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Necessary Concepts Of Basic Culture Must Be Grasped
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 14)
Thanks for ur comments (see below-copied). This matter of basic philosophy is much of what must be clarified for any sort of "movement" towards revival or even survival of white people and Christian culture. Remember, at base it's Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).
Thus Christianity features the objective, Aristotelian reality, necessary basis/criterion for TRUTH, this vs. the Jew (Platonistic) subjectivism, esp. fallacious/delusionary/hereticalist "good-evil" Pharisaism, this "good" actually the worst enemy of precious truth.
(a) Thus I submit women are NOT treated any more un-fairly than anyone else--to pretend they are is patronization, I contend, but go ahead and disagree if u like--it's relatively minor issue compared to the others u and I mention.
(b) "Evil" is much, much more important issue--and I submit u need to get serious and clear for ur thinking--if u don't there will be no hope for u or any who follow u.
Note then objective reality is necessarily and TOTALLY determined according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will, and we're all sinners (self-interested, according to our will, though not perfectly "free") in eyes of the Lord, doomed to fiery flames of heck without God's grace and mercy, this according to definitive and verifiable texts of St.s Paul and Augustine. U need to get this straight, as it's basic philosophy and metaphysics, Christian aesthetics affirming. Note Christian literature, like Homer's Illiad and Odyssey, actually is vehicle for most serious philosophy--it's not just mere "fairy-tale."
Jews are satanic (psychopathic), surely, BUT NOT NOT NOT "evil," which doesn't exist but for dogs, little children, and morons (perhaps the bulk of present mankind) for purpose of intimidating/manipulating them into obedience.
Jews are no more "evil" than the lion that eats the cute, fluffy, little duckling--that's just what lions do. Jews are a disease (psychopaths), literally, like Typhus, leprosy, or plague who are inflicted by God or reality (whichever u prefer) for purposes of exterminating and culling the excess gentiles who've been bred-up by previous generation of successful, but indulgent parents and now pretend to hubris, Pharisaist "good-evil," and subjectivism.
Jews certainly don't agree they're "evil"--how could they?--they're just psychopaths pursuing their murderousTalmudic instructions upon which they've been schooled and trained fm young age. And note there's never in history been established objective criterion for "good-evil"--u REALLY do need to getting a clue, esp. as u assert u're college-educated.
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(c) If u truly mean charging of interest when u say "usury," then I submit u so say and LEAVE-OFF w. the buzz-word, "usury," which does not and could not mean mere charging-of-interest. For charging of interest by itself, aside fm any other condition, couldn't possibly be any too terrible problem in any economy, and u cannot so demonstrate w. any exposition or text which u otherwise would be obligated as college-educated scholar to cite.
Note white culture and civilization prizes FREEDOM, esp. individual freedom very highly, and u identify urself as enemy of whites, white culture, and civilization if u attempt to legally proscribe and forfend charging of interest which is right of individuals. U need to grasp this about freedom and right of contract btwn and among parties--BASIC to Western civilization.
Observe that charging of interest within "usury" system or scheme could only be so disastrous when this charging of interest is combined w. the issuing of fiat-money, which fiat-money, by definition, is actually (legally) COUNTERFEITED receipt-money for the real-commodity money stored in banks, the genuine receipts then issued by the banks, this genuine receipt-money thereupon legitimately traded and circulated in substitution for the real thing, the commodity money itself.
What happens then is the fiat-money is issued at first w. low int. rate, often in form of loans, and as the fiat-money is introduced and augmented w. ever more amounts the inevitable inflation of prices results--u MUST begin to grasp this--for the "money" aggregate increases while the amount of goods and svcs remains relatively stable--this "inflation" is necessary and inevitable--it's happening now, even as we speak in US economy, and it's why the economy suffers and must and will collapse--like in Greece and other countries as we've observed recently.
As evermore fiat-money is continuously introduced, spent, and circulated throughout the economy, the masterminds have a problem, the inexorable inflation, which now they hope to assuage by means of raising the int. rate, but long as evermore money floods the economy, inflation necessarily and steadily continues.
Typically, throughout history, as int. rates are raised, there's obligatory recession, then after awhile the same process resumes--inflation which outstrips production, causing visible inflation. Thus monetary inflation guarantees necessary recessions as int. rates are eventually raised to halt the inevitable inflation of prices.
Finally, the inflation process, even w. all the intermittent int. rate raises and recessions, inevitably gets to the "hyper" stage, as of Weimar Germany in the mid 1920s, and the masterminds have no choice and MUST cease the flooding of fiat-money, cold-turkey -style, simply to save the economy for basic feeding of the people, and to keeping civil order.
Thus u observe a sudden and abrupt "de-flation"--the torrents of fiat-money stops, and now there is nothing available by which to pay-off the wide-spread, massive, and outstanding debts which bankers have induced upon practically the entire population in various ways and modes. For again, note that loaning is the typical and time-tested manner of spending the new issuances of currency into the economy.
Thus u see the problem was NOT so much or primarily the interest rates or charges, though it is a complication, BUT RATHER the torrents of COUNTERFEITED receipt-money which is the root cause and problem. For the interest COULD almost, at least theoretically, have been paid-off but for the deflationary lack of money available but which had to be abruptly halted for the far more disastrous & immediate inflationary effects.
Thus through the centuries, Jews and cohorts have persuaded ignorant humanity that the only problem w. fiat-money/central-banking system was the interest-charging, and NOT the more basic COUNTERFEITING (literally) of otherwise genuine receipt-money.
So I hope u begin to realize necessity of CLARITY of thought upon BASIC concepts, it being essential for simple, accurate definition of terms being used in dialectic. A leader cannot, nor any serious spokesman, afford to leave basic things un-defined, vague, and fuzzy--he will sooner or later be observed as a half-baked phony and deservedly ignored.
--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------