The "Idols" Against Christian Truth Ideal
(Apollonian, 31 May 11)
Observe then this great and magnificent Christian aestheticalist ideal of TRUTH, truth, truth is what necessarily sets the stage and thus provides for the following great Western cultivation of reason, science, and logic by means of which we treat and make use of truth in general and its particular substance.
So how then is Christianity, as we see today, so undermined and traduced for this precious truth ideal? For we observe Christian practice is subject to such confusion for ideal and principle, esp. in the way of "love" (esp. fm St. Paul), "peace," "good," and particularly nowadays in the name of "faith."
Thus we see the primary "idols" against Christianity are similar to those noted by Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who exposited fallacious notions so commonly harbored within the mind militating against proper and accurate science and scientific procedure. Bacon called these fallacies the "idols of the mind."
Thus Christianity could not be primarily about "love" as the question is obviously begged regarding what it is to be loved--what should be loved?--and why? Similarly for peace, as Christianity is not about peace at any price, this being mere cowardly excuse for submission to lies. But commitment to truth is what produces that inner peace--regardless of political expedience, peace for the individual even in midst of most horrible warfare and strife.
And Christianity is not about "good" as "good" is ultimately meaningless and subjective, dependent upon a criterion which doesn't exist and has never been discovered. "Good" is really just a platitude not different fm what is desired or desirable which is always relative and subjective, once again.
Further, note "good" depends upon a human will which is perfectly "free" to so choose, and human will is not perfectly "free," humans enslaved necessarily to interest. Thus it is said humanity is sinful, always so committed to the object(s) of will and desire.
But psychologically, we observe this "good" is persistent delusion among and within humanity so subject fm infancy to guilt- and inferiority-complex, humans programmed fm the beginning to being obedient, thus "good"--no less than dogs, the "good" dog being simply the dog which is obedient.
And this "good" delusion has always been present among humanity as a deliberately cultivated delusion (Pharisaism and Pelagian heresy), fm the "good" and "Noble Lie" of Plato, "good" pretended to be equal to truth itself, to the presently prevailing and raging Kantian "good" to which reality and truth are subjected.
Finally we come to the idol of "faith" which presently so horribly traduces and affects the real Christianity and ideal of truth. For faith in one sense--the proper one--is unquestionably appropriate, and that is the "faith" of LOYALTY. Given truth, one ought to be so loyal, hence honest.
But here and now we see the horrific error and fallacy of equivocation when the supposed virtue of "faith" is construed not as proper loyalty but rather as BELIEF. And it is with this "believing" we see Christianity was originally corrupted so putridly to its opposite ideal (Pharisaism) of lies, lying, and liars.
For mere believing something doesn't make it true, and "believing" all by itself is not a virtue--not nearly as much as is real understanding and comprehending. And "believing" is certainly not same thing as understanding. For mere "believing," all by itself, is nothing essentially different fm obsession which can be exerted to positively psychopathic extreme.
Thus we see Christian virtue of truth and honesty is positively betrayed by means of equivocation fallacy applied to the word "faith," "faith" then construed to be obsession and "believing," this "believing" regardless of truth and reality, corrupted, contrived "believing" now mere obsession and wishful thinking, psychopathic insistence.
And thus we see how this "believing" feeds the Pharisaic "good-evil" delusion and Pelagian heresy, anything now being true if only one "believes" insistently and hard enough. Anything is true if u only WANT it to be--say the liars and Pharisees who murdered Christ (hence truth). Now one merely needs insist enough, loudly and repeatedly. Thus truth is made to be lies, and lies truth--if only u WANT it to be so enough--if only u "beleeeeeeeeeeeeev."
And this curse of corrupted "faith" and "believing" is now what we see infecting those hereticalists, psychopaths, and murderers who call themselves "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo/ref.), who say Christ was a Jew, and who support the enemy terror-state of Israel.
Observe that upon the false premise of "believing" these JC hereticalists create their own reality and make themselves God, insisting upon lies which they "believe" and insist is truth.
Thus the true Christian adherence to TRUTH observes human weakness in the face of such JC-type insanity and psychopathology. Human will is NOT perfectly "free," always so subject to sin and desire. For truth is what conforms to the God-given and -created reality; reality not created by humans, humans themselves mere creations of God.
CONCLUSION: Thus the true and proper understanding of Christian ideal--TRUTH--is so sublime and fraught w. problems and conundrum. For though humanity possesses will, yet it isn't and couldn't be perfectly "free"--and this paradoxical fact about human will is such horrible truth and frustration for moralists and Pharisees who insist upon guilt-complex by which they contrive to intimidate and terrorize the children of the world which children they seek to make slaves. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian