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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Metro-sexual moron runs into hard truth Noah Pozner's "death cert." is fake, ho ho ho ho....

[Here's neato dialectic, in which apster skewers a metro-sexual--eventually, at the very last (below)--the metro-sexual finding he's complete moronic sucker, not realizing death-cert. of Noah Pozner is fake, ho ho ho ho.  The queer finally shuts-up, not having anything further to say, poor scum.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Latest Exciting Dialectic W. Metro-Sexual Genius
(Collected & Posted, 24 May 15)

Here's another dialectic, found at another K. Johnson vid,

Apollonian Apollonius
May 18, 2015
+Stephen Waddock But steve, where are the bodies?--and HOW do u know anything?--ANYTHING?--because ZOG criminals told u, that's all--AND U BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV, that's how--like the most stupid, brainless moron.  Patriots demand evidence and proof--blood, pictures, bodies, u know?

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
"Patriots...". You're not Patriots, you're laughable, ignorant assholes. Who seek to deny the families their Right to grieve simply because you're so stupid as to NOT be able to apply critical thinking skills.
People who had the Right, the authority or the legal standing HAVE seen the photos and the bodies of those murdered that day. You don't have that Right or legal standing. Claiming no one has, only goes to show how completely ignorant you are of the process.
Two of the wakes WERE open casket, open to family and friends.
You seem to forget or just not care, these were children shot multiple times by a high-powered weapon. There ARE laws in CT, as well as, 15 other states who protect the Rights and privacy of child victims and victims in general.
You're an idiot, not a Patriot.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie, u dumb little, metro-sexual bastard: u assume that (dead kidsoes) which requires proof--get it?  "Right, authority, legal standing"?--they have no right to dictate reality or what they insist are "facts" to the people who provide the courts and pay the judges and thugs calling themselves "police"--get the picture, u little bastard?  And because crisis actors say anything doesn't make it true, shit-for-brains punk.
So kids got shot w. "high-power weapon"?--u don't know that, and u can't prove it, u just taking ZOG's word, like gullible little sucker u are, pretending to "critical thinking," ho ho ho ho ho oho, typical metro-sexual moron, ho ho hoho
And why wasn't public allowed to inspect the school to view all the horrendous damage which must have been inflicted on doors, walls, ceilings, windows, and floors by that "high-powered weapon," eh, noodle-brains?
Notice how u're all a bunch of kikes and metro-sexual filth?--u LOVE big-bro., don't u?

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
First, you're an idiot. You claim crisis actors but yet, that's factually incorrect. You would have to prove these were not the parents of children killed. You didn't and you can't.
"they have no right to dictate reality or what they insist are "facts" to the people who provide the courts and pay the judges and thugs calling themselves "police"--"
You're completely delusional. "They" didn't dictate anything. The laws are the laws and they have to be followed. You're ignorant on the process and your comment highlights that point.
"So kids got shot w. "high-power weapon"?--u don't know that, and u can't prove it, u just taking ZOG's word, like gullible little sucker u are, pretending to "critical thinking," ho ho ho ho ho oho, typical metro-sexual moron, ho ho hoho"
The evidence proves it. The recovered weapons, recovered (photographed) shell casings, the missing weapons from the Lanza house, the recovered bullets from the building and victims. You claim all those reports are false without any proof to the claim. Nothing more than assertions. The stock and trade of Nutters, assertion.
"And why wasn't public allowed to inspect the school to view all the horrendous damage which must have been inflicted on doors, walls, ceilings, windows, and floors by that "high-powered weapon," eh, noodle-brains?"
When has "the public" been allowed to inspect any crime scene?

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Ho ho ho, righto, queer, ho ho ho ho

May 19, 2015
+Apollonian Apollonius Typical, unintelligible response from someone who has no proof to back up their tasteless claims.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+wiwille what's "unintelligible," moron?--u're just a bunch of Jews and queers sucking-up for ZOG.  Little queer, stevie, says we have to prove anything, when it's ZOG who must prove, obviously--he and u are jokes, ho ho hoo ho--is that so "unintelligible"?  Ho ho ho ho

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
+Apollonian Apollonius Wow, are you quite the bigot. I bet your parents are proud.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Newsflash, sucker: Jews and queers are anti-Christ enemies of reason and humanity, and u show u're ok w. that.  Did u know, for example, Jews follow the Talmud wherein they gloat over having killed Christ, saying it's ok to murder and lie to gentiles?  Ck,, or  U're just a metro-sexual little psychopath w. no concept of justice.

May 19, 2015
"unintelligible: Difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend; incomprehensible." There's definitely a moron in this conversation, and it's clearly you, the bigoted wonder you are. There's a strong correlation between bigotry and conspiracy theories, as both require you to abandon reason. You're beyond hope as you clearly have no idea where the burden of proof lies, nor do you seem to care. I just hope you can leave the grieving families alone, as they've suffered enough without the nonsense you and your ilk spew online.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+wiwille"wiwille": do u grasp u're assuming what it is to be proven?--"grieving families"--metro-sexual scum like u are psychotic, and that's a justified prejudice, not mere self-righteous "bigotry," dumbass.

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
+Apollonian Apollonius did you know you're an ignorant bigot?
Are you a bible-babbler?

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
Why can't you prove just one of your points?  Lack the facts or the mental chops...which is it?

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Here's one thing, shit-for-brains, metro-sexual fool: those who assert there was shooting, deaths of 26, including small kids, bear burden of proof--that's fact--and u can't prove, just assert, and u say if ZOG says so, then it must be true--that's what facts are.

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
Yeah, that's using logic and common sense. Shootings happen EVERY DAY in the US.
These type of mass shootings happen about every 20 days.
There is OVERWHELMING proof. Parents without their children, certificates of death, statements from the survivors, statements from the 1st-responders, reports from the CSP and Ct State Med Examiners Office, statements from the funeral directors.....NONE of which you can prove false.
Willful ignorance defines you Nutters. YOU carry the burden of proof, not those who acknowledge the fact this event happened.
Go ahead, show us all how stupid you are.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock"Parents without their children" is what needs proving, moron--not what is proven, u utterly psychotic metro-sexual filth, ho hoh o ho ho ho.  I'll stop there, conclusively showing ur psychotic mentality, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
Prove any of those children didn't die or were not the children of those parents.
YOU carry the burden of proof. Apparently, you have no idea how it works. YOU made the claim.
The shooting IS the null hypothesis.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock U see stevie: that's ur psychosis--U (OR ZOG) MUST DO THE PROVING ANYONE DIED, DUMBASS--do u see now how and why metro-sexuals are psychos? Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

Stephen Waddock
May 19, 2015
You need to step eating those urinal mints. They have destroyed what little brain you had.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 19, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Well stevie, "urinal mints" or not, u and ZOG are the ones who must prove, as I note--and I stand by that simple concept which u can't deny in reason or logic, metro-sexual moron, ho ho ho ho ho

May 21, 2015
As Stephen said, you made the claim, you back it up with actual facts, not speculation, not illiterate screeds and name calling. You made the extraordinary claim, it's on you to back up with extraordinary evidence. Facts!
You know what, never mind, because you have no facts, and you'll respond to his just as brilliantly as you have previously, and you'll continue to waste everyone's time.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+wiwille wiwille: actually, ZOG made the "claim," right?--that (a) Adam (b) shot and killed 26, etc.?  U say we should BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV ZOG, right?  And we say ZOG lies, and is lying now, w. no proof, no evidence, no pictures, bodies, blood, right?  So, wiwille, it's u who deserves no respect, a liar, along w. ZOG, u a queer, defending ZOG and its lies, etc.

Stephen Waddock
May 21, 2015
Plenty of evidence. Survivor eyewitnesses to the shooting. Surviving wounded, 1st-responders, weapons used, shell casings used, bullet holes, body of the shooter, his mothers car, her body....Denying any of this in lieu of your Hoaxer claims is dishonest. Claiming that because you can't physically see the evidence, personally only goes to show you lack of logic, reason and critical thinking skills.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: u're psychotically repeating urself, AGAIN, eh?--presuming what must be proven.  Fact is the witnesses are now nowhere to be found, not giving any statements, which statements conflict and change.
"Dishonest"?--ho ho ho--stevie, u're the liar.  And if I can't see the evidence, I'm bound to admit, in all honesty, there's no proof--how is such honesty "lack of logic"?  "Critical thinking skills"?--ho ho ho ho--more typical metro-sexual lingo, eh?
Why the non-disclosure demanded of demolition workers?
Tell us, stevie: u simply insist on BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIN' ZOG, right?  U also believe in "global-warming," and u want world gov., w. strict gun-control, right?  Ho ho ho ho ho

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock "Critical thinking skills"?--ho ho ho ho ho--that means one must beleeeeeeeeeeeeev whatever ZOG says, eh?  Hey stevie, can u list or itemize any of those "skills" that constitute "critical thinking"?--is it anything like thinking itself?  Tell us all about it, by all means, ho ho ho ho ho  U sure are an advanced thinker, for sure, ho ho ho ho ho

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock After all, Wolfgang criticizes the sandy hoax, and u resent him for it--doesn't really seem like u appreciate critical thinking.

Stephen Waddock
May 21, 2015
No, you're comment is a straw man. I resent the stupidity of his position. The ignorance of his position.
I was raised differently this moron and, apparently, different than you. I was taught about morals, values, honesty and to stick up for those who cannot defend themselves.
"doesn't really seem like u appreciate critical thinking"
You make dishonest claim in light of the evidence, proof, documents, eyewitnesses to this even that proves you're completely daft.
YOU'RE the one who doesn't appreciate critical thinking.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock stevie: "morals"?--what's that?--u can't even say.  U're a psychotic schizoid, stevie--u can't even define the words and phrases u use, like "critical thinking"--u don't even understand thinking.  In fact, u're plainly pathologic liar.  Basically, all u do is say, ZOG says so, so therefore we should beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev--that's all.  Simple honesty manifests there's no proof of sandy hoax.  And u're dishonest.
For IF u were really honest, u'd admit all the conflicting and plainly FALSE statements of all the so-called "witnesses" are precisely what gives lie to this gross hoax--including the Newtown Bee paper which published false stories, like the one they first said they did in talking to the Principal, the "secretaries" who said they hid in closet for hrs and hrs.  U're the one grossly dis-honest, stevie, u scummy, lying, little metro-sexual.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock"Honesty"?--u don't know the meaning of the word, stevie--look at Gene Rosen, a GROSS LIAR, who gave NUMEROUS conflicting stories, and u aren't even honest enough to admit this lying by Rosen discredits sandy hoax.  U just blow-off faker like Robbie Parker & Carver

Stephen Waddock
May 21, 2015
How is Gene Rosen proof that Adam Lanza did not shoot and kill 26 people at SHES on Dec 14, 2012? 
You know Gene Rosen is lying? Prove it. Show us how you know his intent. Prove he is attempting to deceive...or maybe, just maybe he is a confused senior citizen trying to come to grips with what happened that day.
But of course, you're able know-all and see-all, right?
Proof and evidence, that's not how you do it.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock U can easily ck gene Rosen on u-tube, he giving numerous fake, conflicting stories.  HOW do u Prove lies?--simply by pt-ing to the conflicting stories--only one of them could possibly be true, the others are necessarily lies.  "Confusion" OFTEN goes w. lying, stupid--it's no excuse.
Among the statements fm the very few witnesses fm among the little kids, there were no reports of hearing shots.  One said it sounded like the janitor knocked down stuff in the closet, another said it sounded like kicking the door.
And u're PLAINLY dis-honest, refusing to admit u beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev in "global warming," world gov., BUT don't worry, stevie, we know u're the typical metro-sexual "progressive" (ho ho ho ho) who goes along w. and shills for ZOG, etc.

Stephen Waddock
May 21, 2015
No, WRONG. You're ASSUMING his intent was to deceive. You have no idea what his intent was. Add to that, he was completely distraught in the videos...unable to comprehend how someone could do this to children. YOU dishonestly claim you know something you don't.
To children who were hidden in closets, behind closed doors, hidden in small bathroom....behind locked doors, through cinder-block walls...To them , shot's may have sounded a lot like what they described. That's the best way they could describe what they heard...relating it to something the know...and you think that's odd. Again, its nothing more than YOU attempting to re-frame what those children heard.
If you used ANY common sense, the loud noises they heard WERE NOT found to be made by anything else.
Actually, I don't "believe" in Climate Change...I acknowledge Climate Change because, unlike you, I understand the science.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock U're one presuming (a), that he (Rosen) was "distraught," (b) that there were children, (c) that anything was "done."  One might be "distraught" right at first, but then calms down later.  Rosen's intent was to deceive, proven by the numerous phony stories.  Rosen also said he wasn't at the firehouse, but then we see him in a vid.
Stevie: u don't even know what "science" is--u think it's what's done and talked about by men in white coats, that's all--u're the typical pretentious metro-sexual who lies, like ur heroes, like Gene Rosen.
There are actually too few "witnesses," given there supposedly HUNDREDS of students, but only about a dozen are ever shown in any picture--like the one shown by NewTown Bee editor who took the picture some other time when it was much warmer.
U're a metro-sexual shill, probably a queer, lying and special-pleading for sandy-hoax, stevie, utterly dishonest and worthless.

Stephen Waddock
May 21, 2015
No, I'm not. You seem to have, not only any critical thinking skills but, no common sense.
In the videos he is clearly distraught...asking over and over, "how could anyone do this?" Of  course you, being a completely insensitive Hoaxer, are unable to comprehend human emotions. Specially when portraying them as something other than they are, fits your delusional narrative.
" Rosen also said he wasn't at the firehouse, but then we see him in a vid"
Yes, Gene was at the firehouse.  He told people that, so what?  He and the bus driver walked achild who wasn’t picked up at his house over to be reunited with his/her parents. He later went back to the firehouse with the woman who came to his house looking for her son.
SO WHAT?  Now tell me how that prove Adam Lanza didn't shoot and kill anyone at SHES on Dec. 14, 2012
"There are actually too few "witnesses," given there supposedly HUNDREDS of students,"
Wrong...there are plenty of students. Those who ran past Lanza when is gun jammed or was reloading, those who saw bodies in the hallway...and those teachers who saw their coworkers shot up. Do you think you can just dismiss them because it's convenient?
Science...You want to debate Science...with me?  I'll warn you now, you're in over you head, but if you must.....

Apollonian Apollonius
May 21, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: u can't even think, much less "critically," ho hoho ho
One can be "distraught," but one calms down--esp. an adult.  And substantial fraud for one detail discredits the whole.  Stevie, u're just a metro-sexual shill.  U beleeeeeeeeeev In crap, like "climate-change," and THEN u claim science and spout about "critical thinking," ho ho ho ho
U idiotically just assert without any substantiation about "lots of students," etc.
Stevie: "climate-change" is fraud for weak-minded metro-sexuals like u who pretend to "advanced-thinking" and "sensitivity" for liars.  U're completely dis-credited, buddy.

Stephen Waddock
May 22, 2015
+Apollonian Apollonius Oh, your an expert on Human Psychology, right?
You're not even worth the time discussing ANY topic as you merely state your emotion as fact, fail to support it with evidence and then claim victory. Again, truth is, you have no idea about what you're posting and you lack the honesty to discuss in a genuine manner
Stay away from anything Science, you're ill-equipped to discuss. You comments and position(s) would lead me to think, you're a bible-babbler, correct?


Apollonian Apollonius
May 22, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: all we do is maintain there's no evidence to support (a) Adam Lanza, (b) or any shootings (c) of 27 people (including Lanza's "mom"), ho ho ho, and it's up to u metro-sexuals and psychopaths to provide the proof which u can't do, merely making excuses for known and proven liars like Gene Rosen.
Claiming "victory" is simple as pt-ing out ur inability to provide the evidence, not to mention ur moronic insistence there is evidence, that we have to prove the reverse.
U're obviously the obligatory metro-sexual, "advanced-thinker" babbling about "critical-thinking skills," ho ho ho ho ho, pushing the typical agenda, in favor of homosexuals, "climate-change," world gov, dictatorship of world gov., anti-Christ, and anti-Constitution.

Stephen Waddock
May 22, 2015
Funny, I don't recall "Christ" or god in the US Constitution....other than mentioning of the date. Funny, why is that?
You're not real food at this "thinking" stuff, huh?
You're clearly in over your head.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 22, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: how can u prove the stupor bowl kids WERE NOT those u insist without proof were killed?--why is it absurd?--why wouldn't u metro-sexual psychotics do such a thing in way of playing joke upon the public for whom u have so much contempt, pretending u're "progressive" and "advanced-thinker" w. "critical-thinking skills"? ho ho ho ho ho
And if I WAS "Bible-babbler," then why wouldn't I have done some "babbling" already, moron?  Ho ho ho ho.  But I am proud anti-semite, for sure, so therefore fall on side of dear Christianity, indubitably.  Don't u realize Christ = truth, according to Gosp. JOHN 14:6--against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) and liars, like u?

Stephen Waddock
May 22, 2015
Christ = Man, not god. But, you'll believe in anything.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 22, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: I gave u the citation, moron; Christ is metaphor for TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness.  Thus Christ stands for the objective reality which necessarily underlies any "truth"--against Pharisaic subjectivism, foundation of their lies.
Stevie: what dead children?--u're just taking ZOG's word for it all, going along w. the lies and fakery--like u make excuses for Gene Rosen, insisting he was "distraught" and confused.
All I do is pt. out one cannot prove there is no God--isn't that quite rational?--unlike u who insists, upon no evidence or reasoning, there is no God, having been told that if u want to be "advanced-thinker," then this is what u must beleeeeeeeeeeeeeev and say.

Stephen Waddock
May 22, 2015
Jesus was a prophet...there were many prophet in those days.
"Godly happiness....blah..blah...blah..." You mean like murder of innocent children?
Prove Noah Pozner didn't die. Prove Lenny Pozner didn't have a son killed name Noah Pozner.
The facts on are my side, Tard.
I didn't say there was no god. There is no evidence to make me believe there is a god.
It's called Critical're not doing it right.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 22, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: AGAIN (and u've done this numerous times now, true to ur amazing psychosis), it's u who must prove Pozner died.  "Facts"?--u don't know what a fact is, despite ur "critical thinking," ho ho ho ho
U're just the typical, half-baked metro-sexual, pushing ZOG's NWO agenda, including now, as u've admitted, "climate-change" fraud--all because someone told u this is what advanced-thinkers spout, and u're desperate to be thought "advanced" and "progressive," right?

Stephen Waddock
May 22, 2015
Noah Pozner's existence is not up for debate. If you think it is, you're showing you lack of ability to research your claims.
His cert of death is online. His open casket wake was held and he was viewed by many family and friends.
You don't get to claim things just because you want them to be true.
Prove Noah Pozner didn't die. YOU carry the burden of proof, not me.

Apollonian Apollonius
May 22, 2015
+Stephen Waddock Stevie: that cert. of death is PROVEN fraud--see
"The article include an analysis of the copy of the "death certificate" for Noah Pozner that Lenny provided to Kelley, which turns out to be a fake. If Noah had actually died at Sandy Hook, there would have been no reason to fake one, which implies that Noah did not die at Sandy Hook and confirms that Lenny is a fraud. Here is the certificate: [see site, above, at link.]"
 Stevie: how does it feel to be shown-up for such a gullible sucker, as u are?  Ho ho ho ho

May 22, 2015
Why do you keep typing "ho ho ho ho" when a) nothing of humor happened, and this is no laughing matter and b) you're not Santa? Anyways, the link you provided only tries to prove that the death certificate copy, supposedly provided by Ponzer, was fake. We have no idea if this was even distributed by the state, no confirmation from the department of public health that this is indeed the certificate that was distributed. If Ponzer is a fraud, and not the father of the boy as the site claims, then there's no reason to believe this certificate has anything to do with the state of Connecticut. Also, why should we blindly believe Dennis Cimino? There's no mention of his credentials, and if he's even an expert in this field. He could've at least compared and contrasted this with a "real" death certificate so we can make up our own minds about the evidence, but alas...

Apollonian Apollonius
May 22, 2015
+wiwille Queer: u can make up ur own mind in any case.
But where is ANY other alternative death cert., u amazing psychopathic scum?--and why did the "officials" at Newtown, then state of Conn., move to make that material secret fm the public?--it could ONLY be because they're conspiring criminals who typically work to keep public in dark over their criminal activities, PERIOD.
Besides, queer: NOTHING is going to change ur psychopathic mind, NOTHING--u're obviously determined to push forward w. NWO slavery and dicatatorship--it's why queers and Jews are scum, and why u MUST be exterminated.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bad as Alex Jones ( is, he must be used against the other Jews, we promoting in-fighting among kikes....

Originally Posted by Smedley Butler View Post
The Congoids placed in positions of power like a few eviljellicultists serve their masters, who want us crushed completely.

Infowars/fat boy doesn't want to talk about who is behind placing savage emotional get Whitey apes that are put in these position's, of course. If we were on line, I would not want that web site address on here, just my opinion.

Jones is in the Halvin Turder COINTELPRO department IMO.
Necessary Strategy Must Encourage Top Kike Powers To Fighting One-Another, DON'T FORGET
(Apollonian, 12 May 15)

Yes (to above by "Smedley"), but Jones ( is USEFUL for some good info on such as GMO foods (poison), vaccines, and other medical topics, also gun-rights.

Jones' analysis actually closely follows the Birchers ( whose analysis isn't bad, but doesn't go far enough and all the way to kikes.

And of course Jones is putrid Judeo-Christian heretic (see and to know if Jones really doesn't know basic stuff about Jew Talmud, how it gloats over having killed Christ, etc.

REMEMBER: we gentiles are COOKED--there's no hope (we can do very little by ourselves)--at this pt. we must depend upon the top (Jew) powers falling-out w. one-another, "left" vs. "right," the "Left" led by such as Obola, hitlery, and now lately, Elizabeth Warren, the Senator fm Mass., vs. the "right" and "neo-cons" who lead the "Judeo-Christian" puke.

The leftists push "climate-change" lies and Agenda-21 GENOCIDE (which Jones and the Birchers expose pretty well)--whereas the "rightists" following Israel are willing to keep the goyim around in order to continue parasitizing. WE MUST ENCOURAGE THESE TOP FACTIONS AMONG KIKES TO CONTINUE THEIR IN-FIGHTING, get a clue.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Alex Jones (, such a pathetic, total moron--doesn't even take his own analysis seriously: All terrorism is caused by ZOG, et al....

Alex Jones: Fat-Head Redneck Flunky For Jews, ZOG--How And Why I Hate Him So
(Apollonian, 11 May 15)

One of the primary reasons I hate Alex Jones ( is his idiot, moronic, fat-head, redneck HUBRIS--how, for example, he brags and gloats, like the Jews he works for, that he's example of self-made success in "free-enterprise," the stupid, lying, little bastard, puke, fat-head moron.  No, the dumb piece-of-shit is simply the Jews' flunky, mouth-piece, and apologist (as he proves so often)--THAT and only that is why he's rich and "successful."  And if the lying son-of-a-bitch was ever to tell real truth about kikes, like about their filthy Talmud (see for best Talmudic expo, also, for example, not to mention their putrid history, he'd be instantaneously destroyed, raided, swat-teamed, and quite possibly assassinated.

So let me give just a couple of recent examples how the stupid fat-head redneck works for kikes, beginning w. "Jade-helm" "exercise" preliminary for martial law.  Jones now says two contradictory things, (a) that it's NOT martial law, BUT (b) that it's something leading to it.  Well, Jones is right about (b)--it's necessary preliminary, hence integral, necessary part.  SO it is part of the obvious, necessary plot towards martial law.  ZOG really suckered him though, getting him to frantically deny it's martial law.  And he really looks like the dumb-ass moron he really is for all his flailing hemming and hawing about the issue.  But the people in general are hip, so it doesn't really matter too much, I'd say.  Overall, Jones still puts out enough info on the subject to fairly well compensate for any errors he's made.

But the other issue Jones really, seriously falls-down for analysis, and that's the recent false-flag entrapment of the Muslims who tried to shoot-up the "Draw Muhammed" Cartoon contest in Tx. hosted by the kikess, Pam Geller, an obvious provocateur who helped set-up the entire incident.  Jones totally misses this part as he babbles and sputters about Geller's right to free expression, etc.--precisely what ZOG wants, Jones hence helping to push the overall ZOG lies that there are "radical" Islamists to be worried about, the dumb piece-of-shit scum.

For comrades: ALL "TERRORISM" IS CAUSED BY ZOG, CIA, MI6, MOSSAD, Saudi and Paki secret svc, etc.--ALL OF IT, as we know--and Pam Geller is integral part, knowing and willing, and this moron Jones goes along.

Thus our Constitutional rights, not to mention our rule-of-law has been destroyed by this terrorism TOTALLY created by ZOG, and Jones fails to nail this fact especially in this instance, when he should know better.

And note this ALL goes together--the afore-mentioned "terror" incident in Tx. was classic, obvious psy-ops, and it goes PERFECTLY along w. "Jade-helm," and the dumbass red-neck moron, Jones, TOTALLY misses it.  Recent Baltimore riots also were integral part in overall plan too, obviously.
Jones is such a stupid bastard it isn't funny, and he's integral part of the Jew conspiracy, Jones just pretending he's too stupid and "moral" to be able to spot it out, Jones imagining Judaic satanism is compatible w. the real Christianity.  But still, it really looks like such stupid puke as Jones is the best thing we have for (don't choke) "independent media," ho ho ho oh ho hoh oho.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Gays are pathologic subjectivists (and narcissists), hence too easily given to lies, lying, founded upon wishful-thinking....

Gays Are Liars Driven By Wishful Thinking, Not To Mention Miserable Scholars/Reasearchers
(Apollonian, 7 May 15)

There remains just one more significant item, following blogs, this site, of previous two days, regarding banning of me by queers of, this being the afore-mentioned (see blog of 5 May) kiss-off entry (, JennyWren replied on Sat, 05/02/2015 - 01:55) of the moderator, namely the particular paragraph:

"So they [gays] shouldn't be allowed to work with kids? And why not? The majority of incidents in the past two decades where kids ran into physical harm or sexual harm from their teachers were instances of straight teachers preying on kids of the opposite gender."
Observe first, the question is not whether there's "majority" of incidents, but the PROPORTION, as gays are far less percentage of the population than the "straights," and second, there's no citation or reference whatsoever for this gross lie in the last quoted sentence, above.

And it's easily researched by simple means of the old search engine by typing-in "homosexual crime rate" (among other possible phrases) where u get lots and lots of neat entries:, whence u find,

"Although homosexuals account for less than two percent of the population. they constitute about a third of child molesters.6 (6. K. Freund and R.I. Watson, "The Proportions of Heterosexual and Homosexual Pedophiles Among Sex Offenders Against Children: An Exploratory Study," Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 18 (Spring 1992): 3443, cited in "The Problem of Pedophilia," op. cit. Also, K. Freund and R.I. Watson, "Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality," Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10 (Fall 1984): 197, cited in NARTH Fact Sheet. ) Further, as noted by the Encino, Calif.-based National Association for research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), "since homosexual pedophiles victimize far more children than do heterosexual pedophiles, it is estimated that approximately 80 percent or pedophile victims are boys who have been molested by adultmales.7 (7. Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow? Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (Downers Grove, IU.: Intervarsity Press), p. 114, cited in "The Problem of Pedophilia, op. cit., p. 2.)"
At, we find this:

"The top six American male serial killers were all gay:

•Donald Harvey claimed 37 victims in Kentucky;

•John Wayne Gacy raped and killed 33 boys in Chicago, burying them under his house and in his yard;

•Patrick Kearney accounted for 32, cutting his victims into small pieces after sex and leaving them in trash bags along the Los Angeles freeways;

•Bruce Davis molested and killed 27 young men and boys in Illinois;

•A gay sex-murder-torture ring (Corll-Henley-Brooks) sent 27 Texas men and boys to their grave; and

•Juan Corona was convicted of murdering 25 migrant workers (he “made love” with their corpses)."

"A study of 518 sexually-tinged mass murders in the U.S. from 1966 to 1983 determined that 350 (68%) of the victims were killed by those who practiced homosexuality and that 19 (44%) of the 43 murderers were bisexuals or homosexuals.2

"Though probably less than a majority of mass murderers are homosexual, given that no more than 3% of the populace is gay, homosexual murderers show up much more frequently than one would expect (even Richard Speck engaged in homosexuality).

"Along with serial murder, there appears to be a connection between homosexuality and murder. Evidence from before the modern gay rights movement is limited. Of 444 homicides in one jurisdiction from 1955-1973, investigators noted 5 clear “sexual motivation” murders. Three of the 5 involved homosexuality and 2 involved heterosexuality.3

"Probing more deeply into the connection between murder and homosexuality, Jim Warren, who worked as a counselor at the Washington State Corrections Center, did the intake interview for almost all the younger murderers (i.e., under age 36) in the state of Washington from 1971-82 (during the growth of the gay rights movement). He was “probably the only one who examined the entirety of each of their case files.” Warren testified that he was struck with how frequently homosexuality turned up in the cases.4

"Starting with a trickle of 2 or 3 murders/year in 1972 until dozens/year by the 1980s, he noted a recurrent pattern: Although the motive listed in the report was often robbery or theft, “about 50% of the time” it was also associated with homosexuality. Typically, a homosexual would meet someone at a bar or park and invite him to his home. Before the morning, an argument would ensue and he or his visitor would be dead.

At, we find,

"More evidence that homosexuality and heterosexuality are not “equal,” as so many homosexual activists assert: a Massachusetts study finds people practicing homosexuality and bisexuality are more likely to suffer various health, emotional and other problems, including “sexual assault victimization.” To connect with the leading pro-family group in Massachusetts fighting the homosexual agenda, visit the MassResistance website and blog."
There are NUMEROUS other entries fm the searches done on the various engines, no doubt. Above are enough, I trust, to sufficiently show-up the outright LIES and gross lying done by these pathological gays who live in their subjectivist little worlds.

The conclusion then is borne out quite well that as the "gay" life-style is fundamentally irrational, oriented as it is to crass obsessive sense-gratification for its own sake, naturally gays are likewise prone to criminality, etc.

Snippy metro-sexuals tell us all about how to talk to half-breeds....

It (above story url) was story on the MSN web-page, and the discussion was on face-book page which I don't want to get involved with, so it wasn't posted.

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Being Mixed-Race Is Nothing To Be Proud About--On The Contrary
(Apollonian, 7 May 15)

Well, being mixed-race is like being half-breed and half-caste--lacking in integrity, the victim of psychotic parents.  WHY did the parents betray their respective peoples, mating w. a rival and enemy race?--what is wrong w. mating w. one of one's own race, thus producing in like-ness of one's ancestors?--there's obvious problem of loyalty for the mixed-race offspring, poor victim of parents' dis-loyalty, self-indulgence, and gross irrationality.

Mixing-race is insulting to one's ancestors, obviously, an affront to the race/culture of ancestors--that's what race-mixing is all about--rejection of race/culture of ancestors, breeding up a mixed-race, mongrelized monstrosity, a horrific half-baked COMPROMISE, product of RAPE.  The mixed-race off-spring will un-questionably and obviously feel conflicted for cultural-racial loyalty.  For the human condition is and has always been one primarily of warfare and conflict, problems constantly arising.

A mixed-race is a CONQUERED race--as of the "mestizo" population of Mexico, for example, the men killed, the Indian women having been raped by the Spanish conquerors.  Only metro-sexual fools and air-heads, like the author of this moronic article, for example, would so breezily and brainlessly over-look such obvious racial-cultural COMPROMISE and degradation.

But race-mixing is un-questionably encouraged by Jews, for example, along w. their anti-human and satanic allies among the population--especially homosexuals and air-headed morons known as "metro-sexuals," these "metros" essentially the weak-minded allies of the homosexual narcissists, criminals, psychotics, and perverts.

For never doubt or forget the basic nature of life--WAR, strife, and conflict, and racial loyalty is absolutely essential for culture and individual psychology--why the Jew satanists (a redundancy) encourage race-mixing and perversions like homosexuality--they want to keep the gentiles weak and at odds w. one-another, the better for Jews to dominate over a race of degraded half-breeds.

One must take general note of the mentality of this entire article oriented towards the air-brain and weak-minded "metro-sexual" element of a corrupt middle-class society, degenerate and in such horrific decline as we see in USA and West, in general, the people demoralized by the Jews at the top who've looted the economy and are now fomenting war against the poor Muslims and war among the gentiles themselves as we see presently in Ukraine, unfortunately.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Homosexuals are un-questionably subjectivists, living in their own little world, IGNORING reality....

[See just below blog posting-article, dated 4 May, posted 5 May, to Nystrom (, who censored apster (see also ref.s given), this the latest (probably last) msg on the subject.]

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-----------below-copied by ap sent 6 May 2015------------

Nystrom Continues To Ignore, Evade--The Incompetent Coward
(Apollonian, 6 May 15)

Well Nystrom:

We see u're determined to ignore reality--U'VE THUS LOST THE DEBATE, buddy--as we've always complained regarding u homosexual psychotics.  Reality to u is subjective, isn't it?

U're simply going to IGNORE, as is ur TYPICAL psychotic wont, our libertarian thesis to effect we, the people, have every right to discriminate against u gays, including taking state action against u, as in way of preventing ur being in army/military, serving as teachers, allowed to adopt children, etc., this all in same way as state takes action against other anti-social elements, like criminals and felons, u gays understood as part of the legitimate, libertarian governmental concern against internal enemies and criminals--as I argued.

But now further, note, specific pt. regards u homosexuals USING libertarianism, quite illegitimately and fraudulently, in way of masking ur homosexual agenda--we saying U'RE NOT NOT NOT A real libertarian--proven by ur inability and refusal to discuss/debate the issue, pretending libertarianism suddenly and obligatorily legitimizes ur homosexual perversions, enabling u gays to intrude upon society and its children.

U cannot stand this SIMPLE discussion/debate, above-noted, and thus u censor and suppress those voices, including libertarian, which pt.-out this simple fact and argument (regarding right of society to discriminate against intrusive, alien, adverse, anti-pathetic, injurious, even psychotic elements, like gays), all the while u fascist, psychotic gays, like urself, spouting ur usual lies and nonsense about "love" of whatever--yes, love of gay psychotics like urself, obviously, the people be damned, according to u.

And u have NOTHING to say about this simple argument as I outline above, FURTHER, u suppressing even the mentioning and notation of the that argument, imagining, like the typical homosexual fascist and psychotic, that u're too good, evidently, to offer any arguments.

Nystrom: u've had ur chance, and all ur other babbling and spouting, like about "love," as u so preposterously put forth, will not cover-up or deflect fm ur true fascist, psychotic nature and motivations in contempt of reason and true libertarianism.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Homosexuals, masquerading as "libertarians"--they're really just fascist, little punks (as u always knew)....

Ho ho ho: below-copied are couple of notes I've sent to the web-master/owner of, a web-site/forum for discussion ostensibly for "libertarians," but actually for homosexuals--which I didn't know when I first signed-up, but found-out soon enough, as one might easily verify.  Below text should be sufficiently self-explanatory, including for references to particular discussion threads (esp. in the note sent on 2 May).

Homosexuals are really just narcissist-fascists, also obsessive-compulsives addicted to sense-gratification, well-enough demonstrated in below-copied notes, I think.  If u want a good laugh, ck out the lead posting, titled "Seven things...," for the thread cited below, by Nystrom.

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[just below sent earlier, on the 4th, May, Monday]

Note my previous msg, sent 2 days ago, copied below--

What's ur problem, Nystrom?

Do u imagine "libertarians" must necessarily tolerate homosexuals?  I note u still haven't replied to my below-copied complaint about ur enforcer, "JennyWren," who obviously didn't consider herself capable of a rational dialectic, so she simply banned someone (me) who was in midst of contending against her thesis--that homosexuals are the very arbiters of the free society.

Isn't this a topic/issue that deserves full exposition?--why was my side of the debate to be cut-off without the fair, rational opportunity for rebuttal?

Don't doubt I intend to bring this fascist repression on part of homosexuals (which is, AGAIN, certainly within ur rights as owner/proprietor to tolerate or not as u prefer--it's still fascist (irrational) action on part of abusive moderator, working according to ur instruction, evidently, even though, again, it's ur right to be so fascist and irrational--the real question/issue is whether the philosophy, and ur policy, is compatible w. libertarianism--it's something to be debated, aside fm any smug declarations u may feel it expedient to spout as part of ur excuse not to so debate/discuss) up for discussion on ur forum--should I be given the opportunity--which opportunity should be considered perfectly fair topic for discussion--why wouldn't it be?  How is it this topic--about legitimacy of homosexuals--would be "off-limits"?  Why would ANYTHING necessarily be "off-limits"?

So (polemic) ball's in ur court, Nystrom--what's the problem?--u gays are simply not going to tolerate criticism, and anyone who questions u will be suppressed?  Interesting how u people struggle over the simple and obvious answer, eh?  Rather indicates U KNOW PERFECTLY WELL, u homosexuals are a serious problem for the legitimacy of "libertarians" for tolerating u people, eh?

U've already LOST the debate, seems to me--question is whether u can salvage anything.

--------------------below-copied sent previously, 2nd May----------------------------------------

Hey Nystrom:

I want to draw ur attn. to my being banned by "JennyWren" (I'm pretty sure), this happening as result of, and in midst of the dialectic on ur "Seven things...," post,, this banning coming right after she posted her note at JennyWren replied on Sat, 05/02/2015 - 01:55.

U will observe my own argumentation is perfectly legitimate and rational, I trust.  And I was following the dialectic and about to reply when I found I'd been banned immediately after "JennyWren" had posted her comment, above-noted.  She seems to have determined I was championing statism, and that this conclusion of hers is now warrant for her banning of me.

So I say this banning is un-justified in view of the argument not being over, not being legitimately treated by my opponent, "JennyWren," who has abused her position of moderator.

Spare me ur tiresome protestation of property rights--it's quite well-understood.  Issue is whether u want to vindicate ur presumed principle of reason for the dialectic u indicate u want to promote.  A.

Pelagian heresy is something far too little understood by far too many people....

Originally Posted by ytkm View Post
The 'good' world triumph over 'bad' Germans is the question.
Is that not the essence of this great hoax? A lifetime of 'bad German' for what?
A bet?

Pelagian Heresy Is Very Difficult, Intricate, Not Only Theologically, But Philosophically Too--Requires Sufficient Expo For MOST People
(Apollonian, 4 May 15)

(a) First of all, ur manner of such cryptic and abbreviated sentences and text format is barely understandable--TO ANYONE under any circumstances.

(b) But further, and most to the pt., the specific details u talk about are not really directly relative to the Pelagian heresy theme.

I do see ur pt., I think (after pondering), about the details being distantly related, but ask urself--WHO ELSE WOULD GRASP THAT?--u would need to provide explicit exposition on Pelagian heresy. The way u're doing it is u're referring to one subject-matter and then mentioning Pelagian heresy without giving any explanation for the relation or what Pelagianism is in the first place--and ONLY those who were specifically up on Pelagianism would even begin to understanding ur note/msg.

So people are left wondering WTF it is u're even talking about. U invoke Pelagianism as if u're making some kind of pt., but this actual pt. of urs isn't clear to anyone, u just asserting it's Pelagianism as if u've proven anything.

Note Pelagianism is heretical and fallacious, BUT ONLY IF ONE ADOPTS strict Christian principle of original sin and determinist sinfulness of humanity--u don't bother making note of this. Most folks don't even begin to grasping this fine theologic distinction which u so breezily mention and then pass-over.

For remember: if u assume the Jew premise of subjectivism, then Pelagianism is more sensible and legitimate--even if it's rejected by strict Christianity, founded upon objectivity and determinist (philosophic) principle--which 99% of people have greatest difficulty grasping. So u're being presumptuous to pt. of LOSING most people for ur reasoning--who will attempt reading ur cryptic, difficult-to-grasp text and then thinking to themselves, "WTF?!!!!"

Sure, St.s Paul and Augustine note the determinist principle and innate sinful human nature, BUT there's possible confusion in St.s Peter and James (Gospels) who mention "works" as the fruition and manifestation of true Christian virtue.

U need to explain everything out in reasonable detail so that average folks can begin to getting a grasp for what u're trying to say--u leave too much stuff out of the necessary expo, I submit.

Don't forget, at bottom, subjectivism and objectivity are both ASSUMPTIONS (which cannot be proven, merely assumed). Subjectivism is only rejected when one reduces-to-absurd (even then Jews STILL assert it, they insisting upon their absolute freedom of will, not caring they hubristically equate themselves w. God). Even objectivity is difficult as it leads to determinism which seriously stumps most folks who were taught "free" will fm child-hood--they don't immediately realize (I sure didn't when I was young) humans don't have PERFECT "free" will--only God does--ours is limited, we being creatures of will, hence self-interest.

And people are taught fm child-hood about being "good" (hence obedient) is the best way. So average people don't necessarily see anything wrong w. (some) subjectivism--and they don't realize how Jews make use of it for their own satanic purposes (even most Jews don't grasp this)--u gotta explain this in some reasonable detail to begin to making sense for folks.

Ur original posting at the top for this thread totally leaves people in the lurch for any specific pt. u're trying to make. I understand Pelagianism, but I didn't understand what specific pt. u were trying to make. In sum, I think ur mistake is in presuming people know anything much about Pelagianism which u leave totally un-explained.

U must rather make more careful, detailed effort--otherwise just leave off w. such Pelagian subject-matter until u're sure u're going to necessary trouble for people's understanding. U gotta look again at what u've written to ck to see it makes sense FOR OTHER FOLKS, not just urself.

-----------------------------below-copied is the posting referred to in above essay by ap-----------------------------

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Default WW2 -Pelagian heresy spectacular

Is there any greater example? ' Romans' vs 'Jews' circa 33AD?

6 mil (sic) jews. 60 million Russians. The German Red Cross in 2005 put the total combined German military and civilian war dead at 7,375,800, including*ethnic Germans*outside of Germany and Austrians.

Numbers don't lie. Goy-icide doesn't count

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Any other better examples of Pelagius' s devastative abilities?