Below-copied by ap first published at comments,
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An Artist Must THINK About Things--Like About
Words, Hence Thoughts He Uses--Right?--Else WHY/How Would His "Art" Be Worth
(Apollonian, 24 Apr 15)
What?--this is just
babbling gibberish u're spouting here (see below-copied), tiger, filled w.
buzz-words and phrases, eh? And who is Philip K. Dick?--just another
babbler?--ah well.... Sorry, but I'm not at all impressed w. Mr.
Forgive me, but I always thought art simplified and clarified
things--whereas here (and again) all u do is shovel-up dandy, trendy phrases and
propaganda, eh? For art properly takes what's conceptual and otherwise complex
and makes it sensible, thus graspable by means of vision, form, and color, etc.,
thus apprehensible for greater number of people, allowing them to re-phrase it
all for words and thought within their own minds. But if I'm wrong, by all means
correct me.
Luciferianism vs. satanism?--WTF?--isn't this mere
distinction without real difference? U're another puzzle rolled in a riddle
wrapped within enigma--like sooooooo many poor souls mystified and fascinated w.
complexity for complexity's sake. What would u really prefer?--real freedom or
"struggling to be free"?--seems like u're caught-up in the "struggling," eh?--u
must enjoy such struggling, even more than actual freedom itself, it would
U sure struggle w. words; no wonder u like to draw and color stuff,
eh?--but does it (ur drawing and coloring) do any actual good?--does it
accomplish anything?--give any clarity?--do u think u'll ever make any money at
it?--is there even the slightest chance?--not that money is the end-all and
be-all, but there's serious question of PURPOSE, isn't there? Are u an artist or
just a doodler?
U say, "The clash between truth and narrative explains
the hollowness at the heart of consumerism, and consumerism has cancerously
overtaken every aspect of society." Wow, that's a mouthful: how does "clash btwn
truth and narrative 'explain' hollowness..."?--what is "consumerism"? Ur
"explanation" seems to need an explanation, eh?
"[D]rowning molasses of
media fugue states"--now that's a phrase and a half, I'd say, ho o ho ho
ho--good one, ho ho ho ho. Maybe u should have been a
I'm disappointed, as usual, in ur last, above
posting--it's just phrases and buzz-words thrown together, meaning nothing of
substance, giving so-called "explanations" which themselves needs explanation,
defining words (or phases) by means of further words or phrases which need
definition, imagining u've accomplished anything. U stop half-way towards the
necessary goal/destination--get it?
U're not really much of an artist,
tiger, just a mere doodler, I'm afraid--fascinated w. ur own doodling, imagining
it's "art," hoh o hoho. U're entertaining for ur wiggling and squirming (in ur
"writing"), but what's it really worth?--doesn't it get old, fairly
If u can't think or speak or write meaningfully, what's the use
pretending to art by means of drawing and coloring?--no wonder u're such great
friends w. the geek of geekritique, ho ho ho ho ho
by ap in response to below-copied by
flyingtigercomics says:
April 24, 2015
at 2:55 am
I prefer luciferianism to satanism as a term because satan
means accuser – he is the celestial DA prosecuting cases for God, whereas
Lucifer is the ape of god, the imitative demiurge making kingship over the
damaged Creation.
For me, I incline to a Philip K. Dick attitude – God’s
miraculous power is to transmute evil into good, and to somehow, due to
omnipotence, put every ball in every pocket with no failure, whereas lucifer is
the god of flaws, deviation, destruction and evil.
Pop Will Eat Itself
lived up to their name, and a lot of their songs are extremely well thought out,
not least Lived In Splendour. It’s a screed against the “E” tab culture and the
damage it causes – “sugar and strichnine”.
I agree with Philip K. Dick –
“the empire never fell”. I also agree with him that in some way the imminent
eschaton – “the end of the world” overlays both the original generation of
christians from the first and early second century and “our own time”. In some
way, our perception of time is an illusion, and as Dick said in 1974 we are
inside a computer program which is malfunctioning and allowing glimpses of
“reality” underlying what we normally consider to be real but which is in fact a
luciferian construct.
Simplistically, it is very much like the people
whose minds are captive of the lapdog media, instinctively believing the
contradictory nonsense of the media narrative rather than reaching for the
truth. The clash between truth and narrative explains the hollowness at the
heart of consumerism, and consumerism has cancerously overtaken every aspect of
The most disturbing thing of all is that too many people welcome
the drowning molasses of media fugue states rather than struggling to be
-------------------above by "tiger" in response to below-copied
by ap---------------------------
What’s Purpose, Meaning Of Art?
23 Apr 15)
Ok tiger, I did as u suggested, went to the site,
read the lyrics–which seem pretty “nihilistic,” right?
people/creatures/entities, whoever, pretend not to care about anything–though
they sure seem obsessed/addicted to indulging their sense gratification, as they
even admit or note in their lyrics. And this nihilist indulgence is all the
rage, isn’t it?–heavily promoted, though they admit they don’t care WHY–rather
reminds me of geek at geekritique, ho ho ho, so utterly empty-headed while
thinking he’s sooooooo hip and “cool.”
So my pt. is it’s (the lyrics and
web-site) just more of the same old narcissistic, nihilistic crap, right?–and
isn’t this narcissism and nihilism just the stupid crap put-out by Jews, this to
COVER their continuing take-over of the culture/society/economy, as they install
the absolute police-state?–all the while systematically EXTERMINATING their
enemies, including, as we’ve seen, the Palestinians, next the mooooooslims, and,
as we see here in Jew S A, whites, Christians, veterans, conservatives, et
Tiger: u seem to want to go so far–repeatedly, continuously pushing
our faces into this “art,” such as it is, but NEVER seriously analyzing it for
its real source and motivation–like Jews and their satanism–u don’t want to “go
there,” eh?–is that real “artistic” competence or cowardice?–and it that really
healthy way to be and to operate?–I’m just wondering what u really think.