com/video/44LeNgYo0LnK/ , for the
10/30/18 show in which he triumphantly un-veils his latest brainstormings
regarding culture and philosophy.
And actually, stupid as Jewns is, this
new pretended cultural anti-thesis may well have some beneficial effect as it
more directly challenges people for the real meaning of Christianity and the
satanistic anti-human Judaism. For there's really NOTHING more opposed to one
another than Christianity, the real thing, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp.
JOHN 14:6), vs. satanic Judaism (see JOHN 8:44) by which Jews make themselves
co-equal w. God, God their servant and slave who owes the kikes, God, who kills
Jews' enemies, as at Passover and Purim.
Jones really put on a show (30
Oct.), sputtering and raving, interrupting and talking over his guests, babbling
and blathering in his usual, typical over-the-top style, much like the hell-fire
and brimstone Sunday preachers. Funny and pathetic, this moronic hill-billy,
Jewns, at least singles out and targets the "leftist" "globalists"--that's the
good thing, most effective, regardless how stupid he otherwise comes-off
sounding, sucking-up to the kike filth as he does.
Thus Jewns stupidity
and ignorance is both pathetic and yet flamboyant at the same time, Jewns quite
capable of making incisive and telling criticisms regarding the leftists and
globalists. Evidently, the purpose of Jewns--as well as the Jews who support
him--is to attempt a synthesis of Jews and Judeo-Christians (JC--see Whtt.org
and TruthTellers.org for expo), along w. others like homosexuals and the
non-whites, selling nationalism and Trump, and pretending to "free market,"
isolating globalists and leftists--it might work, at least to a certain extent
and for a little while, and might well attract a good deal of attn. for the
masses of goons, scum, and suckers among the people, esp. the JC element.