Below-copied is dialectic w. queer shill, back about 4 Jun 2015, published at comments,
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Stephen Waddock
10:41 AM
Security system was installed after the fact? Do you idiots just make shit up to plug the hole in your sinking ship?
Apollonian Apollonius
10:57 AM
+Stephen Waddock Ho ho ho ho--says the homosexual psychopath (a) who says we have to prove there were no shootings, etc., and ZOG doesn't have to prove there were--which the psychopathic queer says has been proven despite ZOG's refusal to make the info public, upon pretext of the "feelings" of the "victims," to hell w. the citizens and taxpayers whose rights and money are at stake.
(b) The queer psycho refuses to admit simple truth he pushes ZOG fraud, hoax, and psy-ops--why?--because ZOG works for queers, pushing queer agenda. Ho ho ho ho ho ho. So who's "ship" is "sinking," queer scum?
Stephen Waddock
11:18 AM
Says the person who just makes up claim when he can't support his argument with facts.
a. you have no proof and no evidence to support your claim there were no shootings. To he contrary, all the evidence...weapons, bullet holes, injured teachers, spent shell casing...all prove you're talking out of your ass.
b. the ranting of a paranoid, delusional under-achiever looking to blame his failure on someone else, rather that admit is how failures.
Grab a life preserver, your delusional reality is sinking quick.
Apollonian Apollonius
11:27 AM
+Stephen Waddock Ho ho ho--says the queer psycho who says ZOG has proven its lies w. no bodies, no blood, no pictures, no evidence--but which queer psycho says IS "evidence" consisting of lies, assertions without substantiation, hearsay, and which ZOG illegally refuses to support w. documents, etc., which have long been demanded, as of W. Halbig.
And if ZOG manipulates and contrives things to favor queers, illegal aliens, and banker criminals, and citizens are then impoverished, thrown into un-employment, the queer now blames the victims--but hey, queer doesn't care long as ZOG pushes gay agenda, eh? HO ho ho ho ho
SOMETHING is "sinking," for sure--Jew S A and it's economy and currency, queer. Soon ZOG won't have the money to pay enforcers to protect queer filth, even when they try to call in UN enforcers, and we're gonna drink ur blood then, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho
Stephen Waddock
11:36 AM
"and which ZOG illegally refuses to support w. documents, etc., which have long been demanded, as of W. Halbig."
Thanks for showing everyone, you have no idea what your talking about. In every case, Failbig was provided what he asked for, if it existed*, or he didn't pay the fee for the document and did not receive it.
* Documents like the "sign in" sheet for the sign, don't exist as they are not property of the town to provide. Porta-Potties receipt are not property of the town as the town didn't order them. These and more because Failbig can't match apples to apples.
Apollonian Apollonius
11:46 AM
+Stephen Waddock Righto, queer moron, liar, and psychopath, who just pushes ZOG lies.
Hey, didja hear?--no less than Pat Llodra admits to the sign-in sign, but says it was probably by Homeland Sec.--so what were they doing there?--sign-in for all the crisis actors, eh, queer? Ho ho ho ho ho
Stephen Waddock
2:33 PM
Yeah, we heard. So what? DHS is a law enforcement agency that was in the area. All law enforcement agencies in the area responded to this when they heard it was a school shooting and children were involved....AS THEY SHOULD.
So, when did that sign appear, Einstein?
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: (a) WHAT was DHS doing there?--answer: they were running a drill, "capstone event," which was closely overseen by White House levels, the "event" replete w. crisis-actors--and the pretend status was NEVER de-activated, except perhaps, as we know fm the tapes, when the DHS guy is hrd to say, "ending of the life of Adam."
(b) The "players" and crisis-actors were simply ordered to continue and maintain the farce, and others were ordered to keep mouths shut, these then FURTHER corrupted and compromised by means of MASSIVE payments fm charity and "donations." Many of the players were given FREE HOUSING, as we know fm the real-estate records. Anyone not cooperating were killed--and no doubt will be killed in future--like the "Batman" movie prop. guy who put in the "sandy hook" map who was then mysteriously killed in car accident, like so many of the JFK assassination witnesses were killed.
(c) We know also there were donation and charity web-sites put up BEFORE the event.
(d) And of course this is all in addition to criminal refusal for making public the FOIA information.
(e) Further still, these above details are in addition to the numerous farces and deliberate distractions--like the nuns in the van, the so-called perps. who were arrested in the woods nearby, the morons breaking into the little storeroom at the back of the school, etc.
(f) Yet further, these details are in addition to the OBVIOUS poor acting, faking, and pretending of Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker, and Wayne Carver, Kaitlyn Roig, the McDonalds all of them lying, laughing, smiling, clowning, and joking--utterly unlike real people would do--as we see definitively fm the poor ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine whose relatives were mass-murdered by the Ukrainians, these poor people GENUINELY grieving, w. no smiling or laughing whatsoever, their tears falling in torrents, no faking.
(g) And in ur particular case, stevie, along w. ur cronies, we find u're ALL Jews and homosexuals, exclusively w. practically NO exceptions, all of u programmatically speaking the same lies, memes, and prop., and doing this in typical homosexual style, using phrases u don't understand ("critical thinking skills," "null-hypothesis," etc., ho ho ho ho ho), insisting psychotically ZOG must be beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeved, and that we truthers must "prove" ur hoax/fraud thesis is false, against the evidence, u using assertions without substantiation, hearsay, and outright lies--typical Jew tactics known fm centuries ago.
(h) Stevie: u TRY to make it seem complex when it's really simple INDUCTIVE (scientific) argument--details add up to a large conclusion, the conclusion now requiring dis-proof--that conclusion being it was and is hoax, fraud, and psy-ops, not diff fm ur other lies as about JFK assassination, 9/11, "climate-change" lies, and all the others for ZOG NWO pushing world gov. and Agenda-21 genocide, chem-trails, etc. U're a joke, stevie, a scummy, lying little queer who's now just our little play-thing as we make u squirm and wiggle for ur stupid lying and idiot prop.
Getting queer filth like u knocking a real hero like Wolfgang, even w. all his flaws (he genuinely supports terror-state of Israel, for example), just makes Wolfgang look all the better--esp. as we expose u for the psychopathic homosexual u are, never denying u're queer, defending queers, and talking all the typical queer prop.--all in accord w. "duck-test" and inductive logic. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Stephen Waddock
8:15 PM
Are you Josh Duggar? just askin...
"(a) WHAT was DHS doing there?--answer: they were running a drill, "capstone event," which was closely overseen by White House levels, the "event" replete w. crisis-actors--and the pretend status was NEVER de-activated, except perhaps, as we know fm the tapes, when the DHS guy is hrd to say, "ending of the life of Adam."
If this was a Capstone drill...why were there only two DHS vehicles there?
Do you know what the color the tips of weapons are during a drill?
"(b) The "players" and crisis-actors were simply ordered to continue and maintain the farce, and others were ordered to keep mouths shut, these then FURTHER corrupted and compromised by means of MASSIVE payments fm charity and "donations." Many of the players were given FREE HOUSING, as we know fm the real-estate records. Anyone not cooperating were killed--and no doubt will be killed in future--like the "Batman" movie prop. guy who put in the "sandy hook" map who was then mysteriously killed in car accident, like so many of the JFK assassination witnesses were killed."
I'm sorry, did I miss JFK in Newtown? Maybe he's hiding out with Elvis and the Easter Bunny.
:c) We know also there were donation and charity web-sites put up BEFORE the event."
No, there weren't and you know nothing about time date stamps as assigned by google. If you did, you wouldn't make such an ignorant comment.
"(d) And of course this is all in addition to criminal refusal for making public the FOIA information."
Name ONE doc Newtown is withholding from Lumpy Failbig. Just one.
"(e) Further still, these above details are in addition to the numerous farces and deliberate distractions--like the nuns in the van, the so-called perps. who were arrested in the woods nearby, the morons breaking into the little storeroom at the back of the school, etc."
I understand, Josh...thinking isn't your strongsuit.
"(f) Yet further, these details are in addition to the OBVIOUS poor acting, faking, and pretending of Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker, and Wayne Carver, Kaitlyn Roig, the McDonalds all of them lying, laughing, smiling, clowning, and joking--utterly unlike real people would do--as we see definitively fm the poor ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine whose relatives were mass-murdered by the Ukrainians, these poor people GENUINELY grieving, w. no smiling or laughing whatsoever, their tears falling in torrents, no faking."
What was Robbie Parker pretending about? You can prove he wasn't the father of a daughter named Emilie?...Let's see that proof.
"(g) And in ur particular case, stevie, along w. ur cronies, we find u're ALL Jews and homosexuals, exclusively w. practically NO exceptions, all of u programmatically speaking the same lies, memes, and prop., and doing this in typical homosexual style, using phrases u don't understand ("critical thinking skills," "null-hypothesis," etc., ho ho ho ho ho), insisting psychotically ZOG must be beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeved, and that we truthers must "prove" ur hoax/fraud thesis is false, against the evidence, u using assertions without substantiation, hearsay, and outright lies--typical Jew tactics known fm centuries ago."
Do you dream about jesus's dick?
"(h) Stevie: u TRY to make it seem complex when it's really simple INDUCTIVE (scientific) argument--details add up to a large conclusion, the conclusion now requiring dis-proof--that conclusion being it was and is hoax, fraud, and psy-ops, not diff fm ur other lies as about JFK assassination, 9/11, "climate-change" lies, and all the others for ZOG NWO pushing world gov. and Agenda-21 genocide, chem-trails, etc. U're a joke, stevie, a scummy, lying little queer who's now just our little play-thing as we make u squirm and wiggle for ur stupid lying and idiot prop. I know depths of your stupidit.
"Getting queer filth like u knocking a real hero like Wolfgang, even w. all his flaws (he genuinely supports terror-state of Israel, for example), just makes Wolfgang look all the better--esp. as we expose u for the psychopathic homosexual u are, never denying u're queer, defending queers, and talking all the typical queer prop.--all in accord w. "duck-test" and inductive logic. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho"
Josh, seek help when you feel the desire to touch little boys and girls.
+Stephen Waddock Typical queer-Jew prop. technique, reducing it to ad-hominem (attack the man, not the argument)--what diff. if I AM Josh Dugger, queer?--speak to the arguments, sucka, ho ho ho ho ho
(a) Regarding "capstone," it is what it is, stupid queer--why did they run the vids of the police dramatically rushing into the St. Rose of Lima school? Ho hoo ho ho ho--it was BIG-TIME hoax and psy-ops in which they they had ur hero, Anderson Cooper and CNN taking part for lies and prop--"capstone," sucker.
(b) In typical queer style, u don't answer (b), do u queer?
(c) Next, u just flat-out LIE--typical queer tactics about the web-sites set-up before the event.
(d) We already answered this, queer: ZOG is in full stone-wall mode, refusing EVERY request/demand for every document possible, releasing only few documents at last minute or not at all, lying and saying they don't exist. Where's the work-orders for the Sandy hoax school which they say was in operation?--where's paper-work for the students who went and sang at the stupor-bowl in Feb 2013? We want answers, suckers--we're the people and tax-payers, and we're the boss. Why did Newtown police illegally bar Wolfgang fm inspecting the bribery/payoff records at United Way head-quarters?
(e) u just ignore other facts, TYPICAL of Jews and queers desperately lying for ZOG. Why did the state-trooper spokesman come on and say it was CONFIRMED that Adam's mom was a teacher at the Sandy hoax school, which school was NOT in operation?
(f) Ditto w. Robbie Parker instance by which u want to ignore the pertinent facts--typical Jew/queer tactic.
(g) Ditto for (g) and (h), we see--TYPICAL queer/Jew tactics. U see, stevie, the inductive evidence just builds and builds and builds against u, which u not only don't dis-prove, but actually CONFIRM. U're a queer lying and shilling for ZOG murderers and criminals. Q.E.D.
Keep talking to us, queer psychopath and moron--u're not even a clever psycho, so repetitive and obsessive u are for same lies.