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JR Explicitly Mis-Represents, Hence Lies, Lies,
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 16)
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 16)
"I try not to "join" Christians because they are haters. Otherwise I wouldn't have a problem with them. They are the ones always advising everyone to think exactly like they do or they will "go to hell"" (See below-copied.)
Above statement about Christians is false, hence it could only be a lie. Christians follow Christ, by definition, whose philosophy is given in New Test., esp. and pre-eminently at Gosp. JOHN 14:6, Christ being truth, the only way to Godly happiness.
And how is it wrong to hate lies, liars, and lying, upon which is built all of satanism? For hatred of lies is mere reciprocal emotion for love of truth. Christian hate is only PART of the real story.
And Christians are only honest and forthright when they say one must heed truth for the only real happiness to be found, and that following lies leads to perdition and heck.
Thus the story of New Test. is Christ going about preaching the original Torah word of God, esp. in way of simplifying to making it understandable, all of this against the Pharisees who interject and intrude their own "Oral Law Tradition" (later known as "Talmud") by which they change and "interpret" ("midrash") the original Torah, "making the word of God of none effect" (Gosp. MARK 7:13), which Christ condemned, and for which condemnation the Pharisees determined to kill Christ (= truth), but which truth gloriously resurrects as it cannot be killed, God's reality being the only thing that can exist.
Such is the Christian story and parable. So the Christian heeds to truth (= Christ) regardless anything else, truth being highest value, and it's lie to say (true) Christians insist everyone else has to "think like they do" excepting only for truth being only way to Godly happiness.
So u PLAINLY mis-represent Christianity as u cannot deny, and that's not my fault, and it's not my fault to pt.-out ur false testimony and allegations.
-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------
Anonymous Jan 30, 2016, 7:40:00 PM
I try not to "join" Christians because they are haters. Otherwise I wouldn't have a problem with them. They are the ones always advising everyone to think exactly like they do or they will "go to hell"
**** that. Complete waste of time.
Yes you are right that you don't know me personally and you are correct in attacking "jack rabbit"
As far as defending "jews" I couldn't care less about anyone calling themself a jew other than their actions - not their words or who they identify with.
If someone calls themself a jew I don't care - what I care about is whether or not they