"Believers" Are Demonstrated To Being Often Most Politically Powerful
(Apollonian, 20 Jun 11)
By golly Apocales (see below-copied at
http://www.thebeerbarrel.net/showthread.php?8217-Houdini-Crop-Circles-and-the-Need-to-Believe&p=37769#post37769, also
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303657404576357462969207014.html?mod=WSJ_article_RecentColumns_Mind%26Matter), but yet again, u touch upon a most interesting subject-matter. For to live requires the will-to-live, and the will thus seems to require some interest in life. But surely this "interest" doesn't necessarily mean one needs to make something up from "whole cloth" (or less).
Still, u've surely touched on something deeply psychological, thematic to humanity, esp. for its passionate nature. For some people pursue theories most passionately, searching for proof, even in spite of contrary evidence. For it's well-known law of logic, negatives cannot be proven.
Observe now those supreme psychopaths, the Jews, who rule the world presently, who are absolutely convinced they're "chosen" by God. Yessir, God loves Jews more than other mere goyim--God is sooooooo taken by those precious kikes--just can't resist them, by golly.
Then we get into the realm of organized groups of people who indulge this "believing"--it's true, u see, BECAUSE they "believe." Thus they worship this "belief" of theirs whence they make themselves God--and there are lots and lots of "Christians" who so "worship"--NOT God, really, but rather their "beliefs." It's true because they say it's true.
Thus Jews have brilliantly connected themselves w. these "believers," at least a significant group of them, called "Judeo-Christians" (JCs)--see
Whtt.org and
TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.--these JCs to be found in all denominations, who say, for example, Christ was a Jew (hence follower of the Talmud). And we see this constellation of "believers," Jew and gentile are most powerful, politically.
The REAL Christianity of course is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (as Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--NOT mere "belief"--and that's how and why the real Christianity opposes Jews who make themselves God. Further, the real Christianity opposes those phony Christians, like the JCs, who merely worship their own delusions and "beliefs," these so often the close allies of Jews.
CONCLUSION: Thus one can very well "believe" in something, but whether it's true depends upon sensory evidence, this being called, generally, "science." But for political purposes it must be observed and acknowldedged these "believers" are and can be quite powerful indeed--u gotta watch out for them in sooooo many cases. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
------------------above by Ap in response to below-copied story------------
Houdini, Crop Circles and the Need to Believe
What happens when a hoaxer owns up and nobody believes him? Dan Gardner's new book "Future Babble" explains the many ways in which experts refuse to admit that they were wrong about something. They ignore contrary evidence, point selectively to facts that weigh in their favor or simply shrug off the mistake as a problem of timing. Even cultists redouble their faith when the world does not end as forecast. These biases are also apparent in the astonishing determination of many people to dismiss the claims of confessed hoaxers.
Mr. Gardner tells how, in the aftermath of 9/11, a seemingly spooky Nostradamus prophecy went viral on the Internet: "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb.'' In vain did a Canadian student confess that he had written it a few years before to mock Nostradamus' vagueness.
Something similar happened with a speech supposedly given by Chief Seattle in 1854 upon signing a treaty surrendering his tribe's lands: "How can you buy or sell the sky...man did not weave the web of life—he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.''
In vain do scholars point out that this hymn to ecology was written for television in 1971 by a Texan screenwriter named Ted Perry, who has repeatedly tried to set the record straight. Even Al Gore, in his book "Earth in the Balance," quotes the whole speech, though he nods toward the controversy by suggesting—rather limply—that "the power of his response has survived numerous translations and retellings."
“The confessions of hoaxers are routinely dismissed as further evidence of some original fantastic event. ”
In the early 1920s, Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes and a convinced spiritualist, befriended Harry Houdini, a determined skeptic. Houdini's problem was that in playing ingenious tricks to persuade Conan Doyle that spiritualists were tricksters, he only succeeded in reinforcing Conan Doyle's view that the magician had spiritual powers.
In one incident, Houdini had a cork ball dipped in white ink spell out a message on a slate suspended from wires. The message was the exact phrase that Conan Doyle had written on a scrap of paper a few minutes before, three blocks away. Houdini had swapped the cork ball for a ball with an iron core, swapped the message for a blank sheet of paper (under the pretense of ensuring that it was folded) and communicated its contents subtly to an assistant behind the wall, manipulating a magnet.
Something similar happened in 1991 when Doug Bower and Dave Chorley confessed to having invented crop circles—symmetrical patterns of flattened wheat that began appearing in southwestern Britain in the 1980s—after an evening at a pub. By the time they went public, crop circles had become a huge phenomenon, pored over by enthusiastic believers who called themselves "cerealogists" and attributed the patterns to UFOs, ball lightning, plasma vortices and the like.
Many of these self-styled experts were making a good living on book sales and were not about to let Doug and Dave rain on their parade. So, with one or two creditable exceptions, they insisted that the men's confession was itself a hoax and pointed credulous reporters to evidence that all the crop circles might not be man-made (too many circles, no witnesses, no footprints, etc.)
It was the incidental details that made the story of Messrs. Bower and Chorley believable. Mr. Bower's wife had grown suspicious about the high mileage on the family car, and most early crop circles appeared on Friday nights—pub night. Their technique was "plank-walking": tying a rope to both ends of a plank of wood and using it as a sort of treadle to push down corn as they walked.
The moral of the tale for magicians, practical jokers and screenwriters is that if you perform your trick too well, it may take on a life of its own and escape into the wild.